Conclave July 1276

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The conclave lasted from July 2, 1276 to July 11, 1276, i.e. 9 days, and was made necessary by the death of Pope Innocent V. It was the 2nd conclave of 1276 and elected Pope Hadrian V.


After Pope Innocent V died on June 22, 1276, the conclave met on July 2, 1276 in the Lateran in Rome . It was under the influence of Charles of Anjou , who resided in Rome and wanted a French Pope. At his instigation, the Italian cardinals received only water and bread during the conclave, while the royal kitchen provided the French cardinals in abundance. In spite of this, the cardinals elected Ottobono Fieschi dei Conti di Lavagna as Pope, who immediately went to Viterbo and was never crowned.


During the conclave, the college of cardinals had 14 members, 12 of whom participated in the papal election. The cardinals were created by the popes

  1. Gregory IX. : 1
  2. Innocent IV . : 2
  3. Urban IV . : 7
  4. Gregor X .: 3


Absent cardinals

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