Landsmannschaft Teutonia Würzburg

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In a nutshell…
State : Bavaria
University : Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg
Foundation day: November 23, 1865 in Würzburg
Association: Coburg Convent (CC)
Motto: " Unity makes you strong "
Teutonic lads band
Boy band
Teutonic fuxen band
Circle: Circle of the Landsmannschaft Teutonia Würzburg
Address: Greisingstrasse 17
97074 Würzburg

The Landsmannschaft Teutonia is a student association in the Coburg Convent of the Academic Landsmannschaft und Turnerschaften (CC) . It is obligatory and colored . It brings together students and former students from the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt . The members of the country team are called "Teutonen" or "Teuten".

The active time is four semesters. The Landsmannschaft Teutonia currently has around 170 members.


The boys of the Landsmannschaft Teutonia wear the red, white and yellow boys' band with silver percussion . The fuxes wear a red and yellow fuxen band with silver percussion. Guys like Fuxen wear since 1904 except for a short period after the re-presentation in October 1919, was not available as a yellow towel, a yellow flat cap . Her motto is "Unity makes you strong!"


Coat of arms of the Landsmannschaft Teutonia Würzburg

The Landsmannschaft Teutonia emerged from the "Pharmaceutical-Natural Science Association" in Würzburg, which was founded on November 23, 1865 and was part of the cartel with the associations of the same name from the universities of Munich, Erlangen, Göttingen, Strasbourg and Tübingen. The principle of absolute satisfaction applied , the colors red-white-yellow were worn in the Bierzipfel .

In 1868 Teutonia was converted into the Free Student Association Teutonia. In 1887 the "Free Striking Association Teutonia" was created with colors and its own weapons. In 1892 Teutonia applied for admission to the Coburg Landsmannschafter Convent (LC) and was reciprocated as a Landsmannschaft in 1893. Teutonia took over the presidency of the association for the first time in 1901.

Teutonia had to adjourn from 1902 to 1904. In the winter semester of 1909, Teutonia opened the uncovered connection Saxonia Würzburg as a Landsmannschaft, but was then forced to postpone it from 1912 until the end of the First World War until 1919. In 1920 the old gentlemen's association acquired a stately house at 16 Rottendorfer Strasse, the "Villa Perathoner". In 1921 Teutonia took over the presidency of the association for the second time.

Until its dissolution in 1931, Teutonia retained its prominent position in the Würzburger Waffenring . The Teutenhaus was destroyed on March 16, 1945 by a British bombing raid on Würzburg with an air mine. In 1950, Aktivitas was reopened in bombed-out Würzburg, together with the “Teutonia Franconia” that had emerged from the Alemannia student union at the university in Bamberg. The already resurrected Würzburg fraternities and corps helped Teutonia to regain their old position in the Würzburg armory. The new house was built on the old square and handed over to Aktivitas in 1955 for the 90th foundation festival.

In 1960, on the occasion of the 95th foundation festival in memory of the federal brothers who fell in the two world wars, a memorial stone based on a design by Teuton Kupfahl was unveiled in the garden of the house. Six members died in World War I and 29 in World War II. In 1965 the 100th foundation festival was celebrated together with the suspended country team "Franconia Leipzig", which was in a working group with Teutonia. In 1973 Aktivitas - in a difficult situation for the umbrella organization Coburg Convent - voluntarily took over the presidency of the association. In 1970 Teutonia called the "Würzburger Kreis" into being, which was able to assert itself in the Coburg Convent together with other censorship-affirming associations with a clear commitment to compulsory censorship. In 2005 the 140th, 2015 the 150th foundation festival was celebrated.

Teutonia is a member of the Würzburger Waffenring and currently has around 150 old men in Germany, Europe and North America.

Known members

  • Emanuel August Merck (1865–1923), chemist, studied pharmacy in Würzburg and Strasbourg. Under his leadership, the number of employees at Merck rose from around 250 to 4,000
  • Willy Missmahl (1885–1964), surgeon and clinic director
  • Jürgen Petersohn (1935–2017), historian, professor of medieval history
  • Ulrich Wetzel (* 1956), lawyer, judge and actor in the court show "Das Strafgericht"


  • Rolf-Joachim Baum et al. (Ed.): Student Union and Corporations at the University of Würzburg 1582–1982. , Würzburg 1982, pp. 264-265.
  • Max Lindemann: Handbook of the German Landsmannschaft. 10th edition, Berlin 1925, pp. 250-251.
  • Karl Oetter: 115 years of Teutonia Würzburg. Wuerzburg 1980
  • Kurt Haase: 125 years of the country team in the CC Teutonia in Würzburg. Würzburg 1990, ISBN 3-88754-020-4

Individual evidence

  1. Meyers Konversationslexikon . 5th edition, Leipzig 1896, supplement to the article student associations .
  2. ^ EH Eberhard: Handbook of the student liaison system. Leipzig, 1924/25, p. 115.

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