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Langenorla municipality
Coordinates: 50 ° 44 ′ 34 ″  N , 11 ° 37 ′ 40 ″  E
Height : 239  (220-400)  m
Incorporation : July 1, 1950
Postal code : 07381
Area code : 03647
Neo-Romanesque village church
Neo-Romanesque village church

Langendembach is a part of the municipality of Langenorla , which is a member of the administrative community Oppurg in the Saale-Orla district in Thuringia .


Langendembach lies in the elongated valley of the Floßbach, which flows into the Orla at Kleindembach . The agriculturally used areas are mostly meadows and pastures that directly surround the place. Sometimes closer sometimes further away from the village, the forest rises. The floors are the result of weathering of red sandstone. Langendembach's northern land border is also the border with the Saale-Holzland district . The altitude of the district varies from 220 to 400 m above sea level. A local road connects the citizens of Kleindembach to the 1108 state road to Pößneck and Orlamünde . In Langenorla, guests and residents of the village can take the Orlabahn (Pößneck-Orlamünde).


The first documentary mention of Langendembach is on November 11, 1299. The place is still characterized by forest management. In agriculture, ruminant livestock has priority. Added to this is the recreational function of the natural area and the environmental friendliness of the area.



Web links

Commons : Langendembach  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Kahl : First mention of Thuringian towns and villages. A manual. 5th, improved and considerably enlarged edition. Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2010, ISBN 978-3-86777-202-0 , p. 157.