Lelio Biscia

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Lelio Biscia

Lelio Biscia (born June 15, 1575 in Rome , † November 19, 1638 there ) was an Italian cardinal.


He was born on June 15, 1575, the second of five children of Avvocato Concistoriale Bernardino Biscia and his wife Vittoria Scapucci. His family was taken in the 16th century in the Roman nobility and in the following century, she received the title Markgraf ( Marchese ).

He studied law, followed in his father's footsteps and became consistorial lawyer on July 5, 1595. He later became a trainee lawyer at the Apostolic Signature . On February 28, 1600 he acquired the spiritual office of the Apostolic Chamber . Biscia was governor of Civitavecchia from 1605 to 1606 and again from 1609 to 1610. On July 9, 1614 he was appointed prefect of Annona and later dean of the Apostolic Chamber.

Pope Urban VIII. Appointed him on 19 January 1626 at the consistory for Cardinal . On February 9th of the same year he received the Cardinal Diaconia from Santi Vito e Modesto . On December 19, 1633 he decided to join the Cardinal Diaconia of Santa Maria in Cosmedin . On February 9, 1637, he finally became a cardinal priest and was given the titular church of Santa Maria del Popolo .

He was an art patron and an important book collector.

He died on November 19, 1638 of an erysipelago . He was buried in the church of San Francesco a Ripa .

Web links

Commons : Lelio Biscia  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Bonviso Bonvisi Cardinal Deacon of Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia
February 9, 1626 - December 19, 1633
Benedetto Ubaldi
Pietro Maria Borghese Cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin
December 19, 1633 - February 9, 1637
Alessandro Cesarini
Guido Bentivoglio Cardinal Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo
February 9, 1637 - November 19, 1638
Lelio Falconieri