Apostolic signature

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Basic data
Surname: Apostolic Signature
(lat. Signatura Apostolica )
Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature
Supreme Court of the Curia
Court of Cassation of the Rota
Jurisdiction Supreme Court Administrative Authority
Seat: Palazzo della Cancelleria
Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
00186 Roma
Prefect : Dominique Cardinal Mamberti
(since November 8, 2014)
Secretary : Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca
(from September 1, 2016)

The Apostolic Signature ( Latin Signatura Apostolica ), officially the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature (Latin Supremum Tribunal Signaturae Apostolicae ), was created in 1608 as the highest court of the Roman Curia , starting in the 15th and 16th centuries . Dominique Cardinal Mamberti is currently Prefect of this Court . The Apostolic Signature has its seat in Rome in the Palazzo della Cancelleria . Its basics are given in can. 1445 CIC , regulated in Art. 121–125 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus (PB) and in its Lex Propria (LP).

Organization and responsibility

The Court is divided into three sections:

  • Section I: Court of Cassation - ordinary jurisdiction (Art. 33 LP, Art. 122 PB , can. 1445 § 1 CIC )
    • Cancellation complaints ( querela nullitatis )
    • Requests for restitution to the previous state ( petitio restitutionis in integrum )
    • Complaints in civil status matters against the rejection of a new treatment of the matter ( novum causae examen )
    • Appeals of partiality ( exceptio suspicionis ) and other proceedings against judges of the Roman Rota
    • Competence disputes between courts that are not subject to the same court of appeal ( conflictus competentiae inter tribunalia )
  • Section II: Council of State or Administrative Court - administrative jurisdiction (Art. 34 LP, Art. 123 PB, can. 1445 § 2 CIC)
    • Complaints against administrative acts of dicasteries of the Roman Curia ( recursus adversus actus administrativos )
    • Reparation for damage ( reparatio damnorum )
    • Disputes over jurisdiction between dicasteries ( conflictus competentiae inter Dicasteria )
  • Section III: Ministry of Justice - administrative matters (Art. 35 LP, Art. 124 PB, can. 1445 § 3 CIC)
    • Supervision of the orderly administration in the judicial area ( rectae administrationi iustitiae invigilare )
    • Proceedings against judicial employees, lawyers or procurators
    • Transfer ( commissio ) of a matter to the Roman Rota, dispensation from procedural law or other grace with regard to the administration of justice
    • Extension of the jurisdiction of lower courts
    • Establishment of special appeals courts or interdiocesan courts
    • Annulment of marriages in summary proceedings
    • Execution decrees to achieve civil effects ( effectus civiles )

The apostolic signature judges by colleges of five judges, unless the prefect submits the decision to the plenary assembly or orders that a committee of three judges rule on a complaint concerning the rejection of the complaint (Art. 21, Art. 1 § 3 LP).

The prefect makes his decisions regularly in the congress, which also consists of the secretary, the church attorney and the defender of the bond as well as their deputies in the presence of the chancellor (Art. 22, Art. 5 § 2 LP).

Her decisions are not published by herself, but the Apostolic Signature informs about her activities annually in the Attività della Santa Sede . Like all Curia authorities, the Apostolic Signature is subordinate to the Pope .


In addition to the prefect, the apostolic signature currently consists of eleven cardinals, three archbishops and five bishops, who are each appointed by the Pope for five years. Members of the Apostolic Signature are currently:




Other employees of the Apostolic Signature are the secretary (since 2016 Giuseppe Sciacca ), the church attorney (since September 2019 Sebastiano Paciolla OCist ) and the defender of the bond (since September 2019 Nikolaus Schöch OFM ) as well as their deputies, the head of the chancellery and the other court staff .


Dominique Mamberti , incumbent Prefect of the Apostolic Signature

Filing and statistics

The protocol number (the file number ) consists of a number that has been assigned continuously since 1968, the year of acquisition and a subject area identifier. Example: Prot N. 51354/16 CA. .

There are the following subject area codes; in brackets the number of new additions in 2015 (1547 in total):

  • CA: Contentiosus Administrativus (41)
  • CC: Conflictus Competentiae (0)
  • CG: Contentiosus Iudicialis, Italian "Contenzioso Giudiziario" (9)
  • CP: Commissiones Pontificiae (258)
  • EC: Effectus Civiles (777 from Italy, 21 from Portugal)
  • ES: Examen Sententiarum (7)
  • SAT: Status et Activitas Tribunalium (256)
  • VAR: Variae (128)
  • VT: Vigilantia Tribunalium (50)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. History of the Signatura (vatican.va, Italian)
  2. ^ Pastor bonus (1988)
  3. Lex propria Supremi Tribunalis Signaturae Apostolicae (2008); Nikolaus Schöch: Presentation of the Lex propria, the new procedural rules of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature , DPM 15/16 (2008/09) 531–553
  4. cann. 1619 ff. CIC , cann. 1302 ff. CCEO
  5. cann. 1645 ff. CIC , cann. 1326 ff. CCEO
  6. cf. Art. 5 § 2 Dignitas connubii
  7. ^ Gerhard Neudecker: Ius sequitur vitam - The service of the ecclesiastical courts to the vitality of the law (2013), p. 257
  8. Attività della Santa Sede : ZDB -ID 219442-9 ; Google Books
  9. Annuario Pontificio per l'anno 2009 , Città del Vaticano 2009, p. 1240.
  10. Nomina di membri del Supremo Tibunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of September 2, 2000.
  11. ^ A b Nomina di membri del Supremo Tibunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of April 15, 2004.
  12. ^ Nomina di membri del Supremo Tibunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of July 8, 2006.
  13. ^ Nomina di membri del Supremo Tibunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of September 15, 2007.
  14. a b c d e Nomina di Membri del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Press Office of the Holy See: Daily Bulletin of January 25, 2010.
  15. a b c d e Nomina di Membri del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, September 30, 2017, accessed September 30, 2017 (Italian).
  16. ^ Nomina di Membri dei Dicasteri della Curia Romana. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, December 23, 2017, accessed December 23, 2017 (Italian).
  17. ^ The curriculum vitae of Heinrich Mussinghoff on the homepage of the Diocese of Aachen ( Memento from August 12, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  18. ^ Nomina di membro del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica , in: Holy See Press Office: Daily Bulletin of December 1, 2012.
  19. ^ Nomine presso il Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , September 25, 2019, accessed September 25, 2019 (Italian).
  20. Conspectus decisionum : Sigla quae habentur in taboo Lario apud Signaturam Apostolicam
  21. Attività della Santa Sede 2015 , p. 784