Bonviso Bonvisi

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Bonviso Bonvisi (born July 7, 1551 in Lucca , † September 1, 1603 in Bari ) was an Italian archbishop and cardinal.


Bonvisi was born in Lucca as the son of Benedeto Bonvisi, a member of an old noble Luccesian family. He graduated from law school in Lucca and then went to Rome, where he Chierico di Camera was

Bonviso Bonvisi was among other things consultant at the Apostolic Signature and Governor of Civitavecchia , January 11, 1588, again on January 9, 1591 and July 9, 1595. Around 1591 he became an auditor at the Apostolic Chamber. On October 2, 1596 he became Governor of Viterbo , later Deputy Legate in the Province of the Patrimony and Commissioner General of the Papal Army in Hungary .

On March 3, 1599 he was appointed cardinal deacon in the consistory . His ordination and appointment as deacon of Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia took place on March 17, 1599. His appointment as cardinal priest of the titular church of San Biagio dell'Anello took place on July 5, 1599.

Bonvisi was elected Archbishop of Bari on March 18, 1602 . The consecration took place on April 21, 1602 in the Sistine Chapel in Rome by Pope Clement VIII in the presence of the Cardinals Camillo Borghese and Alfonso Visconti . Cardinal Robert Bellarmin , SJ, Archbishop of Capua , was consecrated in the same ceremony.

He died on September 1, 1603 in Bari at the age of 52. His body was transferred to Lucca and buried in the grave of his ancestors in the Basilica of San Frediano .

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predecessor Office successor
vacant Cardinal Deacon of Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia
March 17, 1599 - July 5, 1599.
Fernando Niño de Guevara Cardinal Priest of San Biagio dell'Anello
July 5, 1599 - September 1, 1603
Girolamo Pamphilj
Giulio Cesare Riccardi Archbishop of Bari
March 18, 1602 - September 1, 1603
Galeazzo Sanvitale