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Basic data
Residents (state) 105 pop. (2012 census)
height 3987  m
Post Code 04-0104-0800-2001
Telephone code (+591)
Coordinates 17 ° 38 ′  S , 66 ° 57 ′  W Coordinates: 17 ° 38 ′  S , 66 ° 57 ′  W
Lequepalca (Bolivia)
Department Oruro
province Province of Cercado
Oruro climate diagram
Oruro climate diagram

Lequepalca is a town in the Oruro department in the highlands of the South American Andean state of Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

Lequepalca is the central place of the canton Lequepalca in the district ( Bolivian : Municipio ) Paria in the province of Cercado . The village is located at an altitude of 3987  m on a creek flowing to the southwest, which seeps into the plain of the Río Caracollo between Caracollo and Oruro .


Lequepalca is located on the eastern edge of the Bolivian Altiplano in front of the Serranía de Sicasica ridge . The climate is characterized by a typical daytime climate , in which the temperature fluctuations between day and night are greater than between the seasons.

The annual average temperature of the region is around 10 ° C (see climate diagram Oruro), with the monthly average values ​​fluctuating between 6 ° C in June / July and 14 ° C in November. The annual precipitation is a low 400 mm, with a pronounced dry season from April to November with monthly values ​​below 20 mm, and a short humidity period from December to February with about 80 mm per month.

Transport network

Lequepalca is 73 km by road northeast of Oruro , the capital of the department.

From Oruro, the paved road Ruta 1 leads 41 kilometers north to Caracollo and from there to the neighboring cities of La Paz and El Alto . In Caracollo the Ruta 4 branches off to the east and after 32 kilometers via Querarani reaches the village of Lequepalca . The road then crosses the almost deserted Serranía de Sicasica on its way to Cochabamba , 187 kilometers away , from where it continues to Santa Cruz in the Bolivian lowlands and to the Brazilian border.

In Querarani, a country road branches off in a southerly direction to the central town of Soracachi, eleven kilometers away .


The population of the village has decreased by about a third in the past two decades:

year Residents source
1992 158 census
2001 97 census
2012 105 census

Due to the historically grown population distribution, the region has a significant proportion of Quechua population, in the municipality of Paria 93.1 percent of the population speak the Quechua language.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 1992
  2. ^ INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2001
  3. INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Bolivia 2012 ( Memento of the original from July 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / censosbolivia.ine.gob.bo
  4. INE social data Oruro 2001 (PDF; 6.2 MB)

Web links