Leyland Line

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The Leyland Line was a British shipping company with headquarters in Liverpool and operated a liner service to the Mediterranean ports, later the transatlantic route became the main business area. The shipping company was at times one of the most important shipping companies in the world.


Frederick Leyland was a long-time partner in the firm of John Bibby, Sons & Co. , which was based in Liverpool. In 1873 the Bibby family withdrew from the shipping business and Leyland set up his own shipping company. 21 former Bibby ships formed the basic equipment of the new Leyland fleet. The new company was officially called F. Leyland & Co. Ltd. , but the name Leyland Line soon became established . The Bibby Line also took over the tradition that all ship names ended in "... ian" or "... ean", and the ocher-colored chimney with a black cap.

The shipping company initially operated a liner service to the Mediterranean , then the transatlantic service was opened in 1875. The route ran from Liverpool to Boston ( Massachusetts ), Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania ) and Portland ( Maine ), New York was only called intermittently. The ships used by the shipping company were mainly cargo ships, a few of which had passenger facilities and then "only" for the transport of emigrants. The liner services developed well and the shipping company became the largest transatlantic freighter line.

In 1892 John Ellermann, Christopher Furness and Henry O'Hagen took over the Leyland Line fleet from the late ship owner Frederick Leyland. Ellermann became managing director of the company and also took over the chairmanship of Frederick Leyland and Company in 1893. In 1896 Leyland set up a passenger service in cooperation with Furness, Withy & Co. from Liverpool to New York and Canadian ports, in 1896 the Wilson Line was added and the joint service was called Wilson, Furness & Leyland Line . The cooperation was limited exclusively to this service. In 1899 Leyland took over the shipping company West India & Pacific Steamship Co. Ltd. and so opened a liner service to the West Indies ( Caribbean ).

In 1902 the Leyland Line was bought up by the US banker JP Morgan and in 1904 it was added to his IMMC shipping trust. Leyland was given responsibility for the European part of the International Navigation Company , but had to stop the Mediterranean service. Twenty Leyland ships not used in the emigration business were not included in the sale. John Ellermann acquired the London Papayanni Company of the Greek-born ship owner Papayanni, from which the Ellerman Lines shipping company emerged a short time later . However, nothing changed at the top position in the transatlantic business. In 1915, the IMMC had to file for bankruptcy, so the Leyland Line for the first time looked into an uncertain future. The First World War , which has meanwhile broken out, also meant numerous ship losses for the shipping company.

After the war, the Leyland Line was spun off from the IMMC Trust and formed its own group of companies with the Red Star Line and Dominion Line , closely following the White Star Line . The shipping company launched an extensive new build program, but it was no longer possible to build on the old successes. The Great Depression of 1929 meant a catastrophic collapse for the shipping company and in 1935 the Leyland Line collapsed financially. The Red Star Line was sold and the Leyland shipping company itself was bought up by the Blue Star Line ( Vestey Bros. ). The shipping company only carried out administrative tasks, even if some Blue Star ships were registered for Leyland . The actual company had ceased to exist in 1935.

Passenger ships

year Surname tonnage shipyard Status / fate
1895 Victorian 8,825 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1903: Russian / 1916 torpedoed and sunk near Malta
1895 Armenian 8,825 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast Torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel in 1915
1896 Cestrian 8,825 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast Torpedoed and sunk in the Aegean Sea in 1917
1898 Londonian 8,823 GRT Alexander Stephen and Sons , Glasgow Sunk in the North Atlantic in 1898
1899 Winifredian 10405 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1929 out of service
1900 Devonian (I) 10,435 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast Torpedoed and sunk near Ireland in 1917
1900 ( 1899 ) Atlantian (I) 9355 GRT Armstrong-Whitworth , Elswick 1899: West India & Pacific / 1900 torpedoed at LL / 1918 at Eagle Island
1900 Canadian 9301 GRT Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Ltd. , Hebburn Torpedoed and sunk near Fastnet (English Channel) in 1917
1900 Bohemian (II) 5544 GRT Alexander Stephen and Sons, Glasgow Sunk near Sambro (Nova Scotia) in 1920
1900 ( 1895 ) American 8262 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1895: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1904 to White Star Line , Cufic
1900 ( 1895 ) European 8262 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1895: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1904 to White Star Line , Tropic
1902 Hanoverian 13518 GRT Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. Ltd., Hebburn 1923: Devonian (II) / 1929 out of service
1903 Scotian 18084 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1903: launched / sold to Hapag in 1907 , President Lincoln
1903 Servian 18072 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1903: launched / sold to Hapag in 1907 , President Grant

Cargo ships

year Surname tonnage shipyard Status / fate
1873 ( 1869 ) Bavarian 3113 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1869: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1892
1873 ( 1870 ) Bohemian (I) 3113 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1870: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1891 sunk near Ireland
1873 ( 1870 ) Bulgarian 3113 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1870: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1892
1873 ( 1867 ) Iberian (I) 2931 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1867: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1885 sunk near Ireland
1873 ( 1867 ) Illyrian 2931 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1867: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1884 sunk at Cape Clear
1873 ( 1867 ) Istrian 2931 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1867: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1894
1873 ( 1861 ) Egyptian 2137 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1861: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1902 out of service
1873 ( 1863 ) Persian 2137 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1863: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1902 out of service
1873 ( 1866 ) Arabian 2137 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1866: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1902 out of service
1873 ( 1855 ) Belgian 1989 GRT k. A. 1855: Elder, Dempster & Co. / 1873 to LL /?
1873 ( 1859 ) Venetian (I) 1562 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1859: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1880
1873 ( 1859 ) Scilian 1492 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1859: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1880
1873 ( 1859 ) Crimean 1492 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1859: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1873
1873 ( 1860 ) Albanian (I) 1417 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1860: Bibby Line / 1873 to LL / 1877 sunk after collision
1873 ( 1856 ) Danube 1386 GRT J. & G. Thomson Ltd., Glasgow 1856: Bibby Line / 1873 sold to LL / 1874
1873 ( 1854 ) Athenian (I) 1094 GRT k. A. 1854: Elder, Dempster & Co. / 1873 sold to LL / 1874
1874 Lesbian 1561 GRT k. A. 1901 out of service
1874 Ligurian 1561 GRT k. A. Sold in 1894
1874 Cyprian 1433 GRT k. A. Sunk in a storm in 1874
1874 Cyrenian 1433 GRT k. A. Sold in 1887
1875 Assyrian (I) 1619 GRT k. A. Sunk near Greece in 1878
1875 Athenian (II) 1619 GRT k. A. Sold in 1902
1876 Algerian 1774 GRT k. A. Sold in 1902
1877 Anatolian 1774 GRT k. A. Sunk on the River Mersey in 1880
1877 Alsatian 1774 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1901
1878 Andalusian 1774 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1902
1880 Flaminian 2252 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1902
1880 Flavian 2252 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1902
1880 Falenian 2252 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1920
1881 Favonian 2252 GRT k. A. Sunk in 1900
1881 Fabian 2252 GRT k. A. Sold to Ellerman Lines in 1902
1881 Virginian 4081 GRT k. A. Sold in 1896
1882 Venetian (II) 4081 GRT k. A. Sunk near Boston in 1895
1888 Bostonian (I) 4668 GRT k. A. 1913 out of service
1890 Georgian 5088 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Crete in 1917
1890 Columbian (I) 5088 GRT k. A. Burned out near Sable Island in 1914
1891 Lancastrian 5120 GRT k. A. Sold in 1921
1891 Philadelphian (I) 5120 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel in 1918
1896 Anglian 5626 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel in 1917
1896 Cambrian 5626 GRT k. A. 1917 torpedoed and sunk at Start Point ( Canal )
1897 Almerian 2984 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk off Scilly Island in 1918
1898 Albanian 2984 GRT k. A. Sold in 1921
1898 Assyrian (II) 2984 GRT k. A. Sold in 1908
1900 ( 1898 ) Asian 5613 GRT k. A. 1898: ex Columbian , West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1924 sunk
1900 ( 1898 ) Antillian 5613 GRT k. A. 1898: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1930 out of service
1900 Iberian (II) 5223 GRT k. A. 1915 torpedoed and sunk near Fastnet ( English Channel )
1900 Caledonian 4896 GRT k. A. 1930 out of service
1900 ( 1889 ) Tampican 4833 GRT Harland & Wolff Ltd., Belfast 1889: ex Runic , White Star Line / 1900 sold to LL / 1912
1900 ( 1893 ) Jamaican 4501 GRT k. A. 1893: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1914 out of service
1900 ( 1893 ) Barbadian 4501 GRT k. A. 1893: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1913
1900 ( 1891 ) Cuban 4201 GRT k. A. 1892: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1913
1900 ( 1892 ) Mexican 4201 GRT k. A. 1892: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1913
1900 Belgian (II) 3657 GRT k. A. Torpedoed in 1917 and demolished
1900 ( 1891 ) Louisianian 3642 GRT k. A. 1891: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1913
1900 ( 1891 ) Nicaraguan 3642 GRT k. A. 1891: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1907 sunk
1890 ( 1888 ) Darien 3299 GRT k. A. 1888: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1907 sunk
1900 ( 1883 ) Texan 3257 GRT k. A. 1883: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1909 out of service
1900 ( 1883 ) Floridan (I) 3257 GRT k. A. 1883: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1908 out of service
1900 ( 1895 ) Costa Rican 3179 GRT k. A. 1895: West India & Pacific / 1900 to LL / 1905 out of service
1900 ( 1881 ) West Indian 2810 GRT k. A. 1881: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1900
1900 ( 1882 ) Yucatan 2810 GRT k. A. 1882: West India & Pacific / 1900 sold to LL / 1900
1901 Colonian (I) 6564 GRT k. A. Sunk off Scilly Island in 1917
1901 Kingstonian 6564 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Sardinia in 1918
1901 Alexandrian 4467 GRT k. A. 1927 out of service
1902 ( 1898 ) Oxonian 6306 GRT k. A. 1898: ex Pinmore , Johnston Line / 1902 to LL / 1928 out of service
1902 Californian 6223 GRT Caledon SB & Eng. Co. Ltd., Dundee Torpedoed at Cape Matapan in 1915 / see also Titanic disaster 1912
1908 Median 6306 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1908 Mercian 6306 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1908 Memphian 6306 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Ireland in 1917
1909 Meltonian 6306 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1912 Nessian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1912 Nitonian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1912 Nubian 6410 GRT k. A. Sold to Donaldson Line in 1934
1912 Ninian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1912 Nevisian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1912 Nestorian 6410 GRT k. A. Sunk off Cape Clear Island in 1917
1913 Norwegian (I) 6410 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Ireland in 1917
1913 Nortonian 6410 GRT k. A. Sold to Donaldson Line in 1934
1914 Novian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1914 Naperian 6410 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1913 Floridan (II) 4777 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Fastnet ( English Channel ) in 1917
1913 Scythian 4865 GRT k. A. 1930 out of service
1914 Sylvanian 4865 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk near Ireland in 1917
1914 Orubian 3942 GRT k. A. Torpedoed and sunk off Eagle Island in 1917
1914 Oranian 3942 GRT k. A. Sold in 1934
1915 Huronian 8755 GRT k. A. 1932 out of service
1915 ( 1914 ) Cameronian 5861 GRT k. A. 1914: ex Cameroon , Hapag / 1915 to LL / 1917 torpedoed and sunk
1916 ( 1898 ) Parisian 7548 GRT k. A. 1898: ex Bethania , Hapag / 1916 sold to LL / 1918
1916 ( 1906 ) Leysian 4703 GRT k. A. 1906: ex Serak , DSG Kosmos / 1916 to LL / 1917 sunk
1920 Philadelphian (II) 6586 GRT k. A. Out of service in 1933
1921 Norwegian (II) 6357 GRT k. A. Sold to Donaldson Line in 1934
1921 Dakarian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1922 Dakotian 6434 GRT k. A. Sold to Donaldson Line in 1934
1922 Davisian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1922 Daytonian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1922 Darian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1923 Dorelian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1923 Delilian 6434 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935
1922 ( 1892 ) Colonian (II) 6583 GRT k. A. 1892: ex Bovic , White Star Line / 1922 to LL / 1928 out of service
1927 ( 1918 ) Bostonian (II) 8950 GRT k. A. 1918: ex Rimouski , Dominion Line / 1927 to LL / 1932 out of service
1928 Atlantian 6549 GRT k. A. Launched in 1933 / sold in 1935

Web links

Commons : Leyland Line  - collection of images, videos and audio files