Lidija Palladijewna Sergievskaya

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Lidija Palladijewna Sergijewskaja ( Russian Лидия Палладиевна Сергиевская * February 22 . Jul / 6. March  1897 greg. In the village Schirogorje, Ujesd Vologda , † 21st September 1970 in Tomsk ) was a Russian botanist and university lecturer . Your botanical author abbreviation is "Serg.".


Krylov and Sergievskaya's grave monument in Tomsk University Grove

The priest's daughter Sergievskaya attended the Tomsk Episcopal School and then studied in the natural science department of the physical and mathematical faculty of the Siberian Higher Women's Courses in Tomsk, graduating in 1920.

In 1921 Sergievskaya became junior custodian of the Herbarium of Tomsk University (TGU). She became senior custodian in 1931, a candidate in biological sciences in 1938 , lecturer at the Department of Plant Systematics at TGU in 1942 , doctorate in biological sciences in 1954 and professor at TGU in 1956 .

As a student of Porfiri Nikititsch Krylow, Sergijewskaja worked from 1918 on the collection of materials for Krylow's six-volume work on the flora of Western Siberia . She examined Siberian plants, such as the high delphinium . They determined many new plant species . During the German-Soviet War she concentrated the work of the herbarium on the procurement of pharmaceutical raw materials and was sent three times to Transbaikalia with special orders . Your portrait hangs in the gallery of honorary professors of the TGU.

Sergievskaya was buried next to Krylov in the university grove that Krylov had laid out in front of the main building of the TGU.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Enziklopedija Sabaikalja: ЕРГИЕВСКАЯ Лидия Палладиевна (accessed June 21, 2019).
  2. a b c d e f g Государственный архив Томской области: СЕРГИЕВСКАЯ Л.П. (accessed June 21, 2019).
  3. Разделитель Сергиевская Лидия Палладиевна (1897-1970) Д-р биол. наук, карточка 16 из 46 (accessed June 20, 2019).
  4. Портретная галерея (accessed June 20, 2019).