Liechtenstein-Austrian relations

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Liechtenstein-Austrian relations
Location of Austria and Liechtenstein
AustriaAustria LiechtensteinLiechtenstein
Austria Liechtenstein
The building of the Liechtenstein Embassy in Vienna

Due to the historical, geographical, political, cultural, social and economic proximity of Liechtenstein to Austria , the relations between the two countries were very close. For three centuries, an Austrian noble family , the House of Liechtenstein , has been the regent of the principality , which is named after this family. After the House of Liechtenstein bought the counties of Schellenberg and Vaduz in 1719, the area of ​​today's Liechtenstein was administered from Feldkirch, Austria . The bailiff of the House of Liechtenstein resided in the Liechtenstein Palace in Feldkirch, as there were only a few farming villages in the counties.

The first consular mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein was set up in 1919, shortly after the First World War . In 1923 Switzerland took over the diplomatic representation of the principality. Liechtenstein has been represented again with its own embassy in Vienna since 1998 . The Austrian Embassy in Bern is also responsible for Liechtenstein. There is an honorary consulate of the Republic of Austria in Vaduz . From 1852 there was a customs union between Austria and Liechtenstein. This customs and tax treaty with Austria was terminated by Liechtenstein in 1919. Liechtenstein turned away from Austria and reoriented itself economically towards Switzerland. Liechtenstein and Switzerland have been linked in an economic and customs union since January 1, 1924 . The Swiss franc replaced the Austrian crowns .

Nevertheless, the economic ties between the two countries are very close. Around 8,000 people commute from Austria to Liechtenstein to work every day, as it is very difficult to get a residence permit in Liechtenstein. In contrast to Switzerland, Liechtenstein, like Austria, is a member of the European Economic Area . In December 1992 the population of Liechtenstein agreed to join. The EEA Agreement only entered into force on May 1, 1995 after the treaties with Switzerland were changed. The Liechtenstein economy thus gained access to a common market of the 31 EEA member states with over 500 million people and especially to the Austrian market. Liechtenstein companies employ around 1,600 people in Austria. Since December 19, 2011, Liechtenstein has been a signatory to the Schengen Agreement , which aims to abolish stationary border controls at the internal borders of the participating states. Liechtenstein does not have its own customs administration. This task is taken over by the Swiss Border Guard , which continues to carry out customs controls at the four border crossings between Austria and Liechtenstein.

Some special features still come from the customs union with Austria. The ÖBB operates the only railway connection in Liechtenstein, the line between Feldkirch and Buchs . Liechtenstein prisoners are sentenced to prison terms in Austrian prisons. The Liechtenstein National Police only has one prison for remand prisoners .

Web links

Commons : Liechtenstein-Austrian relations  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Liechtenstein Embassy in Vienna
  2. ^ The Austrian Honorary Consulate in the Principality of Liechtenstein
  3. agrees to join the European Economic Area (EEA) in December 1992, while Switzerland refuses membership.
  4. Liechtenstein realigns its penal system. In: Liechtenstein Fatherland . December 13, 2017. Retrieved December 15, 2017 .