Lilium pinifolium

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Lilium pinifolium
Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Lily family (Liliaceae)
Subfamily : Lilioideae
Genre : Lilies ( Lilium )
Type : Lilium pinifolium
Scientific name
Lilium pinifolium

Lilium pinifolium ( Chinese  松叶百合 , Pinyin song yè Bai He ) is a plant from the genus of lilies ( Lilium ) in the section Sinomartagon .


Lilium pinifolium reaches a height of between 10 and 80 cm. The small, egg-shaped to round onion reaches a diameter between 3 and 3.5 cm and is 3 to 3.5 cm high. The white, fleshy scales are 2.5 to 3.5 cm long and between 2 and 2.5 cm wide. The subterranean part of the stem axis extends 2 to 3 cm deep. The roots are mostly adventitious roots from the onion.

The leaves grow loosely distributed over the stem. They are narrowly linear or needle-shaped and very flat. Abaxial, that is, away from the axis, the leaves become slightly rough, the leaf margin has very small papillae . The leaf veins run along the underside of the leaf. The leaves are 3 to 4 cm long and only 1 to 2 mm, rarely up to 3 mm, wide.

Two flowers always form in May and June , they sit on 2.5 to 3 cm long flower stalks and hang down. The flower is green at the base, then white, covered with red spots along its entire length. The petal envelope consists of two by three identical bloom cladding sheets, i.e. six tepals . The outer bracts remain somewhat narrower, they are between 4 and 5 mm wide, than the inner ones, which are between 6 and 8 mm wide, both are about 4 cm long. The shape of the outer bracts is linear, the inner very narrow oval.

The nectar glands are dark green to blackish and not papillary. The stamen is greenish white and about 2.4 cm long, the anthers are light brown and between 4 and 5 mm long. The ovary is green and about 5 mm long. A capsule fruit forms after flowering .


Lilium pinifolium is endemic at only one point on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain ( Chinese  玉龍 雪山  /  玉龙 雪山 , Pinyin Yùlóngxuě Shān ), near the first bend of the Yangtze River not far from Lijiang in the northwest of the Yunnan Province in the People's Republic of China . It grows there at altitudes of 3300 to 3400 meters above sea level.


Lilium pinifolium was first described by Long Jin Peng in 1985 ; the holotypical specimens described are archived in the botanical garden in Kunming . In 1994 Sung Yun Liang introduced it as a subspecies to Lilium sempervivoideum ; however, the editors of the Flora of China did not follow his view.

The epithet pinifolium of the species comes from the Latin pinium (= the spruce ) and is based on the needle-like leaves of the species.


  • Acta Botanica Yunnanica , Volume 7, 1985, p. 317.
  • Flora of China , Volume 24, p. 141. online

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