Lilium rubellum

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Lilium rubellum
Lilium rubellum

Lilium rubellum

Order : Lily-like (Liliales)
Family : Lily family (Liliaceae)
Subfamily : Lilioideae
Genre : Lilies ( Lilium )
Type : Lilium rubellum
Scientific name
Lilium rubellum

Lilium rubellum ( Japanese :乙 女 百合 , otomeyuri , literally: virgin lily , or姫 小百合 /姫 早 百合 , himesayuri , literally: little princess lily ) is a species from the genus of lilies ( Lilium ) in the oriental section .


Lilium rubellum reaches a height of 30 cm to 60 cm and is therefore a very small species for lilies. The stem is hard and straight. The bulbs are small and ellipsoidal.

The leaves are narrow and lanceolate and distributed around the stem.

The plant blooms in June with up to six horizontal flowers. The hermaphrodite flowers are threefold. The six identical bloom cladding sheets ( tepals ) are bent outwards and 6 to 8 cm long. The basic color of the flowers is a pure, delicate pink without dots. Each flower contains three carpels and six stamens . The anthers and filaments are clear yellow, the pollen are also yellow. The flowers smell heavy and very sweet and reach a total diameter of 5–6 cm. The seeds ripen in seed pods , which tear open laterally in August. The seeds of Lilium rubellum germinate with a delay - hypogeic , after a warm / cold / warm cycle (autumn / winter / spring), in which each period should last about two months, with a slightly longer cold period.

Lilium rubellum is very similar to Lilium japonicum , but both species can be easily distinguished by the color of the stamens.


The species is very rare, it is only endemic to the island of Honshu in Japan . There it is found in four prefectures: in the southern part of Miyagi Prefecture , Niigata Prefecture , Fukushima Prefecture and Yamagata Prefecture . In practice, however, Lilium rubellum can only be found at the intersection of the Iide Mountains and the Agatsuma Mountains around a peak called Sumon .

Lilium rubellum needs a moist and acidic soil, it grows preferentially on high mountain meadows at altitudes between 700 and 1800 m above sea level. The natural habitats of this lily species have a long, cold winter with a high snow cover.

Endangerment and Status

Lilium rubellum is threatened with extinction and is under special protection in Japan, precisely because the plant is important in Japanese culture, great efforts are being made to save this species. It is listed as critically endangered in the lead data book of the Japanese Ministry of the Environment and also classified as Endangered by the IUCN .


Lilium rubellum is rare, it has been used for various cultivations, but rare in European gardens. It is very much appreciated in Japan. It appears in the coats of arms of at least six Japanese cities and is even considered a symbol for these places.

The plant is very popular in Japan and the birth flower of May 24th and June 23rd , it stands for a "pure heart" and "true beauty".

The onion of the lily is edible when cooked. It is very starchy and has the taste of potatoes , but it is meaningless as an edible plant.

Web links

Commons : Lilium rubellum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files