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location Vienna , Austria
River system Schwechat
Drain over Knotzenbach  → Left Liesingtal collecting canal  → Liesingbach  → Schwechat  → Danube  → Black Sea
source in wall
48 ° 9 ′ 16 ″  N , 16 ° 14 ′ 56 ″  E
muzzle in underground wall in Knotzenbach coordinates: 48 ° 8 '55 "  N , 16 ° 16' 41"  O 48 ° 8 '55 "  N , 16 ° 16' 41"  O

length 950 m (above ground)
Catchment area 30 ha
Left tributaries Asenbauergraben

The Lindgrabenbach is a brook in the 23rd district of Liesing in Vienna . He is a tributary of the Knotzenbachs and partly as a stream channel out.


The above-ground course of the Lindgrabenbach is 950 m long with a height difference of 71 m. Its catchment area is 0.3 km².

The stream rises on the Kadoltsberg in the Maurer Forest . Then it runs along Lindgrabengasse through residential areas. Shortly before Rielgasse, the Lindgrabenbach flows into a brook canal. It flows through the center of Mauer , takes up the Asenbauergraben on the left and flows underground into the Knotzenbach at the intersection of Endresstrasse and Maurer Lange Gasse.

There is no risk of flooding at the Lindgrabenbach. In the event of a flood of the century , neither the infrastructure nor the resident population are affected.


The Lindgrabenbach, which runs through the center of Mauer, was largely regulated as early as the 18th century. From the 19th century, more and more sections were led underground.


A narrow strip of a maple - ash - alluvial forest grows on the open upper reaches of the brook .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c brooks by district. Economy, Labor and Statistics (Municipal Department 23), Municipal Authority of the City of Vienna, accessed on January 3, 2020 .
  2. a b Johanna Scheiblhofer, Wolfgang Schranz: Diverse nature in Liesing. (PDF) Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Management GmbH, October 2019, pp. 88 and 103 , accessed on January 3, 2020 .
  3. ^ Hans Stadler: The drainage systems of the city of Vienna . Municipal Department 30, Municipal Authority of the City of Vienna, Vienna 1960, p. 57 ( [PDF; accessed on January 3, 2020]).
  4. MA 45, review of the discharge capacity of various torrents in connection with flood protection. Activity report 2014. (PDF) City Audit Office Vienna, April 2014, p. 8 , accessed on January 3, 2020 .
  5. Julia Tanzer: Historical morphological changes in the southern Vienna Danube feeder 1755-2010 . Master thesis. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna 2016, p. 39 and 46 ( [PDF; accessed on January 3, 2020]).