Linus Bopp

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Linus Bopp (born January 1, 1887 in Limbach ; † March 14, 1971 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German theologian and curative educator .

Live and act

Linus Bopp studied theology and philosophy at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg until 1908 . A year later he was ordained a priest and worked as a chaplain in Tauberbischofsheim . From 1911 to 1916 he was Prefect at the Archbishop's Gymnasialkonvikt in Freiburg / Brsg., Then a religion teacher at various high schools. In 1916 he received his doctorate. of theology. The topic of his dissertation is: The prophecy in the apologetic evidence according to St. Augustine . Eight years later was Linus Bopp, who in 1921 dealt with Weltanschauung and religion. A professor for pedagogy and pastoral theology at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg had completed a fundamental and a historical study . He also gave lectures at the Caritas Institute, which he was appointed head of in 1949. In 1955 he was elected President of the Marian Congregation of Priests.

In addition to his diverse theological writings (see works), Linus Bopp also made a name for himself as a curative educator. His work General curative education in a systematic foundation and with a practical educational approach (1930) developed into a standard work in curative education , which he defined as "healing education " (or "healing education"):

"Healing and helping is something 'genuinely Christian' ... Even the name 'Savior' suggests healing education"

He was primarily concerned with an education for the realization of values, whereby the value orientation is based on the Christian faith.

During the years of National Socialism, he wrote religiously veiled about the law for the prevention of genetically ill offspring :

“Even if natural well-bornness is not the highest thing for us, even if supernatural well-bornness is immensely higher for us, then it is certain that a lot of pastoral effort has to be devoted to those who go through life afflicted with hereditary defects ... So better prevention than cure. It is also easier. That is why we will promote everything that is in accordance with God's will, which is done to protect blood and race, to avoid genetic damage. So our ideal is natural eugenesis, which can serve as a good basis for the supernatural, for the childship of God "

Regarding Linus Bopp's position during the Nazi era , the theologian Philipp Müller states:

“At no point did he totally identify with National Socialism, which understood its ideology as foreign prophecy or euphorically celebrated the 'new era'. (...) The fact that Bopp unsuspectingly used motifs that were of central importance in the ideology of National Socialism until 1937 is a clear indication that he was unable to meet his own claim between the 'spirit of the times' and to differentiate adequately with the 'zeitgeist' "

Pope Pius XII appointed Linus Bopp in 1947 as papal house prelate and Archbishop Wendelin Rauch appointed him in 1951 as honorary cathedral chapter at the Metropolitan Church of Freiburg im Breisgau.


  • In addition to his professional activity, Linus Bopp was also active as a writer. His journalistic legacy counts well over 600 writings (compare: )
  • General curative education based on systematic principles and with a practical educational approach, Freiburg 1930
  • In liturgical security. Little book on church consecration of time and space, Freiburg / Brsg. 1934

Literature (selection)

  • Manfred Berger : Linus Bopp - His life and work. In: . 2001, H. 4, pp. 18-21.
  • Manfred Berger:  Bopp, Linus. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 20, Bautz, Nordhausen 2002, ISBN 3-88309-091-3 , Sp. 237-244.
  • Jörg Lichtenberg: Insights and perspectives into the life and complete works of the Freiburg pastoral theologian Linus Bopp (1887–1971). Echter, Würzburg 1997.
  • Philipp Müller : Serving life. Linus Bopp's (1887–1971) understanding of pastoral care in the context of today's pastoral care concepts. Echter, Würzburg 1997.
  • Philipp Müller: The reception of psychology by the Freiburg pastoral theologian Linus Bopp (1887–1971). A contribution to the history of pastoral psychology. In: Paths to People . Vol. 52 (2000), pp. 95-103.
  • Philipp Müller: "Winning guidance to Christ". Impulses for pastoral care today from the spiritual theology of the pastoral theologian Linus Bopp (1887–1971). In: Spirit and Life . Vol. 73 (2000), pp. 351-360.
  • Philipp Müller: Linus Bopp (1887–1971) - a pioneer of today's self-image of pastoral theology. In: Pastoral Theological Information. Vol. 30 (2010), H. 2, pp. 147-171.
  • Philipp Müller: The attitude of the Freiburg pastoral theologian Linus Bopp (1887–1971) in and to National Socialism. In: Freiburg Diocesan Archive. Vol. 127 (2007), pp. 135-155 ( online ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bopp 1930, p. I
  2. Bopp 1934, p. 77 f.
  3. Müller 1997, p. 326