List of abbreviations used by ancient authors and work titles / O

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Abbrev. Author author Edition
  Abbr. Plant Work title German title
Obd Obadja  
Obseq. Iulius Obsequens  
    Liber de prodigiis  
Oct. pr. Octavia praetexta  
Od. Homer's Odyssey  
Od. Oden (Odae)  
OdSal Odae Solomonis  
Rev. Revelating of the Johannes  
OGI Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae Wilhelm Dittenberger , Leipzig 1903–1905
Oh Talmudic tract Ohalot  
Occle. Unclean  
Olympus. Olympiodorus the Younger  
  prol. Prolegomena  
  vit. Plat. vita Platonis  
Onas. (Onos.) Onasander  
Opp. Oppian  
  hal. Halieutica
Ἁλιευτικά  ( Halieutiká )
About fishing
  ix. Ixeutics About bird trapping
  kyn. Cynegetica
Κυνηγετικά  ( Kynēgetiká )
About the hunt
Optatus Milev. Optatus Milevitanus  
    De schismate Donatistarum adversus Parmeniarum About the Donatist schism
OrMan Prayer of Manasseh (Oratio Manassae)  
or. Sib. (Orac. Sib.) Sybillin oracle (Oracula Sibyllina) Johannes Geffken (Greek Christian writer 8; Leipzig 1902)
orat. imp. ... Speeches of the emperor ... (orationes imperatorum ...)  
Oreib. Oreibasios  
  coll. med. collatio medicinae  
Orig. Origen  
  adnot. adnotationes  
  c. Cels.
( Kels. )
contra Celsum
Κατὰ Κέλσου  ( Katà Kélsou )
  comm. commentarii  
  de or. de oratione
Περὶ εὐχῆς  ( Perì euchês )
  exh. Mart. exhortation ad martyrdom  
  hex. Hexapla
Ἑξαπλᾶ (Βιβλία)  ( Hexaplâ (Biblía) )
  hom. (or.) homilia (orationes)
Λόγοι  ( Logoi )
  philok. Philokalia  
( arch. )
de principiis
Περὶ ἀρχῶν  ( Perì archôn )
  sel. selecta  
Orl Talmud tract Orla  
Oros. Orosius  
  apol. liber apologeticus adversus Pelagianos  
  comm. commonitorium de errore Priscillianistarum  
  hist. historae adversus paganos  
Orph. Orpheus  
  Arg. Argonautics  
  frg. ... Abel fragmentum ... Abel  
  frg. … K. fragmentum ... core  
  H. hymn  
  Lith. Lithica  
Ov. ovid  
  at the. amores love poems
  ars ars amatoria Love art
  epist. (her.) epistulae (heroides) Letters from the heroines
  cons. Liv. consolatio ad Liviam  
  nearly. fasti Festivals
  hal. Halieutica  
  Ib. Ibis Ibis
  medic. medicamina faciei femineae  
  met. metamorphoses Transformations
  Pont. epistulae ex Ponto Letters from the Black Sea
  rem. remedia amoris Cures for love
  sad. tristia Lamentations
Ovid. P. Ovidius Naso see Ov.  
OzM Ozar Midrashim Judah D. Eisenstein (ed.): Ozar Midrashim. A Library of Two Hundred Minor Midrashim 2 vols. New York 1928
Legend for the colors of the author entries
author Author abbreviation
SW Compilation Collection or compilation (both modern and ancient)
ON Anonymous Writing by a single, unknown author
BS Biblical script Scripture of the OT or NT (also Apocrypha)
RS Rabbinical script Mishnah, Talmud and other Hebrew, non-biblical writing
X Others Abbreviation of lexicon, series, etc .; general abbreviation

Individual evidence

  1. Eugen Abel (Ed.): Orphica. 8 volumes. Schenkl's Bibliotheca, Prague and Leipzig 1885.
  2. Otto Kern (Ed.): Orphicorum Fragmenta. Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1922. Reprint: 4th edition Weidmann, Hildesheim 2005, ISBN 3-615-13900-0