List of Codices Palatini germanici 500–599

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This list of Codices Palatini germanici gives an overview of the manuscripts 500–599 of the total of 848 Codices Palatini germanici ( Cod. Pal. Germ .; Cpg ), with a compilation of the most important external data.

The Codices Palatini germanici are the German-language manuscripts of the Bibliotheca Palatina , almost all of which have been kept in the Heidelberg University Library since 1816 after a checkered history ; In 1888 the last missing part was added, the Codex Manesse ( Cod. Pal. Germ. 848 ).

List of manuscripts Cod. Pal. germ. 500-599

The language of all manuscripts is German, unless expressly stated otherwise. The same applies to manuscripts with Latin titles for German translations. All codices are usually manuscripts; if they are early printed works or incunabula , this is indicated.

The leftmost column links Wikipedia articles on the individual manuscripts; the column on the far right links the home pages of the respective digital copies of the Heidelberg University Library.

Cpg no. Content Place and time of origin material Number of sheets measures in cm Heidelberg University Library
Cpg 500 Countess Juliana von Nassau-Dillenburg (?): Medical recipe collection Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), Around 1575 paper 86 sheets 19.9 x 16.1 Digitized
Cpg 501 Nicolás Monardes : Tratado de la piedra bezaar, y dela yerua escuerçonera (German);
Nicolás Monardes: Primera y segunda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal ... (German, excerpts)
Zweibrücken (?) / Heidelberg, 1580/1581 paper 80 sheets 19.7 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 502 Fireworks book from 1420; Ross drug Southwest Germany, around 1470 paper 110 sheets 20.7 x 14.3 Digitized
Cpg 503 Astrological composite manuscript southern Bavaria, around 1485 paper 193 sheets 20.7 x 15.1 Digitized
Cpg 504 Michael Toxites : De duobus cervis elegia (German and French) Heidelberg (?), Around 1545/1550 paper 43 sheets 21.6 x 16.9 Digitized
Cpg 505 Medical prescription collection Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1580 (?) paper 40 sheets 21.8 x 15.1 Digitized
Cpg 506 Medical prescription collection Worms (?), 2nd half of the 16th century paper 46 sheets 21.1 x 16.2 Digitized
Cpg 507 Lukas Mai : A beautiful and new comedy Heidelberg (?), Around 1561 paper 84 sheets 19.6 x 15.1 Digitized
Cpg 508 Nicolaus Rensberger: Geometria Coburg, 1565 paper 27 sheets 19.6-19.8 x 15.8 Digitized
Cpg 509 Medical prescription collection Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), Around 1570 paper 54 sheets 20.1 x 15.9 Digitized
Cpg 510 Medical and cosmetic recipe collection Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), Around 1570 paper 102 sheets 20 x 15.6 Digitized
Cpg 511 Astrological composite manuscript Bavaria (Passau?), Around 1490 paper 96 sheets 19.9 × 14 Digitized
Cpg 512 Wolfgang Geuß: Nativity for Count Palatine Friedrich IV. Nuremberg, 1574 paper 30 sheets 19.5 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 513 Medical-cosmetic prescription handwriting Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), Around 1570 paper 52 sheets 20.1 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 514 Medical prescription collection Dresden (?), Around 1580 paper 94 sheets 19.6 x 15.3 Digitized
Cpg 515 Andreas Gentzsch: Medical recipe collection Dresden, 1581 paper 45 sheets 18.6 x 14.8 Digitized
Cpg 516 ( Heinrich Alting ?): Catechetical religious instruction and Institutio practica for Count Palatine Friedrich V. (French / German) Heidelberg (?), After 1612 paper 500 sheets 19.5 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 517 ( Heinrich Alting ?): Catechetical religious instruction and Institutio practica for Count Palatine Friedrich V. Heidelberg, 1606-1608 paper 263 sheets 20.7 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 518 Anti-reformatory apologetic treatise Augsburg, after 1517 paper 106 sheets 21 × 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 519 Prayer book Heidelberg, between 1581 and 1590 paper 71 sheets 20.5-20.9 x 15.9-16.4 Digitized
Cpg 520 Children's catechism for Prince Elector Friedrich IV , first part Heidelberg, after 1586 paper 50 sheets 19.5 x 15.8 Digitized
Cpg 521 Theological text against false preachers and prophets Bavaria, around 1560 paper 613 sheets 22 × 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 522 Thomas Naogeorgus : In Primam D. Ioannis Epistolam Annotationes (German) Stuttgart (?), 1554 paper 150 sheets 20.5 x 14.5 Digitized
Cpg 523 Ross Medicines Amberg (?), 1570 paper 37 sheets 22.4 x 15.7 Digitized
Cpg 524 Gynecological prescription collections (medical) Dresden (?), Around 1550 paper 181 sheets 18 × 14.9 Digitized
Cpg 525 (1.) Saxon World Chronicle with 1. and 4. Bavarian continuation; Hans Rosenplüt : From the Hussenflucht ; Balthasar Mandelreiß: Turkish cry ;
(2.) Philip the brother : Marienleben
(1.) Neuburg / D. (?) / Ingolstadt (?), 1445–1454;
(2.) Bavaria, 1423
paper 327 sheets 20.7 x 13.9 Digitized
Cpg 526 Collection of medical prescriptions and tracts Vienna (?) / Passau (?), 1487 (?) To 1493 paper 263 sheets 20.3 x 14.9 Digitized
Cpg 527 Recipe collection (medical) Heidelberg (?) / Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1590 paper 174 sheets 19.5 x 15.2 Digitized
Cpg 528 Medical prescription collection Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1580 (?) paper 30 sheets 21.7 x 14.9 Digitized
Cpg 529 Simon Maurer: recipe collection (medical); Philipp Zeitz: recipe collection (medical) Swabia (Ebingen?), Around 1590 paper 180 sheets 20.2 x 15.4 Digitized
Cpg 530 Medical prescription collection Augsburg (?), Around 1565 paper 67 sheets 22.2 x 16.3 Digitized
Cpg 531 Johann Naeve: Recipe collection (medical and cooking recipes) Dresden (?), Around 1570/1575 paper 20 sheets 20 x 15.6 Digitized
Cpg 532 Modestin subject: trial book; Regula allegationis; Arithmetic book for mint master Hesse (?) / Thuringia (?), A little before 1565 paper 117 sheets 21 × 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 533 Register for a medical manuscript Amberg, 1572 paper 50 sheets 15.6 x 20.2 Digitized
Cpg 534 Register for two medical manuscripts Amberg, after 1566 / around 1573 paper 190 sheets 20.4 x 15.3 Digitized
Cpg 535 (1.) Martin Mirus : Sermon;
(2.) prayers;
(3.) Prayers, partly from the soul garden ( Hortulus animæ , German)
(1.) Saxony, end of the 16th century;
(2.) Heidelberg (?), End of the 16th century
(3.) Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), End of the 16th century
paper 58 sheets 21-21.5 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 536 Johann Nagl: Catechism Kaiserslautern, around 1580 paper 206 sheets 20 x 14.5 Digitized
Cpg 537 Collection of mystical sermons and prayers Swabia (Augsburg?), Around 1440 paper 196 sheets 20.7 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 538 (1.) Thomas Peuntner : little confessional book;
(2.) Marquard von Lindau : Eucharist tract
(1.) Swabia (Augsburg?), Around 1480;
(2.) Swabia, 1463
paper 106 sheets 20.8 x 14.5 Digitized
Cpg 539 Phisionomia ; Macer ; Franconian Pharmacopoeia ; Bartholomäus (Pharmacopoeia) East Franconia (?) / Rhine Franconia (?) / Hesse (?), Around 1425 paper 56 sheets 20.4 x 14.3 Digitized
540 cpg Iordanus Rufus: Hippiatria (German); Ross Medicines Heidelberg (?), Around 1400 Parchment
and paper
65 sheets 18.3 x 13.7 Digitized
Cpg 541 Nuremberg medical questions; Heinrich Ruofelman: medical recipe collection High Rhine region (?), Around 1560 paper 76 sheets 20 x 14.8 Digitized
Cpg 542 Medical prescription collection Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1580 (?) paper 44 sheets 21.6 x 14.9 Digitized
Cpg 543 Heinrich Knaust : Concordiae laus (Against Neidhart) Upper Palatinate (?), 1588 paper 44 sheets 20 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 544 Alchemical recipe collection Amberg (?), Around 1570/1575 paper 155 sheets 22 × 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 545 Medical prescription collection and tracts Nuremberg (?), 1474 paper 205 sheets 21.1 x 14.9 Digitized
Cpg 546 Endres Fuchs von Bimbach: Recipe collection Upper Palatinate (Amberg?), 1567 paper 101 sheets 21.3 x 16.3 Digitized
Cpg 547 Countess von Manderscheid: recipe collection County of Manderscheid (?), Around 1575 paper 93 sheets 21.5 x 16.2 Digitized
Cpg 548 Medical prescription collection Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), 1572 paper 67 sheets 20.8 x 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 549 Medical prescription collection Lake Constance area, around 1440 paper 108 sheets 21.5 x 14.5 Digitized
550 cpg Johann Henckel von Butzbach: Alchemy Eberstadt, 1564 paper 201 sheets 21.3 x 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 551 (1.) Instructions for braid weaving;
(2.) Medical prescription collection;
(3.) Cookbooks
Bavarian-Central German border area:
(1.) 1471–1475;
(2.) around 1475;
(3.) 1450-1455
paper 241 21 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 552 Lot book ; Geomancy ; Life planets; Discarded days Grünsfeld, 1492 paper 58 sheets 23 x 16.8 Digitized
Cpg 553 Medical prescription collection; Countess von Manderscheid: recipe collection Augsburg (?) / Amberg (?), Around 1585/1590 paper 153 sheets 20.8 x 15.8 Digitized
Cpg 554 Countess Juliana von Nassau-Dillenburg : Medical recipe collection Heidelberg (?) / Amberg (?), Around 1560/1570 paper 50 sheets 24 x 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 555 Cookbook Swabia, 1565 paper 222 sheets 21.5 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 556 Medical prescription collections; Nuremberg questioning piece for surgeons Kaiserslautern (?) / Amberg (?), 1563 paper 107 sheets 21 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 557 Iatromathematisches Hausbuch u. a. northern Lake Constance area (?), 1468 paper 97 sheets 19.5 x 14.2 Digitized
Cpg 558 Medical composite manuscript Northern Bavaria (Upper Palatinate?), Around 1470 - around 1485 paper 225 sheets 22.1 x 15.9 Digitized
Cpg 559 Dorothea Susanne von Sachsen-Weimar : Medical recipe collection (excerpt) Amberg (?), Around 1575 paper 180 sheets 24 x 15.9 Digitized
Cpg 560 Hedwig von Hessen-Marburg : Medical recipe collection Marburg (?), Around 1580 paper 114 sheets 20 x 14.5 Digitized
Cpg 561 (1.) Christoph von Württemberg : Medical recipe collection;
(2.) Wilhelm von Nassau : Medical recipe collection
Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg,
(1st) around 1578, (2nd) 1579
paper 220 sheets 20.5 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 562 Hans Schermer: About Basteibau; Fireworks book from 1420; Collection of medical, magic, joke and home recipes Northern Bavaria, around 1490 paper 60 sheets 22.4-23 x 15.3-16.5 Digitized
Cpg 563 Reformation composite manuscript Upper Rhine area / Swabia / Heidelberg (?), Between 1525 and 1560 paper 116 sheets 20.4-22.3 x 14.6-16.5 Digitized
Cpg 564 Children's catechism for Prince Elector Friedrich IV , second part Heidelberg, 1585 paper 160 sheets 21.7 × 16 Digitized
cpg 565
Between 1816 (Cpg 565 mentioned in the list of books that were returned to Heidelberg from the Vaticana) and 1873 (the absence of Cpg 565 was noted by the then chief librarian of the Heidelberg University Library), a different signature was assigned to this codex, it has been subject to it ever since Cod. Pal. germ. 663 .
Cpg 566 Michael Breitschwert: Sermons ("Fourth Bread Basket", incomplete) Heidelberg (?), Between 1562 and 1565 paper 406 sheets 21-22 x 16-16.7 Digitized
Cpg 567 Book of edification Augsburg (?), 1439 paper 283 sheets 21 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 568 Michael Breitschwert: Interpretation of the Psalms (Ps 22-38, "Fifth Bread Basket") Heidelberg (?), Around 1565 paper 247 sheets 21.5 × 17 Digitized
Cpg 569 Questions about ubiquity and about the Lord's Supper Electoral Palatinate (?), 4th quarter of the 16th century paper 26 sheets 21.2 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 570 Heinrich Seuse : Book of eternal wisdom with The 100 reflections ; Horologium sapientiae II, 7 (German adaptation: Brotherhood of Eternal Wisdom ; excerpt) Swabia (Augsburg?), 1497 paper 111 sheets 22-22.4 x 15.5-16 Digitized
Cpg 571 Lessonary ; Jörg Mülich: Pilgrimage to Jerusalem a . a. Augsburg (?), 1422 to after 1449 paper 223 sheets 21.5 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 572 Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew North Bohemia, 2nd quarter of the 16th century paper 486 sheets 21-21.5 x 16-17 Digitized
Cpg 573 Hieronymus Spartanus: Dicta and excerpts from Martin Luther u. a. Basel (?) / Southwest Germany (?), Around 1550 paper 134 sheets 19 × 14 Digitized
Cpg 574 Ortolf von Baierland : Pharmacopoeia ; Corpus of monastic medicine Northern Lake Constance area, around 1507 paper 120 sheets 22.3 x 15.4 Digitized
Cpg 575 Medical-astronomical-astrological composite manuscript Northern Lake Constance area (Constance?), 1459 paper 119 sheets 22 x 15.7 Digitized
Cpg 576 Commercial account book Austria (Carinthia / Styria), 1540–1544 paper 150 sheets 21.5 × 15 Digitized
Cpg 577 Master Alexander's monthly rules ; Phlebotomy and plague tract; Esdras' prophecies ; calendar Diocese of Freising (?), 2nd half of the 15th century paper 23 sheets 21.2 x 15.1 Digitized
Cpg 578 Johannes Eichhorn von Gelnhausen: Two sermons (conversations) Bellheim (?), 1579 paper 69 sheets 22.2 x 16.2 Digitized
Cpg 579 Medical Manuscript Register Heidelberg (?), 1527 paper 38 sheets 22.1 x 15.7 Digitized
Cpg 580 Cookbook Rheinhessen, around 1570/80 paper 36 sheets 21 × 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 581 Tasting book Tyrol (?), Around 1530 paper 76 sheets 22.5 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 582 Collection of medical prescriptions (gynecology, obstetrics, childhood diseases) Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1583 paper 52 sheets 21.5 × 17 Digitized
Cpg 583 Nikolaus Frauenlob von Hirschberg : Herb book; medical prescription collections; Cookbook; Order of health ; theological texts Mattighofen, 1482-1486 paper 163 sheets 21 × 14 Digitized
Cpg 584 Geomancy ( Hugo Sanctallensis and others, German); Prognostic texts; Calendar (German) Eastern Franconia, after 1456 paper 205 sheets 26.5 x 20.9 Digitized
Cpg 585 Fireworks book from 1420 (incomplete at the end?) Swabia, around 1440 paper 40 sheets 21.8 × 18 Digitized
Cpg 586 Recipe collection (medical and cooking recipes); Cookbook Central Germany, 3rd quarter of the 16th century paper 46 sheets 20.3 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 587 Elisabeth von Pfalz-Lautern : prayer book Dresden (?), Around 1565 paper 58 sheets 20.1 x 15.8 Digitized
Cpg 588 Salomon Codomann: Sermons (handwriting and print) Amberg, 1596 paper 48 sheets
(on print)
19.9 x 15.7 Digitized
Cpg 589 List of books from the estate of Hans Sick Augsburg, 1572 paper 34 sheets 21.5 × 16 Digitized
Cpg 590 Walther Hermann Ryff : Distilling book ; Hans von Gersdorff : Wundarznei ; Medical prescriptions Hall / S. (?), 2nd quarter of the 16th century paper 143 sheets 21.3 x 16.5 Digitized
Cpg 591 Simon Sulzer : Confession of the Lord's Supper a. a. Heidelberg (?), Between 1578 and 1582 paper 50 sheets 20.3 x 15.6 Digitized
Cpg 592 Order of health Constance (?), 1472 paper 91 sheets 22 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 593 Graf von Schlick: Medical recipe collection Kaiserslautern (?) / Heidelberg (?), 1576 paper 64 sheets 21.6 x 16.2 Digitized
Cpg 594 Cookbook Augsburg (?), 1574 paper 226 sheets 18.5 x 14.5 Digitized
Cpg 595 Conversation between father and son about alchemy Braunschweig (?), Around 1575 paper 278 sheets 21.4 x 16.3 Digitized
Cpg 596 Richard von Pfalz-Simmern : Medical recipe collection Waldsassen (?), Amberg (?), A little after 1565 paper 186 sheets 19.6 x 15.4 Digitized
Cpg 597 Cisioianus ; Collection of alchemical and medical recipes and tracts Eastern Bavaria, 1426 paper 96 sheets 22.5 x 15.5 Digitized
Cpg 598 Collection of alchemical texts Heidelberg, 1574 paper 180 sheets 20 x 15.7 Digitized
Cpg 599 Recipe collections (medical and cooking recipes) Heidelberg (?) / Kaiserslautern (?), Around 1579 paper 102 sheets 21.5 × 16 Digitized


  • The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. Germ. 496–670) , edited by Pamela Kalning, Matthias Miller and Karin Zimmermann with the collaboration of Lennart Güntzel, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2014 (catalogs of the Heidelberg University Library, vol. 9 ), ISBN 978-3-447-10146-2 ( digitized version ).

Web links


  1. The basis of the data status for the individual entries are the academic descriptions of the codices in the catalogs of the Heidelberg University Library; these can be accessed via the respective digital copies that are linked in the right column.
  2. cf. Heidelberg University Library: The Bibliotheca Palatina - Fate of a world-famous library ; accessed December 21, 2019.
  3. s. the corresponding note on the description page in the catalog of the Heidelberg University Library; s. more precisely: Karin Zimmermann, entry on Cod. Pal. germ. 663 (olim: Cod. Pal. germ. 565) , in: Pamela Kalning, Matthias Miller and Karin Zimmermann (edit.): The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. germ. 496 - 670) , Wiesbaden 2014, p. 474 ( online ; accessed December 30, 2019).