List of honorary doctorates from the University of Augsburg

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The list of honorary doctors of the University of Augsburg lists all those from the University of Augsburg , the doctorate honoris causa have been awarded.

Honorary doctors

  • Ruggero J. Aldisert , Adjunct Professor of the University of Pittsburgh, Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (1984)
  • David B. Audretsch , Director of the Max Planck Institute for Economics, Jena, Director of the Institute of Development Strategies at Indiana University, Bloomington (2008)
  • Michel Balinski , CNRS and École Polytechnique, Paris (2004)
  • Karl Böck , Ministerial Director a. D. (1989)
  • Ronald A. Brand , Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh (2011)
  • Bruno Bushart , honorary professor for art history at the University of Munich, director a. D. of the municipal art collections Augsburg (1983)
  • Walter Busse from Colbe , ord. Professor of Theoretical Business Administration at the Ruhr University Bochum (1994)
  • Carlo Azeglio Ciampi , President of the Republic of Italy a. D. and Senator for life (2008)
  • Lothar Collatz , em. ord. Professor of Mathematics at the Institute for Applied Mathematics at the University of Hamburg (1985)
  • Klaus Dransfeld , em. Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Konstanz (1996)
  • Erhard Eppler , former Federal Minister D. (2002)
  • Theodor Eschenburg , em. ord. Professor for Scientific Politics at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität zu Tübingen (1985)
  • Wolfgang Fleischer , em. ord. Professor at the University of Leipzig (1990)
  • Joachim Gauck , eleventh Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany and former Federal Commissioner for the records of the State Security Service of the former GDR (2005)
  • Burkart Grob , entrepreneur in Mindelheim (1988)
  • John G. Halstead , Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa; Ambassador a. D. (1994)
  • John Hattie , Professor of Education, Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne (Australia) (2016)
  • Friedrich Hirzebruch , Full Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bonn and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn (2007)
  • Karl-Heinz Hoffmann , Full Professor for Applied Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich (2001)
  • Ludwig Huber , Bavarian State Minister for Education and Culture a. D., Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayerische Landesbank (1973)
  • Walter Jens , em. ord. Professor of Rhetoric at the University of Tübingen (1992)
  • Helmuth Kittel , em. ord. Professor at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster (1983)
  • René König , em. ord. Professor at the University of Cologne (1981)
  • Peter Lerche , em. Full Professor of Public Law at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (2001)
  • Jean-Marie Lustiger , Archbishop of Paris (1989)
  • Hans Maier , Bavarian State Minister for Education and Culture a. D., ord. Professor for Christian Weltanschauung, Theory of Religion and Culture at the University of Munich (1988)
  • Peter Mertens , Full Professor of Business Administration, especially Business Informatics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (2001)
  • Max Müller , em. ord. Professor of Philosophy at the University of Munich, Honorary Professor at the University of Freiburg (1989)
  • Engelbert Niebler , honorary professor at the University of Munich, Federal Constitutional Judge a. D. (1977)
  • Haruo Nishihara , Waseda University Tokyo (1996)
  • Marcel Reich-Ranicki , Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen (1992)
  • Andrea Riccardi , Università degli Studi Roma Tre Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (Scienze storiche) (2005)
  • Kurt W. Rothschild , em. ord. Professor of Economics at the University of Linz
  • Karl Ruppert , em. Full professor at the Institute for Economic Geography in the Faculty of Business Administration at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (2002)
  • Frank Steglich , Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden (2000)
  • Jerzy Stelmach , Professor of Legal Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2011)
  • Josef Stimpfle , Archbishop, em. Bishop of Augsburg (1985)
  • Josef Stoer , former full professor for applied computer science (2007)
  • Rita Süssmuth , em. Professor of Education at the University of Dortmund and former President of the Bundestag D. (2002)
  • Morikazu Taguchi , Professor of Criminal Procedure Law at Waseda University Tokyo (2011)
  • Akihiro Takeichi , Full Professor of Fundamental Human Ontology at the Graduate School for Human and Environmental Research at Kyoto University (1995)
  • Hans Ulrich , Professor at the University of Economics and Social Sciences St. Gallen (1980)
  • Eric Voegelin , em. ord. Professor at the University of Munich (1981)
  • Harald Weinrich , em. Full Professor of German as a Foreign Language at the University of Munich, holder of the European Chair for Romance Languages ​​and Literature at the College des France, Paris (1995)
  • Peter Wendel , Professor of Law at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California (2011)
  • Immolata Wetter , IBMV, religious sister, Augsburg (1993)
  • Luzius Wildhaber , former President of the European Court of Human Rights (2009)
  • Hans Wysling , em. Full Professor of Modern German Literature, Zurich (1995)
  • Hans Zehetmair , Bavarian. Minister of State for Science, Research and the Arts a. D. (2005)

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