List of candidates for the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED

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The predecessor of the Politburo of the Central Committee was the Politburo of the SED Party Executive , to which the candidates Anton Ackermann , Karl Steinhoff (both since January 24, 1949), Heinrich Rau (since July 20, 1949) and Wilhelm Zaisser (since March 14, 1950) belonged .

List of candidates of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED , chronologically according to the first election. (†) marks Politburo candidates who have died in office.

Elected at the 1st meeting of the Central Committee after the III. SED Party Congress (July 25, 1950):

Elected for the first time at the 1st session of the Central Committee after the 4th Party Congress of the SED (July 26, 1953):

First elected at the 19th session of the Central Committee after the 4th Party Congress of the SED (April 7, 1954):

Elected for the first time at the 1st session of the Central Committee after the Fifth Party Congress of the SED (July 16, 1958):

First elected at the 7th session of the Central Committee after the Fifth Party Congress of the SED (December 10, 1959):

First elected at the 13th session of the Central Committee after the 5th SED Party Congress (July 3, 1961):

  • Erich Apel , July 3, 1961 to December 3, 1965 (†)

Elected for the first time at the 1st meeting of the Central Committee after VI. SED Party Congress (January 21, 1963):

Elected for the first time at the 1st session of the Central Committee after the Seventh Party Congress of the SED (April 22, 1967):

First elected at the 14th session of the Central Committee after the Seventh Party Congress of the SED (December 11, 1970):

First elected at the 1st session of the Central Committee after the 8th Party Congress of the SED (June 19, 1971):

  • Erich Mielke , June 19, 1971 to May 22, 1976 (full member)
  • Harry Tisch , June 19, 1971 to June 5, 1975 (full member)

First elected at the 10th session of the Central Committee after the 8th Party Congress of the SED (October 2, 1973):

Elected for the first time at the 1st meeting of the Central Committee after the IX. SED Party Congress (May 22, 1976):

Elected for the first time at the 1st session of the Central Committee after the Xth Party Congress of the SED (April 16, 1981):

First elected at the 11th session of the Central Committee after the 10th SED party congress (November 22, 1985):

First elected at the 10th session of the Central Committee after the XI. SED Party Congress (November 8, 1989):

See also