List of cultural monuments in Mainz-Gonsenheim

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In the list of cultural monuments in Mainz-Gonsenheim , all cultural monuments in the Gonsenheim district of the Rhineland-Palatinate city ​​of Mainz are listed. The basis is the list of monuments of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate (status: January 4, 2018)

Monument zones

designation location Construction year description image
Old barracks monument zone Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 41/43
1893-95 Former artillery road of the 1st Nassau Field Artillery Regiment No. 27 Orange: southern half of the building complex originally encompassing two parade grounds, consisting of a commanders' building, staff building, team building, riding hall, building of the quartermaster with casino, coach house and other small buildings; Small-scale loosened building wings in clinker masonry and half-timbering with slate roofs, 1893–95, expanded around 1905, barracks until 1930, then division into small apartments with allotment gardens; an example of a rural barracks type of military history; influenced the contemporary residential architecture in Gonsenheim Old barracks monument zonemore pictures
Monument zone Breite Straße 5–11 Broad Street 5–11 (odd numbers)
around 1900 Late historical ensemble, around 1900, with sophisticated residential buildings, former community pharmacy (No. 9, 1899) and post office (No. 5, 1903) Monument zone Breite Straße 5–11
Monument zone Breite Straße 43–55 Breite Strasse 43-55 (odd numbers), Waldstrasse 6, Wilhelm-Raabe-Strasse 5
around 1900 Uniform ensemble from the late Wilhelminian era, consisting of one and one and a half storey clinker buildings, around 1900 Monument zone Breite Straße 43–55more pictures
Monument zone Breite Straße 58–64 Breite Strasse 58–64 (even numbers), Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 33
around 1900 Group of two-storey residential and commercial buildings, around 1900 (No. 60 new building) in the line of sight of the Protestant church, of urban significance Monument zone Breite Straße 58–64more pictures
Monument zone Friedrichsstrasse 1–21 Friedrichsstrasse 1–21 (odd numbers), Heidesheimer Strasse 45, 47
at the end of the 19th century Ensemble of elegant summer houses and villas in a picturesque style, typical of the building activity in the Waldvillenviertel, from the end of the 19th century to around 1914 Monument zone Friedrichsstrasse 1–21more pictures
Monument zone Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 36 to 65, Maler-Becker-Strasse 5
1905-08 Ensemble of one-and-a-half and two-storey villa-like houses with a picturesque grouped distribution of the masses, Art Nouveau motifs, with wrought-iron front garden fences, 1905-08 Monument zone Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strassemore pictures
Monument zone Heidesheimer Strasse Heidesheimer Straße 53-65 (odd numbers)
around 1910 Group of six villa-like houses, reduced country house style, variants of a model house type, around 1910 Monument zone Heidesheimer Strassemore pictures
Monument zone Kapellenstrasse / Lennebergstrasse Kapellenstrasse 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, Lennebergstrasse 4, 6, 6a / 6b, 8
Closed part of the Waldvillenviertel, 1900–10, illustrates the varieties of local villa architecture Monument zone Kapellenstrasse / Lennebergstrassemore pictures
Monument zone in the historic village center of Gonsenheim Budenheimer Strasse, Ellenbogenstrasse, Grabenstrasse, Im Niedergarten, Kirchgäßchen, Kirchstrasse, Klosterstrasse, Mainzer Strasse, Ölwiesenstrasse, Pfarrstrasse, Raiffeisenstrasse, Schmiedegasse, Gonsbach between An der Oberpforte and Im Niedergarten
16th to 20th century Core area of ​​the elongated street village, which was populated until the late Middle Ages, extended in the early 19th century between Grabenstrasse and Gonsbach, with church, town hall (former school building); Lined up of hooked courtyards and four-sided courtyards with one to two-story houses from the 16th to the 20th century, barn wreaths, workers' and craftsmen's houses from the late 19th century on Grabenstrasse and Budenheimer Strasse Monument zone in the historic village center of Gonsenheimmore pictures
Monument zone of the Friedrich-Ebert-Platz settlement Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, Adam-Riese-Straße 2, Graf-Stauffenberg-Straße 36, 45a, Friedensstraße 38/40, Waldstraße 18 / Eleonorenstraße 42, Waldstraße 20 / Eleonorenstraße 41, Waldstrasse 21/23, 22/24, Eleonorenstrasse 43 / Oranienstrasse 7, Eleonorenstrasse 44 / Oranienstrasse 5, Oranienstrasse 8
1925/26 Workers' settlement built by the community of Gonsenheim, two-storey semi-detached and single houses with hipped, half-hipped or mansard-hipped roofs, baroque style, neo-classical or expressionistic motifs, 1925/26 Monument zone of the Friedrich-Ebert-Platz settlementmore pictures
Monument zone of the Lennebergplatz settlement Lennebergplatz, An der Prall, Arndtstrasse, Heidesheimer Strasse 72, 74, Herderplatz, Kapellenstrasse 33/35, 37/39, Lennebergstrasse 14–40 (even numbers), Reinhold-Schneider-Strasse, Theodor-Körner-Strasse 4–18 (even Numbers), 3–13 (odd numbers)
1921-24 Erected 1921–24 by the Reich Asset Management for the French occupation; Free-standing single and semi-detached houses along path systems with distinctive squares and the alternation of axial and radial elements, two-story plastered buildings with dormer-studded hipped roofs, forms of the Heimat style and neo-classicism. The hierarchical structure of the residents is reflected in the graduated detail forms of window frames and roof coverings, the system preserved in its original structure, a remarkable testimony to the settlement architecture of the 1920s, of urban significance Monument zone of the Lennebergplatz settlementmore pictures

Individual monuments

designation location Construction year description image
Catholic Parish Church of St. Petrus Canisius Alfred-Delp-Strasse 64
1955-56 Brick building on a parabolic floor plan with a flat barrel roof, 1955–56, architect Hugo Becker , Mainz Catholic Parish Church of St. Petrus Canisiusmore pictures
Neumühle At the Nonnenwiese 45
late 18th century also Untere Gonsmühle ; Large-volume, hipped roof construction, essentially from the late 18th century Neumühle
Napoleon stone Breite Strasse, in the Pfarrer-Grimm-Anlage
1839 Red sandstone stele, inscribed 1839 and 1926 (renovated) Napoleon stone
Ludwig Monument Breite Strasse, in the Pfarrer-Grimm-Anlage
1863 Red sandstone stele, inscribed 1863 and 1888 (renovated) Ludwig Monument
Memorial of the 1st field artillery regiment of Orange Breite Strasse, in the Pfarrer-Grimm-Anlage
1933 Cast stone stele, by Carl Hoffmann , Mainz, inscribed 1933 Memorial of the 1st field artillery regiment of Orange
War memorial 1914/18 Breite Strasse, in the Pfarrer-Grimm-Anlage
1938 Court of honor-like complex with cast stone, designed by Albert Ditt , 1938; Expanded in the mid-1950s War memorial 1914/18more pictures
Residential building Breite Strasse 1
1912 single-storey villa-like cripple-hip roof building with tower-like central projection, 1912; including equipment Residential building
villa Broad street 1c
1913 Neoclassical building with hipped roof, 1913 villa
Painter-Becker School Breite Straße 4, Kirchstraße 36, Maler-Becker-Straße 1, Schulstraße 7
1882-1930 stately assembly, 1882–1930; Schulstrasse 7: large-scale clinker brick building from the Gründerzeit, marked 1882; Maler-Becker-Straße 1: Gründerzeit red brick building, 1895, architect: Jacob Secker; Kirchstrasse 36 - three-storey hipped roof building, 1907, architect, municipal builder Schwarz, extension 1930 Painter-Becker School
Residential building Breite Strasse 11
1897 Clinker brick building, neo-renaissance, marked 1897 Residential building
Residential building Breite Straße 64, Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 33
1904 Double house; Corner house, stately neo-Gothic brick building, 1904; Architect Peter Hein Residential building
Evangelical parish church Breite Strasse, Elbestrasse
1903/04 so-called island church; neo-Gothic hall, 1903–1904, architect Reinhold Weisse Evangelical parish church
villa Finther Landstrasse 3
around 1905 One and a half storey hipped roof building in country house style, around 1905 villa
villa Friedrichsstrasse 3
1893 late founding yellow brick building with hipped roof, 1893; Architect Jacob Secker villa
Residential building Gerhart-Hauptmann-Strasse 20
1907-09 Single-family house in country house style, late founding yellow brick building with hipped roof, 1907–09, architect Jacob Secker ; including equipment Residential building
Inn Heidesheimer Strasse 1
1906 representative corner building with mansard hipped roof, historicizing Art Nouveau, 1906, architect Adam J. Freitag Inn
Garden fence Heidesheimer Strasse, at No. 27
around 1905 Garden enclosure of a villa, Art Nouveau, around 1905 Garden fence
Residential building Heidesheimer Strasse 30
1894 Late historical plastered building on an irregular floor plan, 1894 by August Hock , expanded in 1899 by Ritzert Residential building
Garden fence Heidesheimer Strasse 31
around 1910 Garden enclosure of a summer house, Art Nouveau, around 1910 Garden fence
villa Heidesheimer Strasse 37
around 1910 Plastered building in the local style, Borkenhäuschen, around 1910 villa
villa Heidesheimer Strasse 40
1907 Country-style plastered building, 1907, by Jacob Secker villa
Residential building Heidesheimer Strasse 47
1890 Summer house; one and a half story yellow brick building, 1890 Residential building
villa Heidesheimer Strasse 57
1893 cubic hipped roof, garden pavilion, 1893; Architect: Ludwig Becker villa
Residential building Heidesheimer Strasse 66
around 1900 villa-like house, single-storey clinker brick building, around 1900 Residential building
Tannenheim villa colony Heidesheimer Straße 110/112
1913 Double villa in country style, 1913; Architect: Ottomar Stein Tannenheim villa colonymore pictures
villa Jahnstrasse 7
1925 single-storey cubic hipped mansard roof, neo-classicist and baroque motifs, marked 1925 villa
villa Jahnstrasse 11
1925 cubic pyramid roof structure, neo-classical and expressionistic motifs, 1925 villa
villa Kapellenstrasse 9
1905 Two and a half story plastered building in country house style, probably by Gustav Peisker villa
villa Kapellenstrasse 12
around 1900 Clinker and sandstone-integrated brick building with half-timbering and corner tower, country house style, probably around 1900 villa
villa Kapellenstrasse 15
1900 Country house and Art Nouveau influence, expanded in 1900 by Gustav Peisker, 1902 villamore pictures
villa Kapellenstrasse 20
1906 Late founding mansard hipped roof, marked 1906 villa
villa Kapellenstrasse 24
1905 Two-and-a-half-storey plastered building in country house style, 1905 by Franz Philipp Gill villa
Catholic Fourteen Holy Helpers Chapel Kapellenstrasse 46
1894/95 neo-Gothic hall, sandstone-integrated clinker brick building, 1894/95, design by the Mainz Cathedral Building Office; south of the pilgrimage chapel remains of the Seven Footfalls Catholic Fourteen Holy Helpers Chapel
Catholic parish church of St. Stephan Kirchstrasse 1
1870/71 three-aisled neo-Gothic hall church, choir chapels and transept, 1870/71, architect Josef Wessicken , nave and double tower facade, 1905/06, architect Ludwig Becker , neo-baroque sacristy, 1905, with rococo portal (marked 1733); on the east portal tympanum relief by Hans Steinheim , Eltville; Pastor's grave, around 1750; War memorial 1914/18, artificial stone sculpture, after 1920; 17th century spolia; defining the townscape Catholic parish church of St. Stephanmore pictures
Crucifixion group Kirchstrasse, in No. 1
1822 Red sandstone, marked 1822, by Sebastian Pfaff ; in a side aisle of the Catholic parish church of St. Stephen Crucifixion group
Residential building Klosterstrasse 12
second half of the 18th century late baroque farmhouse, partly half-timbered (plastered), probably from the second half of the 18th century Residential building
Courtyard Klosterstrasse 27
around 1800 Hakenhof, around 1800; one-storey late baroque corner building, former barn with a half-hip roof Courtyard
Residential building Klosterstrasse 55
1890 Workers house; one and a half story quarry stone building, 1890 Residential building
villa Lennebergstrasse 6
late 1890s single-storey, late historical mansard hipped roof building with knee-high floor, late 1890s villa
villa Lennebergstrasse 12
1906 Hipped roof construction, neo-classical and Heimatstil influences, 1906 by Jacob Secker villa
Maxborn Lennebergstrasse / corner of Heidesheimer Strasse
1911 Laufbrunnen, Muschelkalk, 1911 Maxborn
Villa Lulu Luisenstrasse 6
1905 Baroque-style mansard hipped roof, 1905 by Peter Bechtold Villa Lulu
villa Luisenstrasse 17
1908 sophisticated hipped roof construction in country house style, 1908 by Adam J. Freitag villa
Residential building Mainzer Strasse 6
18th century Residential house in a courtyard, late baroque half-hip roof building, 18th century Residential building
Residential building Mainzer Straße 21/23
1603 Renaissance building, marked 1603, in essence probably older Residential building
Gänshof Mainzer Strasse 25
1599 Residential house, partly half-timbered (plastered), marked 1599, remodeled in the late baroque style in the 18th century Gänshofmore pictures
Residential building Mainzer Straße 93
Mid 18th century Residential building in a courtyard; late baroque half-hipped roof building, partly half-timbered (plastered), mid-18th century; Rear double barn with a crooked hip roof, 18th century Residential building
Field cross Mainzer Strasse, corner of Im Niedergarten
Red sandstone cross with a baroque body made of sandstone Field cross
town hall Pfarrstrasse 1
1615 stately renaissance building, stair tower with Welscher dome, marked 1615; defining the townscape; Former schoolhouse, late baroque hipped roof building, marked 1778, built into the building around 1900 town hall
Catholic rectory Pfarrstrasse 3
1914 five-axis plastered building, marked 1914, architect Ludwig Becker Catholic rectory
Villa Ricini Philipp-Wasserburg-Straße 87
1910 sophisticated hipped roof construction, neo-renaissance and Heimatstil, 1910 Villa Ricini
villa Philipp-Wasserburg-Straße 91
1885 Representative two-wing yellow brick building, extended by Franz Usinger in 1885 , extended in 1911 villamore pictures
Residential building Waldstrasse 6
1898 Late founding yellow brick building, marked 1898, extended in 1910 Residential building
Wayside cross Twenty acre walk
1904 Red sandstone, marked 1904 Wayside cross
Tombs in the north of the district on the forest cemetery
19th century Field 13: resting place of the Ludwig and Schäfer families, neo-Gothic; Field 17: Tomb for Joseph Ferdinand Becker († 1877), Gothic stele; Field 20: Schlotterbeck grave site, electroplating, 19th century Tombsmore pictures


Web links

Commons : Kulturdenkmäler in Mainz-Gonsenheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files