List of landscape protection areas in the Augsburg district

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In the district of Augsburg , there are three protected landscape areas . (As of November 2018)

Notes on the information in the table

  • Area name : Official designation of the protected area
  • Image / Commons : Image and link to other images from the protected area
  • LSG-ID : Official number of the protected area
  • WDPA-ID : Link to the World Database on Protected Areas database of the protected area
  • Wikidata : Link to the Wikidata entry for the protected area
  • Designation : Date of designation as a protected area
  • Municipality (s) : Municipalities in which the protected area is located
  • Location : geographical location
  • Area : total area of ​​the protected area in hectares
  • Area share : Proportionate areas of the protected area in counties / municipalities, given in% of the total area
  • Comment : Special features and comments

Except for the Position column , all columns can be sorted.

Territory name Image / Commons LSG ID WDPA ID Wikidata Expulsion Parish (noun) location Area ha Area share comment
Augsburg - Western forests Schmuttertal biodiversity project, Natura2000, Augsburg nature park - Westl.  Forests.jpg
LSG-00417.01 395925 Q59608104 1988 position 69892.76 Augsburg (2.2%), Augsburg district (61.1%), Dillingen an der Donau district (10.0%), Günzburg district (15.7%), Unterallgäu district (10.1%), Donau- Ries (0.9%)
Kobelwald Kobelwald 01.jpg
LSG-00296.01 395775 Q19963766 1979 position 19.73 District of Augsburg (100%)
Kreuzberg near Thierhaupten Kreuzberg near Thierhaupten 03.jpg
LSG-00462.01 395970 Q59612256 1992 position 2.75 District of Augsburg (100%)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Green List of Landscape Protection Areas in Swabia , accessed on April 25, 2015.
  2. Landratsamt Augsburg: Landscape protection areas in the district of Augsburg ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed October 18, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links

Commons : Protected landscape areas in the Augsburg district  - collection of images, videos and audio files