List of members of the Landtag (Free State of Anhalt) (7th electoral term)

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This list gives an overview of all members of the Landtag of the Free State of Anhalt in the 7th electoral period (1933).

Due to the provisional law on bringing the states into line with the Reich of March 31, 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 153), the state parliament was re-established on April 19, 1933 following the results of the Reichstag election of March 5, 1933 . The turnout was 93.81%. With the dissolution of the Reichstag on October 14, 1933, the Landtag was dissolved like all the representative bodies of the federal states. With the law on the rebuilding of the Reich of January 30, 1934, the institution was finally repealed.

Distribution of seats

Political party Share of votes in% Seats
National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) 46.11 14th
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 30.78 09 *
Communist Party of Germany (KPD) 11.43 04 **
Combat front black-white-red 08.39 03

* The allocation of seats to the Social Democratic Party of Germany became ineffective due to the Ordinance on the Security of Government of July 7, 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 462). This affected the members of the SPD, who were excluded from exercising their mandate on June 23, 1933.
** The allocation of seats to nominations for the Communist Party of Germany became ineffective due to the provisional law on bringing the states into line with the Reich of March 31, 1933 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. 153). With this, all MPs of the KPD were stripped of their mandate before taking office.


Surname born Political party Remarks
Robert Bauerschmidt ? NSDAP
Karl Buckmann ? NSDAP
Johann Budnarowski 1881 SPD
Hermann Fischer 1884 NSDAP
Willy Friedrich ? Combat Front Black-White-Red (DNVP)
Max Günther 1871 SPD
Albert Haase ? NSDAP
Paul Hofmann 1901 NSDAP
Theodor Hofmann 1905 NSDAP
Willy Knorr 1878 Combat Front Black-White-Red (DNVP)
Hermann Kostitz 1873 SPD
Walter Kraatz ? Combat Front Black-White-Red (DNVP) Name variation: Kraaz
Paul Krause 1894 NSDAP
Adolf Kruger 1892 SPD
Gustav Leidenroth 1885 NSDAP
Wilhelm Friedrich Loeper 1883 NSDAP
Wolfgang Nicolai ? NSDAP
Eugene Noack ? NSDAP
Max Ohland 1879 SPD
Richard Paulick 1876 SPD
Heinrich Pëus 1862 SPD
Willy August student ? NSDAP
Hermann Schwerdtfeger ? NSDAP
Karl Selig 1889 NSDAP
Ludwig Sinsel 1884 SPD
Wilhelm Voigt 1867 SPD


  • Martin Schumacher (Hrsg.): MdL The end of the parliaments in 1933 and the members of the state parliaments and citizenships of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation 1933–1945. Droste, Düsseldorf 1995.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. StatDR 1935, p. 245; StatJBDR 1933, pp. 540f.