List of nature reserves in Bielefeld

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The list of nature reserves in Bielefeld contains the nature reserves of the independent city of Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia .

In Bielefeld, East Westphalia , there are 39 nature reserves (7.5 percent of the urban area). The Teutoburg Forest has the highest area share. Larger protected areas are particularly in the areas bordering small brooks and in parts of the Senne .


Key no. Territory name Area in  ha image
BI-001 Eastern Teutoburg Forest (LP BI-West) 403.3820 Teutoburg Forest from the Hünenburg observation tower 2.jpg
BI-002 Behrendsgrund 45.0029 Bielefeld - NSG Behrendsgrund - 3.jpg
BI-003 Eastern Teutoburg Forest (LP BI-Senne) 542.3261 Bielefeld - 2015-05-08 - BI-003 Eastern Teutoburg Forest.jpg
BI-009 Deterings meadows 12.2368
BI-010 Heron and Röhrbach (grassland) 122.5263 NSG Reiherbach Röhrbach Bielefeld 2.JPG
BI-011 Menkhauser Bachtal (BI) (Bachtal with alder and ash forest) 36.3416 Bielefeld - 2015-05-08 - BI-011 + LIP-016 (1) .jpg
BI-012 Erlenbruch on the southwest field 3.6163
BI-013 Hasselbachaue 51.6843 Hasselbachaue.jpg
BI-014 Sprungbach upper course 7.4566 Bielefeld - NSG Sprungbach upper course - 09.jpg
BI-015 Big break on the Wellbach 37.0961 Bielefeld - 2017-04-25 - BI-015 Big Break (23) .jpg
BI-016 Oak and hornbeam forest on Hövingsfeld 36.4632 Hornbeam.jpg
BI-017 Töpker pond 14.2777 Töpker pond.jpg
BI-018 Low winds (BI) 29.5150 Bielefeld - 2015-06-12 - BI-018 Winddrift low (10) .jpg
BI-019 Wetland near Meyer zu Stieghorst 3.9738 Wetland near Meyer zu Stieghorst
BI-020 Ubbedisser mountain 22.6835 Landscape south of Ubbedissen, Bielefeld 2018.jpg
BI-021 Former gypsum mining area 14.2599 Bielefeld - NSG Former gypsum mining area - 2.jpg
BI-022 Springs and streams in the karst area 21.9192 Bielefeld - NSG springs and brooks in the karst area - 2.jpg
BI-023 Alder and birch quarries on the southwestern field 4.2488
BI-024 Black Fens 5.8694 Bielefeld - NSG Schwarzes Venn - 1.jpg
BI-025 Wet meadows Röhrmann 0.2334 FeuchtwiesenR1.JPG
BI-026 Kampeters Kolk (formerly nutrient-poor heather ponds not far from the Grundheider school. Already designated as a natural monument in 1932) 2,0008 Bielefeld Kampeters Kolk 1.jpg
BI-027 Eastern Teutoburg Forest (LP Bielefeld-Ost) 59.2086 Bielefelder Stadtwald 2.JPG
BI-028 Südkamp 9.5414 Suedkamp Bielefeld NSG.jpg
BI-029 Brand reason 30.9987 Bielefeld - NSG Markengrund - 04.jpg
BI-030 Sprungbach middle course 12.6697 Bielefeld - NSG Sprungbach Middle Run - 2.jpg
BI-031 Esselhofer break 8.1405 Bielefeld-esselhofer bruch01.jpg
BI-032 Oak-beech forest Strothbach 2.5919 Bielefeld-oak-beech forest strothbach01.jpg
BI-033 On the kort 7.0847 Bielefeld - NSG Auf dem Kort - 1.jpg
BI-034 Beckendorfer Mühlenbachtal 125.4825 Beckendorfer Mühlenbach1.JPG
BI-035 Deppendorfer meadows 12.4591
BI-036 Moorbachtal 54.2534
BI-037 Valley of tears 3.6633 Jammertal2.JPG
BI-038 Schwarzbachtal 36.4385
BI-039 Mühlenmasch (Bachaue, grassland, damp oak and beech forest) 40.2168
BI-040 Dankmasch 5.2977 Dankmasch
BI-041 Middle Johannisbachtal 17.5957 Middle Johannisbachtal
BI-042 Krebsbach and Horstbachtal 60.8164
BI-043 Upper Johannisbachtal with side valleys (grassland, small bodies of water, alder and ash forest) 33,4091
BI-047 Schunkenteich 14.3732
BI-048 Rieselfelder diaper 102 Bielefeld - NSG Rieselfelder Windel - 2.jpg

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Info letter 2014 from the Rieselfelder Windel Foundation
  2. World Database on Protected Areas - Rieselfelder Windel (English)

Web links

Commons : Nature reserves in Bielefeld  - collection of images