List of cities in Omsk Oblast

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This is a list of cities and settlements of urban type in the Russian Omsk Oblast .

The table below shows the cities and urban settlements of the Oblast, their Russian names, the administrative units to which they belong ( Rajon or urban district ), their population as of October 14, 2010, their coats of arms and geographical coordinates. There are six cities and 21 urban-type settlements in the oblast.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates: OSM | WikiMap
City * / City settlement Russian Administrative unit Residents coat of arms location
Bolshevskoye Большегривское Novovarshavka 3,637   53 ° 55 '  N , 74 ° 55'  E
Bolscherechye Большеречье Bolscherechye 11,271   56 ° 6 '  N , 74 ° 37'  E
Gorkovskoye Горьковское Gorkovskoye 5,369   55 ° 22 '  N , 74 ° 22'  E
Issilkul * Исилькуль Issilkul 24,482   54 ° 55 '  N , 71 ° 16'  E
Kalachinsk * Калачинск Kalachinsk 23,556   55 ° 3 '  N , 74 ° 35'  E
Kormilowka Кормиловка Kormilowka 9,616   55 ° 1 '  N , 74 ° 10'  E
Krasny Jar Красный Яр Lyubinsky 5.133   55 ° 14 '  N , 72 ° 56'  E
Krutinka Крутинка Krutinka 7,333   56 ° 0 '  N , 71 ° 31'  E
Lyubinsky Любинский Lyubinsky 10,231   55 ° 9 '  N , 72 ° 42'  E
Maryanovka Марьяновка Maryanovka 8,630   54 ° 58 '  N , 72 ° 38'  E
Moskalenki Москаленки Moskalenki 9,306   54 ° 56 '  N , 71 ° 56'  E
Muromzewo Муромцево Muromzewo 10,776   56 ° 22 '  N , 75 ° 13'  E
Nasayaevsk * Называевск Nasyvaevsk 11,615   55 ° 34 '  N , 71 ° 21'  E
Novovarshavka Нововаршавка Novovarshavka 5,890   54 ° 10 '  N , 74 ° 42'  E
Okoneschnikowo Оконешниково Okoneschnikowo 5,205   54 ° 50 '  N , 75 ° 5'  E
Omsk * Омск Urban district 1,154,116 Coat of Arms of Omsk, svg 54 ° 58 '  N , 73 ° 23'  E
Pavlogradka Павлоградка Pavlogradka 7,582   54 ° 12 '  N , 73 ° 33'  E
Poltawka Полтавка Poltawka 7,042   55 ° 18 '  N , 75 ° 5'  E
Russkaya Polyana Русская Поляна Russkaya Polyana 5,922   53 ° 47 '  N , 73 ° 53'  E
Sargatskoye Саргатское Sargatskoye 8,157   55 ° 37 '  N , 73 ° 29'  E
Scherbakul Шербакуль Scherbakul 6,976   54 ° 38 '  N , 72 ° 23'  E
Tare * Тара Tare 27,318 Coat of Arms of Tara (Omsk oblast) (1785) .png 56 ° 54 '  N , 74 ° 22'  E
Tavricheskoye Таврическое Tavricheskoye 13,141   54 ° 35 '  N , 73 ° 38'  E
Tewris Тевриз Tewris 6,986   57 ° 31 '  N , 72 ° 24'  E
Tyukalinsk * Тюкалинск Tyukalinsk 11,275 Coat of Arms of Tyukalinsk.png 55 ° 52 '  N , 72 ° 12'  E
Tscherlak Черлак Tscherlak 10,980   54 ° 10 '  N , 74 ° 46'  E
Chernoluchinsky Ернолучинский Omsk 1,681   55 ° 17 '  N , 73 ° 2'  E


  1. Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation)