List of stumbling blocks in Fellbach

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The list of the stumbling blocks in Fellbach results by artist Gunter Demnig in the Baden-Württemberg town of Fellbach laid stumbling blocks on.

These memorial stones are intended to commemorate the victims of National Socialism who lived and worked in Fellbach. So far, stumbling blocks have been laid here on May 18, 2009 for three French prisoners of war in the districts of Oeffingen and Schmiden, who were shot by a Fellbach Volkssturm command shortly before the end of the war in April 1945.

The table is partially sortable; the basic sorting takes place alphabetically according to the address. The Person, Inscription column is sorted alphabetically by the person's name.

image inscription address information
Stumbling block for Marcel Couasnard, Fellbacher Strasse 7, Schmiden, Fellbach.JPG Marcel Couasnard, born in 1919, lived and

by the Volkssturm
in Fellbach on
April 3rd, 1945
Fellbacher Strasse 7, Schmiden
Marcel Couasnard
Stumbling block for René Billet, Gotthilf-Bayh-Strasse 9, Schmiden, Fellbach.JPG René Billet, born in 1914, lived and
worked here . Shot by the Volkssturm in Fellbach on April 3rd, 1945

Gotthilf-Bayh-Straße 9, Schmiden
René Billet
Stolperstein for Albert Lafoy, Schulstrasse 2, Oeffingen, Fellbach.JPG Albert Lafoy, born in 1917, lived and

by the Volkssturm
in Fellbach on
April 3rd, 1945
Schulstrasse 2, Oeffingen

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fellbacher Stadtanzeiger: Day of Stumbling Stones in Fellbach and Waiblingen (May 14, 2009) (accessed on July 22, 2018)
  2. Acoustic stumbling block of the SWR on Marcel Couasnard: Marcel Couasnard: Heart on the tongue (March 26, 2014) (accessed on July 24, 2018)
  3. SWR's acoustic stumbling block on René Billet (October 21, 2013) (accessed on July 24, 2018)