List of coats of arms in the Krems-Land district

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This list contains - sorted according to the administrative structure - all coats of arms of the district of Krems-Land ( Lower Austria ) listed in Wikipedia . In this list the coats of arms are displayed with the municipality link. The footnotes refer to the blazon of the corresponding coat of arms.

Krems-Land district

Bezirk Amstetten Bezirk Baden (Niederösterreich) Bezirk Bruck an der Leitha Bezirk Gänserndorf Bezirk Gmünd Bezirk Hollabrunn Bezirk Horn Bezirk Korneuburg Krems an der Donau Bezirk Krems-Land Bezirk Lilienfeld Bezirk Melk Bezirk Mistelbach Bezirk Mödling Bezirk Neunkirchen St. Pölten Bezirk St. Pölten-Land Bezirk Scheibbs Bezirk Tulln Bezirk Waidhofen an der Thaya Waidhofen an der Ybbs Wiener Neustadt Bezirk Wiener Neustadt-Land Bezirk ZwettlLocation of the district of Krems-Land in the federal state of Lower Austria (clickable map)
About this picture


  1. Bergern in the Dunkelsteinerwald : In the shield there is an upward-pointing, curly, golden tip covered with a green conifer, accompanied by a golden vine in a red field with the same grape at the front and a golden ear of wheat in a blue field at the back.
  2. Gedersdorf : A green shield, above a flooded blue shield base with four silver wavy strips split by a silver bar, on the right a golden scallop shell and a golden heraldic lily, on the left a golden vine with three grapes and three leaves.
  3. Langenlois : A red shield with a natural brook running through it. In its upper part a flat mountain with green grass and a natural cornfield. In the lower part of the shield, a green vineyard rises from the base. A silver wall crown with five visible battlements rests on the main edge of the shield, which is surrounded by an ornamented bronze border.