List of Brazilian ambassadors in Barbados

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The embassy is on the third floor of Sunjet House on Fairchild Street, Bridgetown .

Appointed Surname Remarks Mensagem Senado Federal presented in the Senate of the National Congress on appointed by accredited at Leave post
1985 António Conceição José Sarney Harold Bernard St. John
1985 Amaury beer José Sarney Harold Bernard St. John 1990
Nov 7, 1990 Evaldo José Cabral de Mello MSF 185 de 1990 Fernando Collor de Mello Lloyd Erskine Sandiford
Jan. 17, 1995 Carlos Alfredo Pinto da Silva Appointed Ambassador to Basseterre on May 2, 1996 . MSF 311 de 1994 Jan. 12, 1995 Fernando Henrique Cardoso Owen Arthur
July 8, 1999 Dinah Flusser Ambassador MSF 278 de 1998 June 29, 1999 Fernando Henrique Cardoso Owen Arthur
Dec 28, 2001 Orlando Galvêas Oliveira Appointed Ambassador to Basseterre on September 14, 2004 (MSF 6 de 2003 / July 7, 2004) . MSF 218 de 2001 Dec 12, 2001 Fernando Henrique Cardoso Owen Arthur
Apr 30, 2009 Appio Claudio Muniz Acquarone Filho MSF 43 de 2009 Apr 15, 2009 Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva David Thompson
Oct 16, 2013 Luiz Gilberto Seixas de Andrade Born October 21, 1950 in Rio de Janeiro, son of Maria Dulce Seixas de Andrade and Carlos Auto de Andrade MSF 62 de 2013 Dilma Rousseff Friend Stuart


Individual evidence

  1. Luiz Gilberto Seixas de Andrade Mensagem Senadeo Federal, N ° 62 de 2013 ( Memento of the original from January 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Bridgetown. Itamaraty