List of listed objects in Děčín

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Based on this list of the listed objects in Decin (děčín district) is the ÚSKP list ( Ústřední seznam kulturních památek České republiky , German  central list of cultural monuments of the Czech Republic ), which from the Czech conservation authority NPÚ ( Národní památkový ústav , German  National Monument Authority ) since 1987 and follows the lists created since 1850.

Listed objects according to districts

Děčín I – Děčín (Děčín)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Děčín, Zámek 1253, 1257/7, Dlouhá Jízda 1254/11, Nároží 1265/6
( location )
Děčín Castle (Tetschen Castle) Palace of the von Thun and Hohenstein family , in state ownership since 1932 with:
  • Staircase
  • Bridge path
  • Bridge with two wells, bear pit
  • Courtyard and entrance gate
  • Long drive (“Dlouhá Jízda”) and the former horse stable
  • Access road to the long journey, fencing with gates
  • Connection to the Kreuzkirche
  • Gloriette with sculptural decoration
  • Rose garden (1670 as a garden, since 1891 rose garden)
  • Staircase, aedicule I – III, plant containers I – II, vases I – IV, balustrade with sculptures and fortification wall with two bastions
  • Salla terrena (garden room)
  • northern terrace (including rock passage on the west side of the castle)
  • Terrace at the cannon garden
  • south terrace with kennel
  • Path with rock passage
  • Chain bridge
  • Castle Park
  • Castle park below the southern terrace
  • Castle building 1257/7
  • Vegetable garden with enclosing walls
  • Terrace with stairs and castle walls
  • Retaining wall of the southern terrace
  • Speicher, Nároží 1265/6, U Plovárny
  • Garden and garden pavilion
25265 / 5-4082 Info catalog

Děčín, west of Litoměřická ulice, on Ploučnice
( location )
Polzenbrücke, former road bridge over the Polzen Polzenbrücke (Old Town Bridge), built 1564–1569, late Gothic stone bridge with a sculptural group of the Bohemian patron saint: St. Vitus, St. John of Nepomuk and St. Wenzel by Johann Brokoff (1714) 23987 / 5-4092 Info catalog

Děčín, at the castle park
( location )
Městiště archaeological dig Městiště archaeological dig 33674 / 5-5053 Info catalog

Děčín, U Plovárny
( location )
Statue of the Immaculate Virgin Mary Statue of the Immaculate Virgin Mary 22813 / 5-4095 Info catalog

Děčín, Křížová 1268/27, Lázeňská 1268/12, Zámecké náměstí, Pohraniční
( location )
hospital hospital 19897 / 5-4091 Info catalog

Děčín, Křížová 14/21
( location )
Residential building Classicist house (1819) 22070 / 5-4089 Info catalog

Residential building
Děčín, Křížová, Újezd
( location )
Holy Cross Church Holy Cross Church (1687–1691):
  • church
  • chapel
  • Link to the castle
18815 / 5-4083 Info catalog

Děčín, Křížová
( location )
Statue of St. John of Nepomuk Statue of St. John of Nepomuk 36075 / 5-5056 Info catalog

Děčín, Křížová
( location )
Statue of St. Anton Statue of St. Anton 45975 / 5-3973 Info catalog

Děčín, Masarykovo náměstí 1/1, Radniční
( location )
City Hall - District Court Town Hall - District Court (1864, neo-Gothic) 29092 / 5-5027 Info catalog

Děčín, Masarykovo náměstí 81/8
( location )
portal Portal at residential building No. 8 54651 / 5-4088 Info catalog

Děčín, Masarykovo náměstí
( location )
Fountain Fountain 36048 / 5-5025 Info catalog

Děčín, Myslbekova 80/3, 1180/1
( location )
Cellar of the former town house Cellar of the former town house 44092 / 5-5411 Info catalog

Děčín, 28. října, Pohraniční
( location )
Church of St. Wenceslas and St. Blasius Church of St. Wenceslas and St. Blasius with the chapel of St. Anna, since 1939 on the north wall of the church, originally it was in the nearby Annenstrasse. 25520 / 5-4084 Info catalog

Děčín, 28. října, Kaštanová
( location )
Mariahilfkapelle Mariahilf baroque chapel from 1726, here since 1927, originally part of the old cemetery across the street 47706 / 5-4086 Info catalog

Děčín, 28. října
( location )
Lenin monument Lenin monument 52723 / 5-4963 Info catalog

Děčín, Labská 341/34
( location )
Villa, Labská 34 villa 103750 Info catalog

Villa, Labská 34
Děčín, 17. listopadu 362/15
( location )
Děčín východ station (Děčín-East) railway station 27428 / 5-4098 Info catalog

Děčín I
( location )
Bandstand Bandstand 54652 / 5-4099 Info catalog


Děčín II – Nové Město (New Town)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Nove Mesto in the gardens along the way on the southwest slope of Stoličná hora (Mountain cuboid)
( Location )
Plague column Column with statue - plague column 40005 / 5-4748 Info catalog

Nové Město, Lužická, opposite house Lužická 1281/5
( location )
crossroads crossroads 20070 / 5-4747 Info catalog

Nové Město No. 30
( coordinates are missing! Help me. )
Brick factory Brick factory 54678 / 5-4846 Info catalog

Děčín III – Staré Město (Old Town)

Cultural monuments in the former village of Staré Město (old town)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Staré Město, Březová 29/11
( location )
House number 29 agricultural homestead 14203 / 5-5032 Info catalog

House number 29
Staré Město, Staré Město, Březová 30/13
( location )
House number 30 agricultural homestead 38111 / 5-5031 Info catalog

House number 30
Staré Město, U Kapličky 33/1
( location )
House number 33 agricultural homestead 30002 / 5-5033 Info catalog

House number 33
Staré Město, Březová
( location )
Anne Chapel Originally the destroyed Trinity Chapel stood here 53478 / 5-4085 Info catalog

Staré Město, Rytířská 77/2
( location )
Farmstead No. 77 Farmstead 54676 / 5-4840 Info catalog

Farmstead No. 77

Děčín IV– Podmokly (Bodenbach)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 89/4
( location )
Děčín Central Station Central Station 15173 / 5-5830 Info catalog

Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 1/31
( location )
Regional museum originally a hunting lodge (1735), now a regional museum 36605 / 5-4103 Info catalog

Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 1/31
( location )
Portal of the museum Portal of the museum 53630 / 5-4087 Info catalog

Portal of the museum
Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 1/31, in the museum
( location )
Statue of St. Anna Statue of St. Anna, originally in Dolní Žleb (Niedergrund), now at the museum 17294 / 5-3663 Info catalog

Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 1/31
( location )
Florian Column Florian Column (in the park in front of the regional museum) 38612 / 5-4096 Info catalog

Florian Column
Podmokly, Čsl. mládeže 1/31
( location )
Nepomuk column Nepomuk Column or Column of St. John the Baptist (in the park in front of the regional museum) 38148 / 5-4097 Info catalog

Nepomuk column
Podmokly, Lapidarium of the Děčín Regional Museum, Čsl. mládeže 1/31
( location )
Plague column Column with statue - plague column 14118 / 5-4100 Info catalog

Podmokly, Tržní 1873/2, Zbrojnická 1874/10 (?)
( Location )
Bakery pastry shop Bakery - pastry shop (excluding the modern part) 10163 / 5-5621 Info catalog

Bakery pastry shop
Podmokly, Žižkova 236/6
( location )
Restaurant ( "Schäferwand" ) "Schäferwand" restaurant (1905) 11343 / 5-5765 Info catalog

Podmokly, Žižkova 663/4, Resslova
( location )
synagogue Synagogue , built from 1906 to 1907 in Art Nouveau style 11106 / 5-5718 Info catalog

Podmokly, Teplická 344/38, Žižkova, Resslova
( location )
Culture house Society house - workers' education house, now a house for children and young people 32723 / 5-4944 Info catalog

Culture house
Podmokly, Teplická, Na Úpatí
( location )
Protestant church Protestant Church (1881) 33395 / 5-5026 Info catalog

Podmokly, Teplická, Pivovarská
( location )
Sheep bridge Road bridge - sheep bridge over the Jílovský potok (Eulabach) 15894 / 5-4090 Info catalog

Podmokly, Podmokelská 856/4
( location )
Residential building Residential building, former seat of the editorial office of the newspaper "Rote Fahne" 47722 / 5-4839 Info catalog

Residential building

Děčín V – Rozbělesy (Rosawitz)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Rozbělesy, Ústecká, Obchodní
( location )
Wenceslas Church Baroque church of St. Wenceslas (1731) 18577 / 5-4101 Info catalog

Rozbělesy, Obchodní 440/16, Ústecká
( location )
Rectory Rectory 15646 / 5-4101 Info catalog


Děčín VI – Letná (autumn meadow)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Letná, Sofijská 2/3
( location )
brewery Brewery with brewery building and gatehouse 11408 / 5-5775 Info catalog

Letná, U Kaple, Chrástecká, Na Kopečku
( location )
Thunsche Grabkapelle (Johanneskapelle) Thun's grave chapel of St. John of Nepomuk in Děčín-Chrást (Tetschen-Kröglitz) with a collection of baroque sculptures of the fourteen helpers and the virtues of the Leitmeritz sculptor Josef Fischer, originally built in Baroque style in 1722–23, remodeled 1870–1872 according to plans by Friedrich by Schmidt and Josef Mocker in neo-Gothic style 37356 / 5-4102 Info catalog

Děčín IX – Bynov (Bünauburg)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Bynov, Teplická 8, U Zámečku
( location )
Zámek Bynov (Bünauburg Castle) Castle with Renaissance portal (1605) 42056 / 5-4109 Info catalog

Zámek Bynov (Bünauburg Castle)
Bynov, Teplická, U Zámečku, U zámku
( location )
crossroads crossroads 25403 / 5-4107 Info catalog

Bynov, Lesní cesta 75, Teplická (opposite the castle)
( location )
House number 75 Community center 44091 / 5-5410 Info catalog

House number 75

Děčín X – Bělá (Biela)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Bělá, Družstevní, st. 1
( location )
Church of St. Franz Xaver Church of St. Franz Xaver (1787) 25767 / 5-4104 Info catalog

Bělá, Družstevní 74/1
( location )
Rectory Rectory 24321 / 5-4104 Info catalog

Bělá, Saská 25/65
( location )
House number 25 agricultural homestead 46892 / 5-4105 Info catalog

Bělá, Saská 30/84
( location )
House number 30 agricultural homestead 40952 / 5-4106 Info catalog


Děčín XI – Horní Žleb (upper ground)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Horní Žleb, Pod Svahem 6
( location )
Villa Waldstein Villa Waldstein:
  • Villa No. 6
  • Garden, forest park, fencing with gate
52010 / 5-5935 Info catalog

Villa Waldstein
Horní Žleb, south of the Děčín-Prostřední Žleb stop
( location )
Base of a wayside cross Base of a former wayside cross 45464 / 5-4108 Info catalog

Base of a wayside cross

Děčín XIV– Dolní Žleb (Lower Ground )

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Dolní Žleb
( location )
Trinity Church Trinity Church 16447 / 5-3661 Info catalog

Dolní Žleb, on a rock on the banks of the Čertova voda (Tschirtenbach)
( location )
Adalbert Column Adalbert Column 45995 / 5-3662 Info catalog

Adalbert Column

Děčín XV– Prostřední Žleb (middle distance )

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Prostřední Žleb, at the underpass to the Děčín-Čertova Voda stop
( location )
Wayside shrine Wayside shrine 22950 / 5-3664 Info catalog

Wayside shrine

Děčín XVII- Jalůvčí (Kalmswiese)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Jalůvčí, Drážďanská 13
( location )
House number 13 agricultural homestead 15439 / 5-4111 Info catalog

House number 13

Děčín XXI – Horní Oldřichov (Oberulgersdorf)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Horní Oldřichov, Bynovská 34/43
( location )
House number 34 agricultural homestead 39166 / 5-4110 Info catalog


Děčín XXIV – Krásný Studenec (Schönborn)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Krásný Studenec
( location )
former Michael Church former baroque church of St. Michael from 1712 (with foundations from 1363), was demolished in 1966 54640 / 5-3789 Info catalog


Děčín XXVI – Bechlejovice (Bachelsdorf)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Bechlejovice 7
( location )
House number 7 agricultural homestead 46246 / 5-3606 Info catalog


Děčín XXVII– Březiny (Birkigt)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Březiny, Českolipská
( location )
chapel chapel 18665 / 5-3604 Info catalog

Březiny, in front of the chapel
( location )
Statue of St. Matthew Statue of St. Matthew, originally four evangelists in front of the church (around 1800) 53619 / 5-3603 Info catalog

Březiny, Za Sadem 45, Kosmonautů
( location )
House number 45 agricultural homestead 50909 / 5-5887 Info catalog

Březiny, in the courtyard of the secondary school for horticulture and agriculture " Anton Emanuel von Komers "
( location )
Florian Column Florian Column. 44016 / 5-5302 Info catalog

Březiny 32
( location )
House number 32 agricultural homestead 52650 / 5-3605 Info catalog


Děčín XXVIII – Folknáře (Falcon Village)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Folknáře 13
( location )
House number 13 agricultural homestead 33987 / 5-3607 Info catalog


Děčín XXX – Velká Veleň (Großwehlen)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Velká Veleň 78
( location )
House number 78 agricultural homestead 31390 / 5-4047 Info catalog

Velká Veleň 79
( location )
House number 79 agricultural homestead 29387 / 5-4048 Info catalog


Děčín XXXIII – Nebočady (Neschwitz)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Nebočady, Kostelní
( location )
Laurentiuskirche Laurentiuskirche 40263 / 5-3593 Info catalog

Nebočady, Kostelní 2
( location )
House No. 2 agricultural homestead 35568 / 5-3596 Info catalog

Nebočady, Vítězství, Pěší
( location )
Chapel of St. Trinity Chapel of St. Trinity 18175 / 5-3595 Info catalog

Nebočady, Pěší 25
( location )
House number 25 agricultural homestead 17024 / 5-3597 Info catalog


Děčín XXXIV – Chlum (Kolmen)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Chlum, between house no.5 and no.6, Horní Chlum
( location )
milestone milestone 24933 / 5-3609 Info catalog

Chlum, junction at the southern end of Horní Chlum
( location )
Marrow column Marrow column 53608 / 5-3608 Info catalog


Děčín XXXV – Lesná (Hortau)

location object description ÚSKP no. image
Lesná 26
( location )
House number 26 agricultural homestead 31018 / 5-3807 Info catalog

Lesná 15
( location )
House number 15 agricultural homestead 28657 / 5-3806 Info catalog

Lesná 7
( location )
House number 7 agricultural homestead 30516 / 5-3805 Info catalog


Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Děčín  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Děčín Castle (accessed December 3, 2016)
  2. Thunsche Gruftkapelle (accessed on December 3, 2016)