List of listed objects in Hohe Wand

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The list of listed objects in Hohe Wand contains the 7 listed immovable objects of the municipality of Hohe Wand in the Lower Austrian district of Wiener Neustadt-Land .


photo   monument Location description
Figure shrine mercy seat Upload file Figure shrine propitiatory
Object ID:  26883
at Dreifaltigkeitsplatz 46, KG
: Maiersdorf
The Holy Trinity column with mercy seat dates from the end of the 17th century and was redesigned during the renovation in 1885
Rectory Upload file Parsonage
Object ID:  26881
Ortsstrasse 1 KG
: Maiersdorf
two-storey, cubic baroque building at the end of the 18th century under a hipped roof
Catholic parish church hl.  John the Baptist
Upload file
Catholic parish church hl. John the Baptist ObjectID

KG location
: Maiersdorf
The fortified church is visible from afar on a rock terrace above Maiersdorf. A Gothic top floor was added to the Romanesque hall church from the 12th century. The mighty tower rises above the choir square at the same height as the defensive storey, on which a small bell tower is placed. In the west, the nave was expanded with an extension built in 1964. - The sacrament niche in the presbytery is framed by wall paintings from around 1430.
Alpine and Local History Museum, Wr.  Neustädter House Upload file Alpine and Local History Museum, Wr. Neustädter-Haus ObjectID

KG location
: Maiersdorf
A natural stone building built on the initiative of the Friends of Nature between 1926 and 1928, which has been used as an Alpine and local museum since 1991.
Plague pillar Upload file Pestpeiler ObjektID

KG location
: netting
The four-edged wayside shrine, tapering towards the top, bears ceramic reliefs with depictions of Jesus Christ and the Saints Pankratius (right side) and Rochus (left side). It was built in memory of the cholera epidemic in 1866 (year!).
Sebastian Chapel Upload file Sebastian Chapel ObjectID

KG location
: Stollhof
Rectangular building from 1713, retracted north tower from the 19th century with sound windows and pointed helmet
Engelbertkirche with Dr.  Dollfuß memorial
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Engelbertkirche with Dr. Dollfuss Memorial ObjectID

KG location
: Stollhof
At the end of a side path of the toll road to the Hohe Wand stands the church planned by Robert Kramreiter in 1934 and built in the same year, which is reminiscent of Engelbert Dollfuss . It is consecrated to St. Engelbert . Dollfuss is shown together with Jesus and martyrs on a wall painting by Max Frey in the lower church.


The source for the selection of the objects are the monuments lists of the respective federal state published annually by the BDA. The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. Next to it are one or two symbols:
More pictures available The symbol means that more photos of the property are available. They are displayed by clicking the symbol.
Upload your own photo By clicking the symbol, further photos of the object can be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons media archive .
Monument: Name of the monument. The designation is given as it is used by the Federal Monuments Office (BDA) . The internal object identification number (ObjectID) is also given.
Location: The address is given. In the case of free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is usually given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. The cadastral community (KG) is indicated below this.
Description: Brief information about the monument.

The table is sorted alphabetically according to the location of the monument. The sorting criterion is the cadastral municipality and within this the address.

By clicking on "Map with all coordinates" (top right in the article) the location of all monuments in the selected map object is displayed.

Abbreviations of the BDA : BR… construction law , EZ… deposit number, GB… land register , GstNr. … Property number, KG… cadastral community, 0G … property number address


  • Bundesdenkmalamt (Ed.): Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Lower Austria, south of the Danube , part 2. Berger publishing house, Horn / Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-85028-365-8

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Hohe Wand  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lower Austria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of February 14, 2020.
  2. Website of the Hohe Wand community, section Chronicle - Catastrophes (accessed February 8, 2012)
  3. Entry on "Engelbertkirche Hohe Wand" on the website of architekturlandschaft.niederösterreich
  4. § 2a Monument Protection Act in the legal information system of the Republic of Austria .