List of historic Portuguese trading posts in Gambia

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This is the list of historic Portuguese trading posts in Gambia.

The Portuguese navigators were the first Europeans to reach the Gambia River in 1446 and traded there for over a century. The branches did not see themselves as colonies.

In the list are factories and trading stations added. Geographically, the current area of ​​the West African state of Gambia is meant. The list is sorted approximately alphabetically according to today's names.

name or location
Vintang Bintang
Geregia (Kansala) Bwiam Construction of a Portuguese chapel.
Povoaçao de Brancos Close to Dog Island Founded at the end of the 17th century
Fatta Tenda Fattatenda
San Domingo Juffure From around 1458 with the construction of the first Portuguese chapel .
Cassan Kassan Founded in the early 17th century
Casa Diego gratie Near Kau-ur Founded in the early 17th century, identical to Niani Maru?
Joar Kau-ur
Cantor Kuntaur
Nyani Maru Niani Maru Identical to Casa Diego Gratie?
Setuko Sutokoba
Tancrowall Tankular Construction of a Portuguese chapel.
Tubabkollon Point Trading post at a water point

See also


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