List of Kurdish place names and geographical names in Iraq

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The list of Kurdish place names in Iraq offers a selection of names of places and geographical names commonly used by Kurds in Iraq, inside and outside the main Kurdish settlement area . In Iraq, the Kurds speak different Kurdish languages ​​(e.g. Sorani and Kurmanji ) with different scripts. There were no efforts to nationalize Kurdish place names or to Arabicize them in Iraq.


Official name Kurdish
object location particularities
Aqrah (عقره) Acrê City and district Ninawa
Altin Köprü (التون كوپرو) Pirde city Kirkuk
al ʿAmādiyya (العمادية) Amedî city Dahuk Capital of the former Principality of Badinan . The city is on top of a mountain.
Arbil (أربيل) Hewlêr city Arbil Seat of the Kurdish regional government . The name Hewler is also used in scientific publications.
Badra (بدرة) Bedre city al-Wasit
Baghdad (بغداد) Bexda, Bexdad, Bexa city Baghdad Capital of Iraq
Bamarni Bamernê Locality Dahuk
Barzan Barzan Village Arbil Place of origin of the Barzani tribe
Chanaqin (خانقين) Xaneqîn city Diyala
Dahūk (دهوك) Dohuk, Dihok city Dahuk
Jebel Sinjar (جبل سنجار) Şaxî Şengal / Çiyayê Şingal / Şingar Ridge Ninawa At the foot of the mountain lies the ancient Singara
Dschamdschamāl (جمجمال) Çamçamal city As-Sulaimaniyya
Big Zab Zêyê Mezin Tributary of the Tigris
Halabja (حلبجة) Helepçe city As-Sulaimaniyya Known from the poison gas attack on Halabja
Al- Hawijah (الحويجة) Xuylên City and district Kirkuk
Khunera Xinere Locality Arbil , Soran District
Kirkuk (كركوك) Kerkûk city Kirkuk Is considered by Kurds in Iraq to be their secret capital. If a state were to be founded, the Kurds would like Kirkuk to be the future capital of their state.
Koya (كيويسنجق) Koysancak, Koy, Koye city Arbil
Little Zab Zêyê Biçûk Tributary of the Tigris
Machmur Mexmûr city Arbil Kurdish texts often refer to the Mahkmur refugee camp, which is under the influence of the PKK.
Mandali (مندلي) Mendeli city Diyala
Mosul (الموصل) Mûsil city Ninawa
Rāniya (رانية) Ranya city As-Sulaimaniyya
Rawāndūz (رواندوز) Rawanduz city Arbil Capital of the former principality of Soran . Today it bears the title of "Kurdistan Capital of Culture".
Shaqlawa (شقلاوة) Shaqlawa city Arbil
Sinjar (سنجار) Shengal city Ninawa
Sulaimaniyya (السليمانية) Silemanî city As-Sulaimaniyya Capital of the former Baban principality
Tuz Khurmatu Tuz Xurmatu city Salah ad-Din
Zāchū (زاخو) Zaxo city Dahuk

Individual evidence

  1. See TH. Bois in: Encyclopaedia of Islam. New Edition. sv KURDS, KURDISTAN; Section: The Kurdish Press
  2. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854)