List of cities in ancient Epirus

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Epirus in ancient times

This is a list of cities in Ancient Epirus . These are Greek poleis , komai or fortresses with the exception of Nicopolis , which dates back to 31 BC. Was founded by Augustus .

The ancient Epirus was divided into three regions: Chaonia in the north, Molossia the southeast and Thesprotia in the West between Chaonia and Thesprotia, which were named after the dominant tribe living there. A number of ancient settlements in these regions are unknown.



Epirus 343 BC Chr.
Epirus in Antiquity, taken from a map by Heinrich Kiepert published in 1902
Map of the different tribes in the Epirotic area (approx. 4th century BC)
  • Amantia , settlement of Locri from nearby Thronium and Abantes from Euboea founded
  • Antigoneia , a polis founded by the Epirotian king Pyrrhus I
  • Antipatrea , polis of the Dassareten tribe, which belongs to the Chaonern , today Berat
  • Artichia, non-isolated polis of ancient Greece in ancient Epirus; probably somewhere in the ancient region of Parauaia , today in the Përmet basin
  • Aulon , in the 7th century BC Settlement developed in BC; today Vlora
  • Baiake, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Chaonia, now Kanina
  • Cestrine also Cammania; located in the south of Chaonia
  • Chimaera , pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Chrysondyon, Polis of which must be an Chaonern tribe of dassaretae, in the north of Tomorrberges located
  • Creonion, polis of the Chaon tribe of the Dassaretes
  • Gertus, polis of the Dassareten tribe belonging to the Chaonern
  • Hekatompedon, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Olympa, also Olympastas, Polis
  • Onchesmos, pre-Hellenistic settlement north of Saranda , probably Phoinike
  • Orikos , also Orikios; Greek polis at the southern end of the Bay of Vlora.
  • Panormos, Panormus or Panormo; Port near Onchesmos
  • Pelion was a fortified settlement of the Chaon tribe of the Dassaretes
  • Phanote or Phanoteia, Polis
  • Phoinike, Phoenice or Sopoto, political center of the Chaoner, today's Finiq
  • Photike , pre-Hellenistic settlement, today's Paramythia
  • Posidium
  • Thronion or Thronium


  • Dodona , ancient Greek sanctuary and oracle
  • Eurymenai or Eurymenaios, polis of the Arktanoi tribe belonging to the Molossians
  • Orraon , fortified polis
  • Pandosia
  • Passaron , central place of the Molossians


  • Batiai, Polis
  • Bouneima, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Bouthroton , Buthrotum or Butrinto, Polis of Prassäber a tribe of Thesprotians six km from Saranda away
  • Charadros, pre-Hellenistic fortified settlement
  • Chyton, after Ephorus of Kyme a colony founded by the Ionians from Klazomenai
  • Elateia (Epirus), also Elatreia or Elatria, Polis
  • Elina (Epirus), pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Cichyrus (also: Cichorus, Kichyros), capital of Thesprotia; was built by the Pelasger leader Thesprotos.
  • Gitanae or Gitana, Polis; Titus Livius calls Gitana a meeting point of the Epirotic League (Concilio Epirotarum)
  • Helikranon, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Ilium or Ilion, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Tekmona, Polis; today's Kastritsa near the south bank of Lake Pamvotida
  • Thesprotia, pre-Hellenistic settlement, probably the central place of the Thesprotia
  • Trampya, pre-Hellenistic settlement
  • Zmaratha or Zmarata, not localized; housed Theoroi of Epidaurus

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Mogens Herman Hansen, Thomas Heine Nielsen: An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Center for the Danish National Research Foundation . Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-814099-1 , pp. 340 (English, online preview in Google Book Search).
  2. ^ A b Pausanias : Description of Greece. 5.22.4. In: Retrieved February 25, 2018 .
  3. Getzel M. Cohen: The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor . University of California Press, 1995, pp. 75 (English, online preview in Google Book Search).
  4. a b An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 342
  5. a b An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 339
  6. ^ A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge . tape 7 . A. Fullarton & Co., 1856, pp. 694 (English, online version in the Google book search).
  7. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854). Cestrine. In: Accessed February 26, 2018 (English).
  8. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854). Chimaera. In: Accessed February 26, 2018 (English).
  9. ^ A b Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Class di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche: Rendiconti . In: Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. 1946, p. 556 (Italian).
  10. Polibio: Historia de Polybio Megalopolitano . Tomo II. Imprenta Real, Madrid 1789, p. 289 (Spanish, limited preview in Google Book search).
  11. a b An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 347
  12. a b c d e Strabo : Geography. 7.7.5. In: Retrieved February 25, 2018 .
  13. John Wilkes: The Illyrians . Wiley-Blackwell, 1996, ISBN 0-631-19807-5 , pp. 98 (English).
  14. a b c An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 348
  15. a b An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 345
  16. Ernst-Ludwig Schwandner, Sotiris Dakaris a. a .: Orraon. A planned small town in Epirus . In: History of Living, 5000 BC BC – 500 AD. Prehistory, early history, antiquity . tape 1 . Stuttgart 1999, p. 384-411 .
  17. ^ A Gazetteer of the World, p. 788
  18. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 329
  19. a b An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 343
  20. ^ William Smith: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854). Buthrotum. In: Accessed February 26, 2018 (English).
  21. ^ Richard Stillwell, William L. MacDonald, Marian Holland McAllister et al. a .: The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Site. In: Retrieved February 27, 2018 .
  22. ^ William Martin Leake: Travels in Northern Greece . tape 4 . J. Rodwell, London 1835, ISBN 1-4021-6770-9 , pp. 76 (English, online version in the Google book search).
  23. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 344
  24. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, p. 349