List of butterfly species in North Rhine-Westphalia

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The list of butterfly species in North Rhine-Westphalia names the species of butterflies from the superfamily of the Papilionoidea in the various regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, particularly based on the Red List of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia .

Species list

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Little fox Aglais urticae
Small fox, Aglais urticae.JPG
Aurora butterfly Anthocharis cardamines
Little Schiller Butterfly Apatura ilia
Apatura ilia 1.jpg
Great Schiller Butterfly Apatura iris
Apatura iris Weinsberg 20080618 1.jpg
Chimney sweep , brown forest bird Aphantopus hyperantus
Chimney sweep Aphantopus hyperantus.JPG
Tree white butterfly Aporia crataegi
Land map Araschnia levana
Araschnia levana LC0263.jpg
Fiery mother-of-pearl butterfly Argynnis adippe
Argynnis adippe Wertheim-Bronnbach 20070714 11.jpg
Large mother-of-pearl butterfly Argynnis aglaja
Argynnis aglaja (4839104970) .jpg
Middle mother-of-pearl butterfly Argynnis niobe
Argynnis niobe-02 (xndr) .jpg
Imperial coat Argynnis paphia
Little blue sun rose Aricia agestis
Aricia agestis-04 (xndr) .jpg
Blue cranesbill Aricia eumedon
Plebeius eumedon bl1.JPG
High-moor mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria aquilonaris
Lean-grass mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria dia
Edge ring mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria eunomia
Silberfleck mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria euphrosyne CH 1.jpg
Brown-spotted mother-of-pearl butterfly Boloria selene
Meadowsweet mother-of-pearl butterfly Brenthis ino
Brenthis ino 3.jpg
White forest porter Brintesia circe
Brintesia circe01.jpg
Blue pelargonium Cacyreus marshalli
Green hairstreak Callophrys rubi
Green hairstreak 01 (HS) .jpg
Mallow thick-headed butterfly Carcharodus alceae
Carcharodus alceae.jpg
Yellow-cubed thick-headed butterfly Carterocephalus palaemon
Carterocephalus palaemon.2305.jpg
Buckthorn blue Celastrina argiolus
Celastrina argiolus1.jpg
Mountain witch Chazara briseis
Chazara briseis.jpg
White-headed meadow bird Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha arcania 01a (HS) .JPG
Red-brown meadow bird Coenonympha glycerion
2013.07.01-05-Wustrow-Neu Drosedow-Rotbraunes Wiesenvoegelchen-Weibchen.jpg
Forest meadow bird Coenonympha hero
Coenonympha hero - Nature Conservation-001-073-g035.jpg
Little meadow bird Coenonympha pamphilus
Coenonympha pamphilus qtl1.jpg
Large meadow bird Coenonympha tullia
Horseshoe clover yellow Colias alfacariensis
Colias alfacariensis - Horseshoe clover-yellow 02.jpg
Postillon Colias croceus
0 Souci (♂) - Colias croceus - Boussu-lez-Walcourt (1a) .jpg
Golden eight Colias hyale
Colias hyale qtl1.jpg
Hochmoor-Gelbling Colias palaeno
Colias palaeno 2.jpg
Short-tailed blue Cupid argiades
Cupido argiades male Weinsberg 20080729 2.jpg
Dwarf blue Cupid minimus
Dwarf blue (Cupido minimus) 2 (HS) .jpg
Graubindiger Mohrenfalter Erebia aethiops
Erebia aethiops (2) .jpg
Whitebinded Moore Butterfly Erebia ligea
Erebia ligea01.jpg
Round-eyed Moorish butterfly Erebia medusa
Woodland Ringlet (14598413335) .jpg
Crown pea butterflies Erynnis day
Golden piebald butterfly Euphydryas aurinia
Euphydryas aurinia.jpg
May bird Euphydryas maturna
Maivogel above.jpg
Alexis blue , large point blue Glaucopsyche alexis
Bolboreta Mandaio (Galicia) 07-05-2006 1.jpg
Brimstone butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni
Gonepteryx rhamni LC0158.jpg
Cowslip Cubes Hamearis lucina
Brown Cube Butterfly (Hamearis lucina) 02.jpg
Comma thick head butterfly Hesperia comma
Hesperia comma-01 (xndr) .jpg
Spiegelfleck-Dickkopfffalter Heteropterus morpheus
Little forest porter Hipparchia alcyone
Hipparchia alcyone revers 2.jpg
Great forest porter Hipparchia fagi
Hipparchia fagi1.jpg
Rust bandage Hipparchia semele
Hipparchia semele.jpg
Small rust band , iron-colored velvet butterfly Hipparchia statilinus
Hipparchia statilinus.jpg
Little ox eye Hyponephele lycaon
Hyponephele lycaon mounted.jpg
Peacock butterfly Inachis io
Inachis io LC0131.jpg
Sail butterfly Iphiclides podalirius
Iphiclides podalirius.jpg
Small mother-of-pearl butterfly Issoria lathonia
Issoria lathonia-01 (xndr) .jpg
Western mignonette Pontia daplidice
DJ001 Pontia daplidice UN.jpg
Big blue wanderer Lampides boeticus
Lamprides boeticus-female.jpg
Brown eye Lasiommata maera
Lasiommata maera - male 03 (HS) .JPG
Wall fox Lasiommata megera
Lasiommata megera LC0311.jpg
Cryptic mustard white butterfly Leptidea juvernica
Mustard white butterfly Leptidea sinapis
Mustard white, Leptidea sinapis 1.JPG
Little blue wanderer Leptotes pirithous
Lycaenidae - Leptotes pirithous-003.JPG
Little kingfisher Limenitis camilla
Limenitis camilla3.jpg
Big kingfisher Limenitis populi
Limenitis populi-01.jpg
Blue and black kingfisher Limenitis reducta
Limenitis reducta07.jpg
Yellow ring butterfly Lopinga achine
Lopinga achine gliwa.jpg
Purple fire butterfly Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena alciphron M 1.jpg
Big fire butterfly Lycaena dispar
Lycaena dispar02.jpg
Blue iridescent fire butterfly Lycaena bright
Purple Gold Fire Butterfly Lycaena hippothoe
Little fire butterfly Lycaena phlaeas
Little Fire Butterfly1.jpg
Brown fire butterfly Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena tityrus 110708.jpg
Ducat fire butterfly Lycaena virgaureae
Lycaena virgaureae.JPG
Blue gentian Maculinea alcon
Glaucopsyche alcon-01 (xndr) .jpg
Quendel blue ant Maculinea arion
Maculinea arion Large Blue Upperside SFrance 2009-07-18.jpg
Dark blue ant bluebird Maculinea nausithous
Glaucopsyche nausithous Schwaebisch Hall-Wackershofen 20080723 4.jpg
Cross gentian blue ant Maculinea rebeli
Blue gentian ant (Phengaris rebeli) .jpeg
Light blue ant bluebird Maculinea teleius
Maculinea teleius.jpg
Big ox eye Maniola jurtina
2015.07.11.05-Mulde Eilenburg - Large ox-eye female.jpg
Checkerboard butterfly Melanargia galathea
Melanargia galathea top MichaD.jpg
Quail wheat piebald butterflies Melitaea athalia
Speedwell piebald Melitaea aurelia
Melitaea aurelia (44153883462) .jpg
Plantain butterfly Melitaea cinxia
Melitaea cinxia 01 (HS) .JPG
Valerian butterfly Melitaea diamina
Melitaea diamina Julian Alps Slovenia 1.jpg
Red pied butterfly Melitaea didyma
Melitaea didyma bl.jpg
Blue-eyed forest porter Minois dryas
Minois dryas bl.jpg
Blue oak hairstreak Neozephyrus quercus
Neozephyrus quercus-07 (xndr) .jpg
Mourning gown Nymphalis antiopa
Nymphalis antiopa (Suruvaippa) .jpg
Big fox Nymphalis polychloros
Nymphalis polychloros.jpg
Eastern big fox Aglais xanthomelas
Large tortoiseshell (Aglais xanthomelas) I IMG 7043.jpg
Rust-colored thick-headed butterfly Ochlodes venata
Ochlodes sylvanus m Saarland 01.jpg
dovetail Papilio machaon
Papilio Machaon imago 01.jpeg
Forest board game Pararge aegeria
Speckled Wood butterfly male.jpg
Apollo butterfly Parnassius apollo
Large cabbage white butterfly Pieris brassicae
Large Cabbage White butterfly.jpg
Rapeseed white butterfly Pieris napi
Pieris napi LC0176.jpg
Little cabbage white butterfly Pieris rapae
Blue Argus Plebeius argus
Plebejus argus (2604151978) .jpg
Blue vetch Plebeius argyrognomon
Plebejus argyrognomon (3788782816) .jpg
Idas blue Plebeius idas
Idas-Bläuling Plebeius idas Männchen-Munich-Garten-010.jpg
Blue bog Plebeius optilete
Blue bog (Plebejus optilete) (2) .jpg
C-folder Polygonia c-album
Polygonia c-album qtl2.jpg
Bluebird vetch Polyommatus amanda
Polyommatus amandus.jpeg
Sky-blue blues Polyommatus bellargus
Polyommatus bellargus - male upper side.jpg
Silver-green bluish Polyommatus coridon
Polyommatus coridon02.jpg
Large bluish saspette Polyommatus damon
White dagger.jpg
Blue velvet Polyommatus dorylas
Polyommatus dorylas 03 (HS) .jpg
Common blue Polyommatus icarus
Polyommatus icarus LC0341.jpg
Purple forest blue Polyommatus semiargus
Polyommatus semiargus 03 - male (HS) .jpg
Small bluish saspette Polyommatus thersites
Polyommatus thersites LC0292.jpg
Quendel blue Pseudophilotes baton
Pseudophilotes baton.jpg
Sun rose cube thick-headed butterfly Pyrgus alveus complex
Pyrgus alveus.jpg
Steppe heather cube thick-headed butterfly Pyrgus carthami
Small dice thick-headed butterfly Pyrgus malvae
Pyrgus malvae1.jpg
Black-brown dice thick-headed butterfly Pyrgus serratulae
Pyrgus serratulae.jpg
Red-brown ox-eye Pyronia tithonus
Pyronia tithonus 2.jpg
Brown oak hairstreak Satyrium ilicis
Lycaenidae - Satyrium ilicis.JPG
Plum hairstreak Satyrium pruni
Buckthorn hairstreak Satyrium spini
Lycaenidae - Satyrium spini-1.JPG
Elm hairstreak Satyrium w album
Bluish sedum Scolitantides orion
Red dice thick-headed butterfly Spialia sertorius
Spialia sertorius.jpg
Renal spot hairstreak Thecla betulae
Thecla betulae.jpeg
Matt-pecked brown thick-headed butterfly Thymelicus acteon
Thymelicus acteon1.jpg
Black-spotted brown thick-headed butterfly Thymelicus ineola
Ochlodes sylvanus MichaD.jpg
Brown-piston brown thick-headed butterfly Thymelicus sylvestris
Thymelicus sylvestris m1.JPG
admiral Vanessa atalanta
Painted Lady Vanessa Cardui
Painted Lady4.jpg


See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz Heinz Schumacher: Red list and index of species of butterflies (Lepidoptera) - Butterfly (Diurna) - in North Rhine-Westphalia. Fourth version, 2010 ( Memento of the original dated June 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Red list of endangered plants, fungi and animals in North Rhine-Westphalia ( Memento of the original from February 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /