Litschauer marathon path

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The Litschauer Marathonweg is a hiking trail around the municipality of Litschau in the northern Waldviertel in the Austrian state of Lower Austria . The name comes from the fact that the length of the hiking route corresponds to that of the marathon , namely 42.2 km. The beginning and end section, a total of 31 km, is identical to the 7-village circular route. The Litschauer Marathonweg touches a number of wastelands and leads through all nine villages that belong to the large municipality of Litschau.


The starting and ending point is the panorama board at Herrensee in Litschau. The Litschauer Marathonweg then leads past the neo-baroque castle in Hörmanns to Türnau , Illmanns , Schandachen and Reitzenschlag . There is a granite cross from 1378, which is one of the oldest wayside crosses in Austria. After the village of Loimanns , it goes over the highest elevation in the Litschauer municipality, the Kreuzberg (622 m), on to Höllgraben . Alongside other granite blocks, the path leads past the Graslstein (also called Höllstein), named after the robber captain Grasl , who is said to have lived in a cave behind this granite block in 1810. Finally, the path leads via Reichenbach , Gopprechts , Galthof , Schönau , Schlag and again Hörmanns back to the Herrensee in Litschau.

The entire route of the Litschauer Marathonweg leads through the typical and untouched Waldviertel landscape, namely over meadows and fields and also through extensive forest areas, past granite blocks and ponds.

7-village circular route

The 7-Villages-Rundweg, whose route is 31 km identical with the Litschauer Marathonweg, leads through seven of nine villages that belong to the municipality of Litschau. This path branches off in the village of Loimanns and also in Höllgraben at a different point than the marathon path and does not lead over the Kreuzberg. From Höllgraben it goes straight to Schönau; the villages of Reichenbach and Gopprechts and the wasteland of Galthof are left out. The average walking time is 8 hours.


Both the Litschauer Marathonweg and the 7-Dörfer-Rundweg are hiking trails for very sporty and persistent hikers. The average walking time is 10 hours for the marathon route and 8 hours for the 7-village circular route. If the aim is to credit the hiked points for the various hiking pins and for receiving a certificate, the entire route should be hiked in one day. For an inspection of the 7-Villages-Rundweg, which should also take place in one day, you receive the hiking pin "Litschauer Wanderschuh" and also a certificate.

The entire Litschauer Marathonweg is very well marked with the number 20 (corresponds to the 7-Villages-Rundweg) and in its extension with the number 20a and has eleven stamping points (7-Dörfer-Rundweg eight stamping points). Very detailed descriptions of the two routes can be found in the Litschau hiking book by hiking guide Leopold Bläuel, which is also available from the Litschau City Guest Service. It also contains numerous blank pages for the hiking stamp imprints.

Every year on an autumn Sunday there are guided hikes on the 7-Villages-Rundweg and the Litschauer Marathonweg.

See also


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