Lodewijk Gerard Visscher

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Lodewijk Gerard Visscher

Lodewijk Gerard Visscher (born March 1, 1797 in Breda , † January 26, 1859 in Utrecht ) was a Dutch literary scholar and historian.


The eldest son of Teunis Krags Visscher (born January 15, 1769 in Amsterdam; † September 19, 1799 at Schoorldam) and Catharina Dorothea Boellaard (born November 13, 1768 in Meerkerk; † June 7, 1843 in The Hague) had his father lost early. Since his father was killed as a soldier in a battle, his mother married the tax officer Adolphus Bierman on November 10, 1805 in The Hague (born April 15, 1781 in Leerdam, † June 21, 1846 in The Hague). This seems to have had a formative influence on him. Because in 1814 he became a tax officer in The Hague and in 1817 tax inspector in Brussels . Here he was active in literature and campaigned for the introduction of the Dutch language in the Flemish, later Belgian, provinces. After he had published his work Over het herstel en de invoering der Nederlandsche taal , he was appointed professor of Dutch language and literature at the philosophical faculty of the University of Leuven on December 31, 1826 .

He lost his job with the Belgian uprising of 1830. He found a new place of work when, on March 6, 1831, he was appointed adjunct professor of Dutch language, literature and history at the University of Utrecht , which he took on on April 12, 1831. After the death of Adam Simons , he became a full professor of the subject on March 4, 1834 and received an honorary doctorate in philosophy in Utrecht on January 26, 1837. In his capacity as a Utrecht university lecturer, he also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1837/38 and 1856/57 . He was also a member of several learned societies of his time. In 1825 he became a member of the Dutch Literature Society in Brussels, in 1826 he became a member of the Society of Dutch Literature in Leiden and in 1828 a corresponding member of the Royal Dutch Institute of Sciences in Amsterdam.


Visscher married Georgetta Catharina Cornela Flok (* 1798 in The Hague; † June 20, 1866 in Utrecht), the daughter of Cornelis Flock and Alida Sophia van Rooijen, on February 25, 1818 in The Hague. There are children from the marriage. We know of these:

  • Corneille Herman Dirk Visscher (* 1821 in Brussels, † February 7, 1867 in Maastricht) became a military doctor
  • Antoine Adolphe Thiery Visscher (born November 30, 1822 in Rumpel; † September 12, 1881) was a lawyer in Amsterdam
  • Georg Michiel Visscher died as a merchant in the Dutch East Indies
  • Catharina Dorothea Diderika Visscher (* around 1825 in Brussels) married. April 17, 1873 in Utrecht with Kornelis Achterberg (born December 30, 1820 in Veenendaal) son of Elis Achterberg and Metje van Egdom
  • Jan Antoni Visscher (* around 1830 in The Hague) became a military doctor and was knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion, married. I before 1867 with Jeanette Louise Maria Antoinette Le Rutte (* around 1834 in The Hague; † January 2, 1869 in Muiden); mated II. March 17, 1870 in Wijk near Duurstede with Anne Therese Mathilde Popp (* around 1843 in Dinoijo (Soerabaja Ned.Indie))
  • Georgetta Louise Sophia Secunda Visscher (born September 21, 1841 in Utrecht, † February 23, 1886 in Odijk) married. October 15, 1861 in Loenen with the military doctor Jacob Hennequin (born March 4, 1835 in Sluis; † August 19, 1871 in Utrecht)

Works (selection)

  • Mélanges de Poésie et de la Littérature des Pays-Bas. Brussels 1820 ( online )
  • A couple woorden over Amsterdam en Brussels, at the youngest watersnood. Brussels 1820
  • Bloemlezing uit de best writings of the Nederlandsche poet van de 13de tot en met de 18de Eeuw. Breda 1820-1822, 3rd vol .; ( 1st volume online ), ( 2nd volume online ), ( 3rd volume online )
  • De herder op het slagveld te Nieuwpoort. 2nd edition Brussels 1822 ( online )
  • Aan den koning en het volk. Lierzang. Brussels 1822, ( online )
  • De verbroedering, of De Hollander and Brabander in a different country. Tooneelspel. Brussels 1823 ( online )
  • De Koningin te Breda, Tooneelspel. Brussels 1823 ( online )
  • Over het Herstel en de Invoering der Nederlandsche Taal. Brussels 1825 ( online )
  • De overstrooming, Lierzang. 1825 ( online )
  • Nederlandsche Chrestomathie, ten gebruike bij het Hooger Onderwijs. Lion 1827
  • Bloemlezing uit de Nederlandsche Dichters en prozaschrijvers. Löwen 1828 u. 1829, 2nd vol.
  • Small handleiding voor de uitspraak der Nederl. taal, existed in eene verzameling van eigenaardige spreekwijzen. Lion 1828
  • Handleiding tot de Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde Inzonderheid ten Gebruike bij academic studies. Lions 1829 ( online )
  • Handleiding tot de algemeene geschiedenis der Nederlanden, inzonderheid ten gebruike bij Academische studiën. First cursus. Van de vroegste tijden tot op den jare 1500. Utrecht 1832, 1833
  • Toelichtingen dead het chronologically overzigt the nederlandsche Vorsten. Utrecht 1833 ( online ) later published under the title: Beknopt chronologically Overzigt der nederlandsche Geschiedenis. Utrecht 1849 ( online )
  • Bijdragen tot de oude Letterkunde of the Nederlanden. Utrecht 1835 ( online )
  • Ferguut. Ridderroman uit the Fabelkring van de ronde Tafel. Utrecht 1836, ( online ), 1838 ( online ); Leiden 1838 ( online )
  • Oratio de Gerardo minor. Utrecht 1838 ( online )
  • Jacob de Coster van Maerlant. Utrecht 1838 ( online )
  • Natuurkunde van het Heelal, door Gerard Leenhout, benevens eene negotiation, over hetzelfde onderwerp door broeder Thomas. Utrecht 1841
  • Feestlied, den koning, in mannenkoor, toegezongen bij Lageheid van ZM blijde inkomst te Utrecht, May 1841. Muzijk van JH Kufferath. Utrecht 1841
  • De Jesuits in Nederland. Utrecht 1845, 1853 (anonymous)
  • Bronnen en bouwstoffen ter beoefening the Algemeene is divorced from het Vaderland. Utrecht 1846, 2nd vol.
  • Anthologie van Nederlandsche prozaschrijvers en Dichters. Utrecht 1847 ( online )
  • Kort understands the general history of Vaderland. Utrecht 1848, 1850
  • Chronological panel voor de Geschiedenis of the Israeli people in Nederland. Utrecht 1850, 1852 ( online )
  • Leiddraad tot de Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche letterkunde. Utrecht 1850–55, 3rd vol., ( 1st vol. Online )
  • Handbook of the algemeene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden en Nederlandsche Koloniën. Maarsen 1851
  • Buttoned divisions of the Dutch letter studies. Utrecht 1851–1852, ( 2nd volume online )
  • Voorlezingen over de Geschiedenis of the Roomsch Catholic Church in de Noord-Nederlanden. Utrecht 1853 ( online )
  • Bijlagen tot de Voorlezingen over de Geschiedenis of the Roomsch-Katholieke Kerk in Noord-Nederlanden. Utrecht 1853 ( online )
  • Korte schets tot de Geschiedenis of the Nederlandsche letterkunde. Utrecht 1854-1857, 4th vol .; 2nd edition 1860 ( online )
  • Leiddraad tot de divorced the Netherlands. Letterk. Utrecht 1854–57, 4th vol.,
  • Handelingen van het vierde nederlandsch taal- en letterkundig congres, gehouden te Utrecht op 20, 21 en 22 September 1854. Utrecht 1855 ( online )
  • Tableaux généalogiques et chronologiques des sovverains Russes et Turcs. Avec le portrait d'Alexandre 11. Empereur de toutes les Russies. Utrecht 1855 ( online )
  • Negotiating, small Opstellen en promising writings. Utrecht 1862 ( online , with CV)


  • Utrecht Student Almanak voor het Schrikkeljaar 1860. Verlag Post Uiterweer & Comp. Utrecht 1859, p. 186, ( online )
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. JJ van Brederode, Haarlem, 1876, vol. 19. p. 244, ( online )
  • Dr. Wap: Lodewijk Gerard Visscher. In: Handelingen der jaarlijksche algemeene vergadering van de Maatschappij der Nederlandsche Letterkunde te Leiden, gehouden op den 17 Junij 1852, in het gebouw der Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen te Leiden. Brill, Leiden 1859
  • Hajo Brugmans: VISSCHER (Dr. Lodewijk Gerard) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 4. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 1388–1389 (Dutch, knaw.nl / dbnl.org - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1918, reprinted unchanged).

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