Lolita Brieger

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Lolita Brieger (born October 4, 1964 , † probably on November 4, 1982 ) was the victim of a homicide in the Eifel . Her body was found after 29 years. A suspect was arrested shortly thereafter, but acquitted on June 11, 2012, on charges of murder . Although the court assumed that he had committed a manslaughter on his pregnant ex-girlfriend , this was statute-barred more than 29 years after the crime .


Lolita Brieger grew up with four siblings in modest circumstances in which to Dahlem belonging Eifeldorf Frauenkron in the south of Euskirchen in North Rhine-Westphalia on. Her parents were German expellees from Silesia .

In August 1981, when she was almost seventeen, she met the farmer's son Josef Klein, who came from a well-to-do family and was three years older than him, from Scheid , a neighboring village in Rhineland-Palatinate ( Vulkaneifel district ). Because of the social divide, the relationship that developed between the two was particularly deprecated in his parents' home.

In the summer of 1982, Klein ended his relationship with Brieger. After learning of a suicide attempt by his girlfriend Lolita, he continued the previous relationship as a normal friendship, as he had learned in this context that she was pregnant by him.

In the late summer of 1982 Lolita Brieger found a job as a seamstress in Jünkerath, around 14 kilometers away, and moved into a small apartment there. On the evening of November 3, 1982, a heated argument broke out in this apartment. The landlady, who lived in the same house and who was aware of the situation, thus became an important witness: Brieger sought a marriage due to the pregnancy , but Klein did not. Rather, she should come to him the next day at his father's farm, as he intended to settle the matter with financial compensation.

The Lolita Brieger case

Lolita Brieger was last seen on November 4, 1982 at around 1 p.m.: A work colleague had taken her from Jünkerath in the car because, as agreed, she wanted to visit her boyfriend and his father at their farm in Scheid. At around 1 p.m. she got out of her colleague's car near Scheid; she intended to walk the last few kilometers to the remote village. From then on there was no trace of her.

A few days later, Lolita Brieger's family filed a missing person report, whereupon the police opened an investigation. In the period that followed, various causes for their disappearance were considered:

  1. Brieger had committed suicide because she did not want to raise her child unmarried, especially since she had already attempted suicide at the beginning of her pregnancy when Klein wanted to separate from her. A letter found in her apartment initially made this variant appear possible. However, the fact that her corpse could not be found increasingly spoke against it.
  2. With regard to a possible homicide, Brieger's (ex) boyfriend and child's father were the main targets of the investigation. He testified that she left the courtyard that afternoon. No evidence to the contrary could be found.
  3. According to rumors, Lolita Brieger is said to have left to start a new life under a different name and in a different location.

Despite extensive investigations, no trace could be found that led to the living or dead Lolita Brieger. Only in February 1983 was Lolita's key ring found by chance by a (young) passerby in the cemetery in Stadtkyll . Stadtkyll is about 10 km east of the place where Lolita Brieger left her colleague's car.

The decisive breakthrough in 2011

The Lolita Brieger case was conducted by the responsible criminal police in Trier , the files - as is usual with capital crimes - not closed. The Brieger case was re-examined in 2011 and was broadcast on the television program Aktenzeichen XY ... unsolved on August 24, 2011. The investigating persons, the chief detective Wolfgang Schu and the Trier public prosecutor Eric Samel, assumed that the perpetrator had helpers in the removal of Brieger's body; With reference to Brieger's elderly mother, they appealed to the conscience of any confidante and pointed out that such involvement was now time barred.

While this report was still being broadcast, a woman reported to the police who revealed evidence of an accomplice in the crime - a close friend of the suspect. He then admitted during an interrogation that he had helped the alleged perpetrator with the removal of the body. The perpetrator was Josef Klein, who was 50 at the time - Lolita Brieger's then partner and father of her child. He was arrested on September 9, 2011.

According to the information provided by the said confidante, after a two-week search on October 19, 2011, a human skeleton wrapped in plastic along with remains of clothing was found on a now disused garbage dump near Dahlem-Frauenkron . A few days later, an examination in the forensic medicine institute of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz provided certainty based on a DNA analysis : it was the remains of Lolita Brieger.

Lolita Brieger and her unborn child found their final rest on November 4th, 2011 in Berk near Frauenkron (there is the cemetery of the parish of St. Brictius Berk , to which Frauenkron also belongs) at the side of their father.

On December 29, 2011, the Trier public prosecutor brought charges of murder; the trial began on March 6, 2012. The defendant was acquitted on June 11, 2012. The court assumed that he was responsible for Brieger's death, but judged the act as manslaughter , as certain murder features could not be proven ; In contrast to murder, however, manslaughter was now time barred .



Living with guilt: The Lolita Brieger case , ZDF documentary by Bernd Reufels in the series Aufgeklärt - Spectacular criminal cases (2018)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b acquittal for the accused farmer . In: Focus Online. June 11, 2012.
  2. a b Nadine Ahr : God's mills . In: Die Zeit , No. 27/2012.
  3. Lolita Brieger case: Police find bones in a garbage dump. Spiegel Online , October 19, 2011.
  4. Lolita Brieger's body found - DNA test brought certainty. ( Memento from September 19, 2012 in the web archive ) on: WDR online. October 26, 2011.
  5. ^ Lolita Brieger is quietly buried., November 9, 2011.
  6. ↑ The murder trial in the matter of Lolita Brieger begins on March 6th before the Trier district court In: Eifel-Zeitung. February 8, 2012.