Loránt Vincze

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Loránt Vincze (2018)

Loránt Vincze (born November 3, 1977 in Târgu Mureş ) is a Romanian journalist and politician of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR / RMDSz). He has been President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN / FUEN) since 2016, and has been a member of the European Parliament of the European People's Party in the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) since July 2, 2019 .


Vincze attended the Farkas Bolyai Grammar School in his native city. He then completed a bachelor's degree in journalism at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj , and a master's degree in public administration and e-government from the University of Bucharest . From 1993 he worked for 16 years as a radio journalist for public radio in Neumarkt , Cluj and Bucharest in the Hungarian-language editorial offices. From 2005 he was sales manager of Scripta-Verlag, whose managing director he was from 2007 to 2009. He was also editor-in-chief of the Hungarian-language daily newspaper Új Magyar Szó (New Hungarian Word) published by Scripta-Verlag . From 2009 he worked for Iuliu Winkler in the European Parliament . In 2011 he became International Secretary of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, for which he was a candidate in the 2014 European elections in Romania .

As a member of the Hungarian minority in Romania , he was Vice President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN / FUEN) from 2013 . In 2016 he was elected President of the Federal Union of European Nationalities to succeed Hans Heinrich Hansen . In June 2019, he was confirmed in this position for a further three years for the term of office until 2022. He is a member of the citizens 'committee of the European citizens' initiative Minority SafePack - one million signatures for the diversity of Europe .

After the European elections in Romania in 2019 , he became a full member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and the Committee on Petitions (PETI) as well as a deputy member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in the 9th electoral term of the European Parliament beginning July 2, 2019 (LIBE) for the European People's Party (EPP) in the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) .

Web links

Commons : Loránt Vincze  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry on Loránt Vincze in the Members' database of the European ParliamentTemplate: MEP / Maintenance / Wikidata name not equal to Lemma
  2. a b DAHR - Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania - Vincze Loránt ( Memento from June 1, 2019 in the Internet Archive )
  3. With kell tudni az RMDSZ esélyes EP-jelöltjeiről? January 28, 2014, accessed July 14, 2019 .
  4. Loránt Vincze re-elected as FUEN President. June 15, 2019, accessed July 14, 2019 .
  5. Vincze remains at the head of FUEN. June 17, 2019, accessed July 14, 2019 .
  6. Making minorities heard: Interview with FUEN President Loránt Vincze. Retrieved July 14, 2019 .