Lorenz Unfried

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Lorenz Unfried MCCJ , also Lorenzo Unfried Gimpel , (born September 13, 1919 in Ornbau , † November 29, 1988 ) was Bishop of Tarma .


Lorenz Unfried joined the Congregation of the Comboni Missionaries in and received on 30 April 1950, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On March 13, 1969, Pope Paul VI appointed him . the titular bishop of Dolia and auxiliary bishop in Arequipa . The Archbishop of Arequipa, Leonardo José Rodriguez Ballón OFM , donated him episcopal ordination on May 11th of the same year ; Co-consecrators were the military bishop of Peru , Alcides Mendoza Castro , and the prelate of Tarma, Antonio Kühner y Kühner MCCJ.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Prelate of Tarma on September 19, 1980. On December 21, 1985 Lorenz Unfried became the first bishop of Tarma as a result of the elevation of the Tarma territorial prelature .

In 1970 his hometown gave him honorary citizenship .

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predecessor Office successor
Antonio Kühner y Kühner MCCJ Prelate / Bishop of Tarma
Luis Abilio Sebastiani Aguirre SM