Louis Hasselriis

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Louis Hasselriis, before 1901

Louis Hasselriis (also Ludvig Hasselriis ; born January 12, 1844 in Hillerød , † May 20, 1912 in Frederiksberg near Copenhagen) was a Danish sculptor who was best known for his portrait sculptures.

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Hasselriis first did a year and a half apprenticeship with the carver Wille in Copenhagen and then studied from 1859 to 1966 at the Art Academy in Copenhagen a. a. at Herman Wilhelm Bissen and like him was strongly influenced by Bertel Thorvaldsen's neoclassicism . He lived in Rome for a long time from 1869 , but always remained in close contact with his native country. He created a Shakespeare statue for Helsingör and for Copenhagen monuments to Danish national heroes and celebrities such as Peder Schumacher Griffenfeld and Søren Kierkegaard . In Odense and New Jersey, there are statues by Hans Christian Andersen created by Hasselriis .

One of his most famous works in Germany is the bust of Heinrich Heine , which adorns the poet's grave stele in the Montmartre cemetery in Paris . A seated marble sculpture by Heine, which Hasselriis had made in 1873, was erected by Empress Elisabeth of Austria in 1892 in the park of her Achilleion Castle on Corfu . It was removed from there in 1909 at the instigation of Kaiser Wilhelm II , who had acquired the castle. After moving several times in downtown Hamburg and in Altona , it was finally installed in Toulon .


Web links

Commons : Louis Hasselriis  - collection of images, videos and audio files