Louis Tuchscherer

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Louis Friedrich Tuchscherer (born January 23, 1847 in Schönheide ; † October 21, 1922 in Chemnitz ) was a German inventor and mechanic . Tuchscherer was one of the many inventors and mechanics in the Chemnitz area, whose creative work prepared the ground for the industrial rise of this region.


Louis Tuchscherer was born on January 23, 1847, the son of a tailor. After an apprenticeship as a locksmith in Schönheide, he came to Chemnitz at the beginning of 1862 and began working as a locksmith's assistant on January 17, 1862 in Louis Schönherr's loom factory (today's Schönherr culture factory). After him, other members of the Tuchscherer family from Schönheide came to the Schönherrsche loom factory, where they were hired as fitters, plumbers, formers, lathe operators and others.

Soon after starting work in the loom factory, Louis Tuchscherer turned to solving technical problems independently. For this purpose, he set up a small workshop near his company in 1867 at Hauboldstrasse 29, which he relocated to house number 21 on the same street in 1871. In these workshops, he realized a number of proprietary inventions, including a shuttle screw , and a Schaftregulirer for looms .

Louis Tuchscherer died at the age of 75 on October 21, 1922 in Chemnitz. In recognition of his services, the city council of Chemnitz decided on December 1, 1999 - at the request of the "Table of Heritage and Monument Preservation" - to name a street in the industrial and commercial area on Jagdschänkenstrasse after him: "Tuchschererstrasse".

Horse-drawn carriage

“Carriage without horses” here with the license plate that was retouched on the photo published in 1954

With her article in issue 2 of 1954, the magazine " Das Magazin ", Hanna Klose-Greger said: Was Benz the first? - How Louis Tuchscherer from Schönheide invented the first automobile , made the claim that Tuchscherer was the first to build a "horse-drawn carriage" in 1880 and that Carl Benz visited Tuchscherer's workshop in 1878. A photo was published that showed Louis Tuchscherer on his “horse-drawn carriage” with a retouched license plate. However, the photo could not have been taken until 1906 at the earliest, after the introduction of the license plate in the German Reich. The year 1880 is also not tenable, since the first car that Tuchscherer built was realistically only around 1895.

Tuchscherer did not invent the “horse-drawn carriage”, and Tuchscherer is not even mentioned in the relevant specialist literature. Steam-powered "horse-drawn carriages" drove in Great Britain in the 1830s and 1840s according to a timetable and were already built in series, in Germany from 1879–1880 at Wöhlert in Berlin. A motor vehicle with a gas engine (by Étienne Lenoir , 1822–1900) was already running in 1865 and several with the Brayton principle used by him (for example by George Baldwin Selden , 1846–1922) around 1877–1878 and by George Brayton (1830–1892 ) itself around 1878.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DRP No. 10901 of January 13, 1880. Cf. H. Fischer: About innovations in tissue production. In: Polytechnisches Journal . 240, 1881, pp. 351-360.
  2. Shaft regulators for looms. In: Polytechnisches Journal . 298, 1895, pp. 36-39.
  3. Hanna Klose-Greger: The carriage without horses ( Memento of the original from January 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.louis-tuchscherer.com archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 8.1 MB) , youth book publisher Ernst Wunderlich, 1956. See p. 22.
  4. sz-online.de Descendants for sure: Benz stole Tuchscherer's car idea . In: Sächsische Zeitung, January 18, 2012.
  5. saechsisches-industriemuseum.de "Carriage without horses" - Louis Tuchscherer built the first two-stroke engine vehicle in Chemnitz. (accessed on February 20, 2016)
  6. louis-tuchscherer.com ( Memento of the original from February 20, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Photo (accessed February 20, 2016). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.louis-tuchscherer.com
  7. Erberhard [sic!] Kreßner: Friedrich Louis Tuchscherer 1847–1922. Was the automobile invented in Chemnitz? Legends and facts (= Chemnitzer Lebensbilder, 12), Chemnitz 2016, ISBN 978-3910186958 .
  8. ^ Hans Christoph von Seherr-Thoss : The German automobile industry. A documentation from 1886 to 1979 , Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (October 1990, extended new edition from 1974), ISBN 3-42102-284-4 , ISBN 978-3-42102-284-4 (no mention of Tuchscherer)
  9. Reinhard Seiffert: The era of Gottlieb Daimler: New perspectives on the early history of the automobile and its technology, Verlag Vieweg + Teubner (September 24, 2009); ISBN 3-834-80962-4 ; ISBN 978-3-83480-962-9 (no mention of Tuchscherer)
  10. ^ Smithsonian: American History; America on the Move Collection Dudgeon steam wagon (accessed February 19, 2016)
  11. ^ Smithsonian: American History; America on the Move Collection / Long steam tricycle (accessed February 19, 2016)
  12. ^ William Greenleaf: Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford and the Selden Automobile Patent , Great Lakes Books / Wayne State University Press (March 15, 2011; first edition 1955); ISBN 0-8143-3512-8 ; ISBN 978-0-8143-3512-3 .
  13. ^ Richard J. Evans: Steam Cars (Shire Album No. 153) , Shire Publications Ltd (December 1985), hardcover, ISBN 978-0-85263774-6 .