Louis de Conflans, marquis d'Armentières

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Louis de Conflans, marquis d'Armentières (born February 23, 1711 in Armentières-sur-Ourcq, † January 18, 1774 in the Palace of Versailles ) was a member of the French military. In 1746 he was made Lieutenant-General and in 1768 Marshal of France .


He was the son of Michel III. de Conflans (1674–1717), marquis d'Armentières, first nobleman in the chamber of Philippe II. de Bourbon, duc d'Orléans and the Diane Gabrielle de Jussac (1688–1777), lady of the palace of Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans , then Françoise Marie de Bourbon's companion . He was probably from the Brienne family . From the House of Brienne came Jean de Brienne, a king of Jerusalem and an emperor of Constantinople. however, none of his descendants ever carried the name Brienne. If one takes the memoirs of Saint-Simon as a source, his family had lost much of their reputation over time, but returned to the court nobility during the reign of Louis XIV , as his father and uncle had two daughters of Claude de Jussac, captain of the Gardes de Monsieur , had married.

In 1717 he inherited his father as first chamberlain at the court of Philippe II. De Bourbon, duc d'Orléans . In 1726, at the age of 15, he joined the Mousquetaires de la garde and became regiment holder of the Régiment d'Anjou the following year .

During the War of the Polish Succession , he served in Italy from 1733 to 1735. He took part in the Battle of Parma and was wounded on September 19, 1734 in the Battle of Guastalla by a musket ball in the neck. On October 18, 1734, at the age of 23, he was promoted to Brigadier des armées du roi .

At the beginning of the Austrian War of Succession he served under the Maréchal de Belle-Isle in the campaign to Bohemia . In February 1743 he returned to France and was promoted to Maréchal de camp on the 20th of the same month . First assigned to the Armée d'Alsace (Alsatian Army), he was then assigned to Flanders. Here he distinguished himself in the battle of Rocourt , which brought him on October 11, 1747 the appointment to lieutenant-général . He was still in the field until 1748 and was awarded the Ordre du Saint-Esprit in January 1753 .

During the Seven Years' War he served under Marshals Charles de Rohan, Prince de Soubise and Louis-Georges-Erasme de Contades , a. a. in the Münsterland, where he quartered in Hülshoff Castle. In 1761 he was given command of the province of the Trois-Évêchés ( Metz , Toul and Verdun ). On January 2, 1768, he was appointed Marshal of France.

On January 18, 1774, he died of a stroke in the king's apartments in the Palace of Versailles .


He was married twice:

  • On May 15, 1733 he married Adélaïde Jeanne Françoise de Bouterou d'Aubigny, * May 1717 † May 9, 1746, from this marriage had three children:
    • Louis Henri Gabriel * December 28, 1735
    • Louis Charles, born December 5, 1737
    • Louise Gabrielle, born November 3, 1743
  • In 1770 he married Marie-Charlotte de Senneterre, granddaughter of Jean Charles de Saint-Nectaire, * November 14, 1750 † July 26, 1794 on the guillotine . From this marriage came a son:

coat of arms

Illustration Blazon
French heraldic crowns - marquis v2.svg
Blason ville for La Neuville-du-Bosc (Eure) .svg

A blue shield, sprinkled with gold plaques, with a gold lion on top


  1. ^ François-Alexandre Aubert de La Chenaye-Desbois et Jacques Badier, Dictionnaire de la noblesse, contenant les généalogies, l'histoire et la chronologie des familles nobles de France , 3e édition, chapter 4, Schlesinger frères, Paris, 1864 p. 152
  2. Louis de La Roque, Catalog historique des généraux français, connétables, maréchaux de France, lieutenants généraux, maréchaux de camp , A. Desaide, 1902, t. 2 pp. 210-211
  3. Victor-François de Broglie, Correspondance inédite de Victor-François, duc de Broglie, maréchal de France, avec le prince Xavier de Saxe ... , Albin Michel, Paris, 1903, chap. 1 p. 30
  4. ^ Henri-Paul-César de Chastellux, Notes prises aux archives de l'état-civil de Paris, avenue Victoria, 4, brûlées le 24 mai 1871 , JB Dumoulin, Paris, 1875 pp. 90 & 190
  5. ^ Henri Wallon, Histoire du tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris: avec le journal de ses actes , Tome 5, Hachette, Paris, 1882, p162-166
  6. Anatole-François Gruyer, Chantilly. Les Portraits de Carmontelle , Plon, Paris, 1902 pp. 149–150


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