Lucien Arnault

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Lucien-Émile Arnault , known as Lucien Arnault , (born October 1, 1787 in Versailles , † April 24, 1863 in Paris ) was a French civil servant and playwright.


Lucien Arnault was the firstborn son of Antoine-Vincent Arnault , who was the godfather of Louis XVIII. was. Again Lucien Bonaparte was Lucien Arnauld's godfather, so that there was a close family connection to the highest aristocratic circles, which greatly benefited his career.

Arnault first attended the Collège Sainte-Barbe and then studied at the Prytanée national militaire . This was followed by a law degree, which he successfully completed. He took up his first position in 1808. He was hired as an auditor at the Conseil d'État . After two years he became head of the financial administration of the Illyrian provinces in the course of the coalition wars . His next post was sub-prefect in Châteauroux and finally during the reign of the Hundred Days he held the rank of prefect of the Ardèche department .

After Napoleon's fall, he went into exile with his father in 1815, but returned to France after just three years. He ended up in the Auvergne , where he began his literary work. It was there that he created all of his literary work.

The restoration interrupted his work, because he was first appointed prefect of the Saône-et-Loire department and later transferred to the Meurthe-et-Moselle department . In 1848 his career finally ended with the February Revolution . Arnault retired and withdrew completely into his personal life.


Little is known about Arnault's personal life. Only this: he was married to the daughter of Joseph Cornudet des Chaumettes , with whom he had a daughter.

Stage plays (excerpt)

  • Pierre de Portugal , Tragedy, Comédie-Française , 1823
  • Régulus , tragedy, Comédie-Française, 1825
  • Le derniere jour de Tibère , Tragedy, Comédie-Française, 1828
  • Catherine de Médicis aux États de Blois , historical drama, Odéon - Théâtre de l'Europe , 1829
  • Gustave-Adolphe ou la Bataille de Lutzen , Tragedy, Comédie-Française, 1830


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