Ludger Ramme

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Ludger Ramme (born April 10, 1962 in Mülheim an der Ruhr ) is chief executive officer of the ULA - United Leaders Association and president of the European management association CEC European Managers .

Just like the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) and the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA), the ULA is one of the political interest groups of managers. The CEC-European Managers is one of the six social partners recognized by the EU Commission at the European level. Ramme thus represents around 60,000 managers in Germany and around 1 million from 15 countries in Europe.

Ramme grew up in Mülheim an der Ruhr and after a one-year study visit as a guest of the Rotary Club of Barrie in Ontario , Canada, passed his Abitur at the Otto Pankok School .


Ramme studied law from 1982 to 1987 in Konstanz , Münster and Barcelona .

After the first state examination in law, he began his legal clerkship at the Duisburg Regional Court in 1988 , during which he went to Barcelona again in 1990. In 1991 he passed the second state examination in law.

Professional career

From 1991 to 1992 Ramme was a member of the government z. A. active in the legal department of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science in Bonn .

From 1992 to 1993, he worked as legal advisor and assistant to the management in a company belonging to the Nordstern Group in Bremerhaven .

Ramme has been working for ULA since autumn 1993, in its management since 1995 and managing director since 1999. In addition, he managed the business of the Association for Specialists and Managers eV (VFF) from its foundation in 2009 to 2018.

At the European level, he has held various positions on the board of the European management association CEC European Managers since 1996 . From 2006 to 2012 he was Secretary General. In May 2015, he was the first German to be elected President of the Association. He performs this function on a voluntary basis and in addition to his professional activity as ULA Managing Director.

Since May 2016 Ramme has been a member of the board of trustees of EAF - European Academy for Women in Politics and Business eV ( EAF Berlin ).

Ramme has represented ULA on the advisory board of the German Business Pension Insurance Association ( PSV ) since 2018 .

Sociopolitical engagement

Ludger Ramme lived with his family from 1999 to 2016 in Falkensee near Berlin . There he founded the Bürgererverein Finkenkrug eV in 2000, of which he was chairman until 2006. Ludger Ramme is a founding member of Westwind eV, the capital network of North Rhine-Westphalia in Berlin and Brandenburg. He is a member of the Charlottenburg Canoe Club and the Völklinger Kreis .

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