Ludwig Doerr

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Ludwig Doerr on his 85th birthday

Ludwig Doerr (born July 12, 1925 in Speyer ; †  June 30, 2015 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German organist .


He finished his studies at the music academies in Cologne and Stuttgart  - among others with Anton Nowakowski and Karl Marx  - with the state A-exam for church music and the concert qualification examination for organ. In 1950 he received the Bach Prize at the international Bach Competition in Leipzig . In 1952 Doerr became cathedral organist in Speyer , at the same time he taught organ playing at the Episcopal Church Music Institute in Speyer and at the Pedagogical University in Landau and, since 1964, at the State University of Music in Saarbrücken . From 1971 until his retirement in 1990 he taught as a professor for organ playing at the State University of Music in Freiburg im Breisgau and at the same time worked as a cathedral organist at the Freiburg Cathedral . Due to his individually shaped art of improvisation, he has gained fame as an organ improviser. In the summer of the Bach year 1985 he presented Bach's entire organ work in Freiburg Minster, spread over 16 evenings.

Numerous renowned organists emerged from his organ class, including Leo Krämer, Johannes Racke, Christoph Schoener , Joachim Krause and Hannfried Lucke .

In 1993 Ludwig Doerr was awarded the Upper Rhine Culture Prize.



  • The organ portrait: The Wolfgang Scherpf organ of the Speyer Cathedral / Organ: Cathedral organist Ludwig Doerr. Works by Rheinberger , Mendelssohn Bartholdy , Reger . Psallite 1968
  • Science Fiction For Big Organ (1969) / Ludwig Doerr on the organ of the Imperial Cathedral in Speyer. MPS 14 273
  • Historic organs on the Upper Rhine / Ludwig Doerr, the organs in Allmannsweier, Meissenheim, Offenburg monastery church and Ettenheimmünster. Works by Walther , Kellner , Mozart , Guilain . Christophorus-Verlag, Freiburg.
  • Organ concert in the Freiburg Minster, Ludwig Doerr on the four minster organs . Works by Bruhns , Bach Liszt and improvisations. Christophorus Verlag, Freiburg.
  • Historical organs in South Baden / therein: Ludwig Doerr, improvisation on "Dies irae", Südwestfunk Landesstudio Südbaden.
  • Organ improvisation 69 about "It sung three angels" in it: Ludwig Doerr at the organ of the seminary church of St. Peter Black Forest. Christophorus Verlag, Freiburg
  • Gregorian chants & organ improvisations (1988) Freiburger Münsterschola Direction: Anton Stingl jun. On the cathedral organs: Ludwig Doerr
  • Organ music from the Freiburg Minster. Ludwig Doerr at the four organs of the Freiburg Minster. Works by Bach , Mendelssohn Bartholdy , Brahms, Liszt and Doerr. Mitra Digital (CD 16 235), 1991
  • Organ improvisations. Ludwig Doerr improvises on "Three angels sang a sweet song" (Baroque Church of St. Peter / Black Forest, 1969), "Peruvian Peace Song" (Freiburg Minster, 1996), "The moon has risen" (Fridolinsmünster Bad Säckingen, 1993) and others -Text by Johannes Adam. ORGANpromotion label, Horb am Neckar, 2015

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary by Johannes Adam, Badische Zeitung
  2. AAS 87 (1995), n.8, p. 742