Lukas Red Goose

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Lukas Rotgans (born November 1653 in Amsterdam , † November 3 or 4, 1710 in Maarssen ) was a Dutch writer. His work is assigned to French classicism in the Netherlands.

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Red Goose came from an old and wealthy Amsterdam family. He was the son of Jacob Rotgans, commissaris of the monstering of Holland , and Maria Magdalena Timmerman, who lived at Nijenrode Castle in Breukelen an der Vecht . Since his parents died early, Rotgans was raised by his grandmother, who lived in Cromwijck, also on the Vecht. Rotgans attended the Latin school in Utrecht . He never had to hold an office in order to earn a living. Some of his books were edited by his friend François Halma from Leeuwarden .

When the war broke out in Rampjaar in 1672 , he joined the army, where he became an ensign . He left this again in 1674 after no promotion had jumped out for him. Cromwijck, which had been devastated during the war, was rebuilt at a time when his grandmother was no longer alive.

After the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678, he traveled to Paris . Back in Cromwijck, he married Anna Adriana de Salengre in 1687, who died in 1689. The couple had two daughters and a son who died early. Rotgans lived next to Cromwijck in Utrecht, where he was officially registered.

Red goose died of smallpox , also called "the childhood disease" at the time. He was buried in Breukelen.


  • Op de vervolginge tegen de belyders van den herrormden godsdienst door Lodewijk den XIV. (1684). In this book, which can be seen as the debut of Rotgans, Rotgans treats the fate of the French Huguenots .
  • Poem in Goudestein to Johan Huydekoper (1690)
  • An epic on William the Third in eight books and approx. 9000 verses with the title Wilhem de Derde, door Gods genade, Koning van Engeland, Schotland, Vrankryk en Ierland, beschermer des geloofs, enz.enz.enz. (1698).
  • Stichtse lofbazuin, blown over het veroveren van Ierland, door den Welgebooren heer Godard, baron van Reede (1691)
  • Boerekermis (1708). Describes fair-goers and their fun. Willem Kloos refers to the paintings by Ostade and Jan Steen .
  • Zedelessen uit de oude verdichtzelen getrokken, en in different Dichtmaat opgesteld (1712)
  • Red goose Poëzij, van various mixed materials; versed in constructions (1715)
  • The tragedies Eneas en Turnus (1705) and Scilla (1709). Both dramas were well received and played through the late 18th century.
  • de Mislukte Koningsmoordt


  • PG Witsen Geysbeek: Biographically anthologically en critisch woordenboek of the Dutch poets . Part 5: OGI – VER. CL Schleijer, Amsterdam 1824.
  • PC Molhuysen and PJ Blok (eds.): Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek. Part 10. AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1937.
  • K. ter Laan: Letter-informed woordenboek voor Noord en Zuid. GB van Goor Zonen's Uitgeversmaatschappij, Den Haag / Jakarta 1952 (second print).
  • GJ van Bork, PJ Verkruijsse (ed.): De Nederlandse en Vlaamse auteurs van middeleeuwen tot heden met incl. Van de Friese auteurs. De Haan, Weesp 1985.

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