Luther (1965)

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Original title Luther
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Publishing year 1965
Director Alan Cooke
script John Osborne
production Cedric Messina
music Herbert Chappell

Luther is a 1965 dramatic television film directed by Alan Cooke based on a play by John Osborne .


At the beginning of the 16th century, a young monk from the Augustinian monastery in Erfurt named Martin Luther began to criticize the sale of indulgences by means of 95 theses . If Luther's opponent is initially called Tetzel, it soon becomes apparent that Pope Leo X is the real opponent. Luther is supposed to withdraw and is invited to the Diet in Worms . There he is again asked to withdraw. But Luther, who appeared, does not follow the invitation.

Years later the Reformation took its course. In the south of Germany peasants rose up , but were thrown down and defeated by the princes. At the end of the film, Luther has to face the criticism of a rebellious peasant who once invoked Luther and who now feels himself betrayed by Luther.


The film adaptation of the play Luther by John Osborne was produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as part of the BBC Play of the Month television series . The production aired in the UK on October 19th . In 1974 the play was again adapted as a film. However, the 1974 version, entitled Luther , became better known than the 1965 version .

See also

References and comments

  1. The television series BBC Play of the Month ran from 1965 to 1983 on British television. The film is therefore also referred to as episode 1 of the 1 season.

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