Machmuda Chissajewna Sadykowa

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Machmuda Chissajewna Sadykowa ( Russian Махмуда Хисаевна Садыкова ; born August 14, 1919 in the village of Sharipowo-Mamjakowo, Ujesd Ufa ; † September 20, 1985 in Ufa ) was a Soviet historian and archaeologist of Bashkir origin.


Sadykowa became a member of the Komsomol in 1933 . From 1938 to 1942 she studied at the Bashkir State Timirjasew Institute for Education in Ufa (now Bashkir State University). After her father's death in 1940, she necessarily worked as a history and geography teacher alongside her studies . From 1942 to 1943 she taught at works school No. 3 of the Ufa shipbuilding plant.

In 1943 Sadykowa Komsomol functionary for school No. 10. In 1945 she joined the CPSU and was second secretary of the Zhdanov Rajon Committee of the Komsomol in Ufa. 1947–1948 she headed the cabinet for the history of the CPSU, philosophy and political economy of the Timiryazev Institute of Education. In 1948 Sadykova became an assistant at the Chair of History at the Timirjasew Institute for Education.

From 1952 to 1957 Sadykova was an aspirant in the Moscow History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . She then returned to Ufa and became a research assistant at the Institute for History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir branch of the AN-SSSR. 1962–1963 she carried out prospecting in various Rajons of the Bashkir ASSR and was the first Bashkir archaeologist. She discovered six Bronze Age settlements in the Bashkir Trans ural region on the Sakmara . Their excavation of the Staro-Kiischinski Kurgans in the Karmaskalinsky Rajon was particularly significant . Their investigations and their ethnocultural and chronological classification of the finds were the beginning of scientific research into the culture of the early nomads in Bashkiria.

In 1963, Sadykova opened and examined a number of Kurganen near the village of Temyasova. Her work was later continued by Nijas Abdulchakowitsch Maschitow and MI Rasjapow, because Sadykowa was dismissed from the institute that year for insufficient work. In her letter to the party leadership and the institute director, she explained her deficit in work with the birth of her son in 1959 and daughter in 1961 and their serious illnesses. She was unemployed until 1967, and the family only got her husband Machmud Chissayev's salary until he fell ill. Nevertheless, they worked on their candidate - dissertation about the Sarmatian in Bashkiria continue, they 1965 when Alexei Petrovich Smirnov in Moscow Institute of Archeology of the AN SSSR successfully defended doctorate for candidate of historical sciences .

In 1967, at the request of Nijas Abdulchakowitsch Maschitow , Alexei Petrovich Smirnov, who headed the Scythian Sarmatian Archeology Sector in the Institute of Archeology of the AN-SSSR , and his colleague Konstantin Fjodorowitsch Smirnow, the candidate for the historical sciences Sadykova in the Institute for History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir branch of AN-SSSR reinstated as senior laboratory assistant.

When her husband died in 1970, Sadykowa had to give up her scientific work due to the difficult material situation. She left the Institute for History, Language and Literature and worked in Ufa at the Bashkir State University of Medicine as a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy until she retired in 1974.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Энциклопедия Башкортостана: Садыкова Махмуда Хисаевна (Хисамутдиновна) (accessed May 3, 2020).
  2. a b В Уфе открылась выставка, посвященная основоположникам археологической науки в Башкортостане . In: Вести-Башкортостан . August 16, 2019 ( [1] [accessed May 3, 2020]).
  3. Бахшиев И.И, Бахшиев Р. И .: История археологического изучения поселенческих памятников эпохи бронзы Башкирского Зауралья . In: Этносы и культуры Урало-Поволжья: история и современность: материалы III. Всероссийской научно-практической конференции молодых ученых (22 октября 2009  г.) . ИЭИ УНЦ РАН, Ufa 2009, p. 48-57 .