Main Street Today

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Original title Main Street Today
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1944
length 20 minutes
Director Edward Cahn
script Julian Harmon
Karl Kamb
production Jerry Bresler
Herbert Moulton for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
music David Raksin
camera Charles Salerno junior
cut Tom Biggart

Main Street Today is a Kriegsdokumentar- short film by Edward L. Cahn from 1944, which was nominated for an Oscar.

Ray Collins plays the factory owner Otis Bird, who produces war material in his factory.


The Otis Bird factory produces howitzers , which are essential to the war for survival in World War II and which are produced as the core of the artillery . The military leadership wants production to be increased by 50 percent. Bird fails at this production goal, however, because a third shift in the factory requires additional workers, which one does not have, however, since all qualified men are either drafted into the army or work in other places where they are indispensable.

The film begs the question of where this additional workforce could be coming from. People asked on Main Street where the factory is located give their opinion, and one of them suggests that if each of the existing workers a little longer, it should be possible to achieve the goal and would work harder and if, in addition, women who had not previously been in an employment relationship also made their contribution and made themselves available on an hourly basis. A citizens' meeting is called, in which there is a lot going on. Ultimately, however, everyone agrees that Otis Bird will employ women who want to do their part to support the soldiers with material essential to the war effort so that the war can be ended quickly and victoriously.


Jerry Bresler and Herbert Moulton were nominated for an Oscar in the category “Best Short Film” (2 film roles) at the Academy Awards in 1945 , but the award went to Gordon Hollingshead and the film I Won't Play! .

Other actors

- in alphabetic order -

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The 17th Academy Awards | 1945 at (English)