Marcus Heiland

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Marcus Heiland (* 1500 in Vaihingen an der Enz , † October 2, 1549 in Strasbourg ) was a Protestant theologian from Württemberg.


Marcus Heiland was initially a cloth shearer and then became a proofreader in Johannes Froben's print shop in Basel . In this role he is said to have worked for Konrad Pellikan . At the University of Basel he first studied artes liberales , then theology , married the Basel merchant's daughter Maria Iselin and had a son with her, who later became the theology professor Samuel Heiland .

He became a pastor in Bubendorf in Baselland . In 1535, after Duke Ulrich's return, Ambrosius Blarer appointed him to the Württemberg church service. He became pastor in Gammertingen , and in 1537 in Calw , where he also made a contribution to the establishment of Latin and German schools. From 1540 he took part in the religious discussions in Haguenau , Worms and Regensburg . He fled to Strasbourg in 1548 because of the Augsburg interim , was employed here as a deacon at St. Nicolai , but died in 1549.


Individual evidence

  1. Hans A. Lochner: Marcus Heiland on Gedbas.
  2. ^ Immanuel Stockmeyer , Balthasar Reber : Contributions to Basler Buchdruckergeschichte . Schweighauser, Basel 1840, p. 87 ( digitized version ).
  3. ^ Louis Israel Newman: Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements. Columbia University Press, New York 1925, p. 305 ( digitized , English).
  4. ^ Friedrich Weiss-Frey: Heinrich Iselin von Rosenfeld and his family. Basel 1909, p. 7 ( digitized version ).