Marie Juliane von Hanau

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Countess Marie Juliane (born January 15, 1617 in Schwarzenfels ; † October 28, 1643 in Hanau ) was a daughter of Count Albrecht von Hanau- Munzenberg -Schwarzenfels (* 1579; † 1635) and Countess Ehrengard von Isenburg (* 1577; † 1637).

Pedigree of Countess Marie Juliane von Hanau-Munzenberg-Schwarzenfels
Great grandparents

Philip III von Hanau-Münzenberg (* 1526; † 1561)

Helena von Pfalz-Simmern (* 1533; † 1579)

Philip IV von Waldeck (* 1493; † 1574) ∞
Jutta von Isenburg († 1564)

Philipp von Isenburg-Ronneburg (* 1467; † 1526) ∞
Amalia von Rieneck (* 1478; † 1543)

Philipp von Solms-Braunfels (* 1494; † 1581)

Anna von Tecklenburg († 1554)


Philipp Ludwig I of Hanau-Münzenberg (* 1553; † 1580)

Magdalena von Waldeck (* 1558; † 1599)

Philip II of Ysenburg-Büdingen (* 1526; † 1596)

Honor Guard of Solms-Braunfels (* 1536; † 1577)


Albrecht von Hanau-Münzenberg-Schwarzenfels (* 1579; † 1635)

Isengard (Ehrengard) of Ysenburg-Büdingen (* 1577; † 1637)

Marie Juliane

Since October 7, 1643 she was married to Count Johann Ludwig von Isenburg-Birstein (born February 14, 1622 in Birstein ; † February 23, 1685 Offenbach am Main ), a marriage that was supposed to support the policy of her father, who tried to to separate himself from the main ruling line from Hanau to Munzenberg and to seek an alliance with the neighboring Counts of Isenburg who were competing with Hanau.

From this marriage came a son, Wolfgang (* October 28, 1643 in Hanau; † October 29, 1643, ibid). Marie Juliane died in childbirth. She was buried in the family crypt of the Counts of Hanau in the Marienkirche in Hanau .

In the literature, their wedding date and the date of birth of their son are named the same, although they are only three weeks apart. There may be a traditional flaw and the wedding took place a year earlier. But the sources are silent about this.

Her husband married Countess Luise von Nassau-Dillenburg (* May 22, 1623, † November 17, 1665 in Dillenburg ) in their second marriage and Juliane Bilgen in their third marriage.


  • Reinhard Dietrich : The state constitution in the Hanauischen ( Hanauer Geschichtsblätter 34 ), Hanau 1996. ISBN 3-9801933-6-5
  • Detlev Schwennicke : European family tables: Family tables for the history of European states . NF XVII, plate 62.
  • Reinhard Suchier : Genealogy of the Hanauer count house . In: Festschrift of the Hanau History Association for its 50th anniversary celebration on August 27, 1894 . Hanau 1894.
  • Reinhard Suchier: The grave monuments and coffins of the people buried in Hanau from the houses of Hanau and Hesse . In: Program of the Royal High School in Hanau. Hanau 1879. pp. 1-56.
  • Ernst Julius Zimmermann : Hanau Stadt und Land , 3rd edition, Hanau 1919, ND 1978.


  1. See Suchier: Grabmonumente .