Marina Lvovna Butovskaya

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Marina Lvovna Butovskaya at the 5th Forum Scientists Against Myths of the National University of Science and Technology (formerly Moscow Stalin Institute for Steel (MISiS)) on October 21, 2017

Marina Lwowna Butowskaja ( Russian Марина Львовна Бутовская ; born June 27, 1959 in Cherkassy ) is a Soviet - Russian ethologist , anthropologist and university professor .


Butowskaja studied at the Lomonosov University Moscow (MGU) in the Faculty of Biology and graduated in 1982 from the Chair of Anthropology . After postgraduate at Tatyana Ivanovna Alekseeva defended successfully in 1985 their candidate - dissertation on ethological mechanisms of some forms of group behavior of primates as a prerequisite for Anthroposoziogenese . In 1994 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on a universal principle of social organizationSystems in primates, including humans, for promotion to Doctor of Biological Sciences 1995th

In 1995, Butovskaya became a senior research fellow at the Moscow Miklucho Maklai Institute of Ethology and Anthropology (IEA) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) .

Butovskaya has been teaching at the Social Anthropology Science Center of the Moscow Russian State Humanities University (RGGU) since 1997 (appointed professor in 2004 ). From 1998–2000 she was Vice Director of the Institute for Cultural Anthropology.

From 2002, Butovskaya headed the IEA's Center for Evolutionary Anthropology. In 2008 she became Head of the IEA Sector for Intercultural Psychology and Human Ethology.

In 2015, Butovskaya became a professor at the Chair of Ethology in the Faculty of History at MGU.

Butowskaja's main research interests are primatology , the ethology of humans and primates, evolutionary anthropology (including the evolutionary prerequisites of homosexuality ), gender anthropology, conflict research , culture , intercultural communication and the hunters and gatherers of East Africa . She examined the interculturality of beggars in Moscow, Prague and Budapest as well as the movement of urban pedestrians. Since 2006 she has been doing field research among the Hadza (hunters and gatherers), Datooga (cattle breeders) and other groups in Tanzania .

Butovskaya is a member of the Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia , the European Anthropological Association, the American Association of Physical Anthropologists , the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, the International Society for Research on Aggression, the International Society for Human Ethology, and the International Primatological Society. She is a member of the editorial boards of L'Anthropologie and Social Evolution & History . In 2019 she was elected a corresponding member of the RAN.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Butovskaya, Marina . In: Amit, Vered (Ed.): Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology . 2nd Edition. Routledge , London 2005, ISBN 0-203-64459-X , pp. 112-113 .
  2. a b c d RAN: Бутовская Марина Львовна (accessed February 28, 2020).
  3. a b c d e IEA: Бутовская Марина Львовна (accessed February 28, 2020).
  4. RGGU: Бутовская Марина Львовна (accessed February 28, 2020).
  5. a b c d MGU: Бутовская Марина Львовна (accessed February 28, 2020).
  6. Butovskaya M. L .: The Evolution of Human Behavior: The Relationship Between the Biological and the Social . In: Anthropology . tape 38 , no. 2 , 2000.
  7. Butovskaya M. L., Korotajew AW , Kazankov A. A .: Variabilité des relations sociales chez les primates humains et non humains: à la recherche d'un paradigme général . In: Primatology . tape 3 , 2000, pp. 319-363 .
  8. Butovskaya M. L., Guchinova E .: Men and Women in Contemporary Kalmykia : Traditional Gender Stereotypes and Reality . In: Inner Asia . No. 3 , 2001, p. 61-71 .
  9. Butovskaya M. L., Boyko E. Y., Selverova N. B., Ermakova I. V .: The hormonal basis of reconciliation in humans . In: J. Physiol. Anthropol. Appl. Human. Sci. tape 24 , no. 4 , 2005, p. 333–337 ( [1] [accessed February 28, 2020]).